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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Well I'm just gobsmacked. The vehicle I'm looking at is $10,000 cheaper in the U.S. - $31,000 vs $41,000 here in Canada. So....how does a person start the process of buying a vehicle down there - how do you find out what "extra" charges there are before driving 4+ hours to a dealership?
  2. looks like the end of the lease on my current vehicle couldn't come at a better time.....I'm gonna go do some snooping on the web and see how much Mazda Canada is gonna try and rip me off in a few months. And then tell them to shove it, hopefully.
  3. Hmmmmm....a 5 minute drive from where I live......if I don't catch any of those nice fishies I could always just sit in the pontoon boat and dream of owning a house backing onto the lake can't I?
  4. No doubt it does pretty up the concrete, but I think they look more like salmon than trout. That's some expensive fish!
  5. nope...I think CP is the only Orvis dealer in Calgary.
  6. Unreal. Mighty cool story.
  7. Mike is about the same height (maybe an inch taller) and same foot size. He's in a Large. I wouldn't go medium...I think they'd be too restrictive.
  8. I blame all my jokes on the construction worker I'm married to. Even working in the office hasn't tamed the "joke" factor.
  9. No....no...no...you got it backwards there LS. These babies were planned to be born either close to the end or at the end of fishing season. Minus 30 and nothing to do has nothing to do with it. Oh wait...you might be onto something All cute little babies guys...keep those pics coming!
  10. I'd like a toque too ya hoser.
  11. Awwww....a little butterball....that'd be nice Boys are always late......like much later in life they never wanna come outta there. Good luck Rusty......being overdue is nature's way of getting you ready for the sleepless nights ahead. Poor Melissa must be good and uncomfortable by now What cute babies everyone has!!! Even the furry and mechanical ones!
  12. The South Trail one Rick. NOT the one near Ogden
  13. Dammit Dave...that thing don't smell good and fall asleep on your chest. Next.
  14. LynnF

    For Birchy

    I KNEW I knew that store from somewhere. I know the Skook. Not as well as I'd like to though.
  15. ay carumba. The only thing I go fishing for in the winter is an olive out of the bottom of a martini glass.
  16. Jeezus...after reading the no-show guide thread (sorry...I've been facebooking too much the last week), I feel that we need a little love on this board. Sooooooo....Birchy, Pizzaman, RUSTY (anyone heard from Rusty? I think his son is due any day now isn't he???)....how's about some pics and updates about your new babies? People with older babies can post here too. Like me. I made this rule so I can put pics of my sweet little grandpumpkin on here for you all to ooooh and ahhhh over. And I know you will. So humour the estrogen today and let's have a baby update from everyone! My contribution to get things going. She's 4 months old tomorrow, goes by the name Aylah Lexie (I know...future stripper comes to mind...what were her parents thinking), and she's coming for another sleepover tomorrow night. Been many years since I did midnight feedings. Thank God they have bottles now
  17. If the digitizing is an issue - costly or otherwise - lemme know. I know a guy.
  18. Ya...even I laughed
  19. Yep...been there done that way too many times now. Such a rush when you see that backing start to unwind, but that quickly turns into panic when you realize (a) you're not gonna see the monolith of a fish and/or ( there's a real good chance that you're gonna be going shopping for a new flyline the next day. More than a few times I think I've foul hooked something as it's taken straight off upriver and absolutely nothing will slow it down. Too bad you didn't see it.....but that guy will keep ya going back for more
  20. That's awesome Rick....but the season is far from over yet! And don't quit your ramblings - you're really quite entertaining
  21. Not only resembled a fish, but played one too!
  22. that's some crazy stuff - I love reading about things like that - wicked!
  23. hahahaha....that's the anti-bad joke of the week. Very good!
  24. OK....this brings up an interesting question. Sorry for the threadjack here, but if you guys had to estimate, how much would you say your fly tying hobby is worth in supplies? I mean everything that is on your desk. I'd bet that Mike's stuff is worth more than the 46 inch flat screen hanging on our wall. And I ain't joking. How can a flock of feathers possibly be worth a hundred and change?????
  25. That's awesome Birchy...what a nice wife you have I second that....Mike loves this book. I don't know if it's coil bound...I could be wrong. But whatever it is, I guess it's the quintessential guide to fly tying. I wouldn't know....I couldn't tie a fly to save my life - can't even wrap a SJW. But I might be convinced to go to FFT's when Al starts running it again. Just for the beer of course.
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