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Everything posted by onthefly7

  1. I decided that the factors of scenery and such are not important compared to... GOOD FISHING! (beginner friendly)
  2. haha I was planning on moving but then I decided to stay in houston and I visit my dad in calgary every summer thanks for the input
  3. I am visiting Calgary for July, and would like to pack the most Canadian fun into those 30 days as possible. I am willing to drive however far it takes! (within reason) So where is the BEST place to camp for quality fishing?! Thanks! andy
  4. When do you think will it be over?
  5. This one got even better reviews http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  6. Is this the boat you are talking about Uber? http://www.google.com/products?pws=0&q...=1&ct=title You think it is pretty sturdy?
  7. No I was going to use it with 2 other people so a pontoon would not be ideal How do you guys get back to calgary after a float? 2 cars? someone picks you up?
  8. looks nice uber, how much did it cost?
  9. cool thanks! methods of getting back after the float will have to be considered now.
  10. Ya I was thinking like a sea eagle or whatever and getting out of the boat whenever I want to fish
  11. Would it be possible to use a cheap raft to float down the river to reach wade fishing areas that are not accessible by land?I would not fish from the raft because it would be too hard to stand up and I would probably pop it but could I use it as a cheap transport device? I cannot afford a full fledged drift boat or pontoon but I still want to reach more secluded areas and rubber/ synthetic rafts are pretty cheap...... Does anyone do this?
  12. why is it hard? chemical runoff?
  13. So buy waders for sanitary reasons?
  14. Is it possible/ practical to wetwade all of july? Or should I buy waders?
  15. Based on the current runoff trend this year, when will the fishing be at its peak this year?
  16. Ya I'd go for redfish if i were you. Its 100% sight casting, almost like hunting
  17. Get a tibor. You could get either a tibor light back country CL wide, an everglades, a riptide, or the new tibor spey depending on your preference. These are the best reels made imho and will last you multiple lifetimes
  18. I was curious if anybody had extensive experience trout fishing in the States as well as Alberta??? How do the famous trout rivers in the US such as the Bighorn, Madison, Green, San Juan, Sacramento, etc. compare with the Bow and other trout streams in Alberta? I know many of you would side with Alberta out of loyalty but I am looking for serious opinions from people who have fished all over. thanks
  19. I'll admit, when I heard sage was replacing the tcr I was pretty upset. I had heard that the new rod would be slightly slower and more friendly, and that made me mad because it seemed to me that sage has the z-axis to fill that niche and the tcr was not geared toward "fishing friendlyness" But I had the privilege of casting the new TCX yesterday, and I was extremely impressed. I was a huge fan of the TCR, but based on the short time I spent with their new offering I actually think I like it better. If it is possible, the rod even felt faster than the TCR, but it had a slightly softer tip and was so much lighter that it turned out to be much more pleasurable to cast. While I mourn the loss of the TCR, it is good to know it has been replaced by such a worthy rod.
  20. out of curiosity what model camera were the photos taken with? they are amazing
  21. My friend double hauled a bead head clouser into my bottom lip
  22. I'm doin that tomorrow LK2!!! yee
  23. the legend ultra and elite are extremely good for the money they even have a warranty on used rods. LEgends are some of the best value rods out there but I do not like the lower level rods as much.
  24. no I was saying I have not been able to catch bulls browns or rainbows so I have decided to try cutthroats
  25. After getting skunked twice at the bow and once at k lakes I have decided to fish for cutthroat because I heard it is easy. Where is a pretty and easy spot to catch these cutties and if you could give me some tips on flies and techniques etc....I have no idea BTW... I did conquer the bow today with my first trout ever... a 21" rainbow! I see why you guys love this river
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