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Everything posted by jusfloatin

  1. He is just going to give them to a bait chucker hoping to redeem them.
  2. Again Jayhad tip of the hat to you. If this chain was put up by condo management would it not be considered illegal, and with that said what if someone was to cut the post off at the ground that was closest to Blackfoot. I would imagine that one is on city property. I do not see the City wanting to charge someone for taking something down that is illegal to be there in the first place.
  3. First off my appoligy for hijacking this thread. bcube i totaly understand and agree with your post about proper edicate/consideration of others boaters. I am just in disagreement with your pooling of pontooners and drift boat owners. I have no disalusions that a pontooner was/have not been found at the launch pumping up a pontoon when a ADBOA or a considerate pontoon/boat owner as yourself show up. I just have never seen a pontooner not willing to move when this has happened.
  4. Excuse me Are you saying that pontooners are allowed to use the launch? I have always been giving the impression that all the launches and the river is owned and operated by the ***hat Drift Boat Owner Association. BCube have you ever tried to launch or take out from a bank at Glenmore ( wading thru concrete chuncks and a garbage ) or Policemans with there 7' 90 degree banks both sides of a launch. I have yet to incounter a pontooner that would not be willing to move over to allow anyone ready to launch or take out. I certainly cannot say the same about MOST driftboat owners.
  5. I do not see why it should be moved or criticized at all. The first 2 sentences/paragraph was/were a Fishing Related question.
  6. Class 2 and he is hanging on for dear life. There are no oars on the inflatable in that shot.
  7. I am somewhat disapointed he would not let us confuse him before getting profesional advice. There are people on the site that know everything.
  8. and your suggestion is?
  9. With anything there is always a plus and a minus and pontoons are no exception. Frameless - lighter, easy to set up, fits in any trunk, there are what they are ie: a 1 man pontoon can only be a 1 man pontoon Frame types- longer set ups, heavy, will fit in a trunk if you don't mind the lid being open, can be easily modified ie: side by side seating. bimini tops, bigger motors, front steering capabilities. The list goes on. I suggest go big and with a frame your ability to fish more bodies of water in comfort and safety will out way the minus's.
  10. Plan "B" Purchase a good Rod Travel case and put it with luggage. My only worry with mine is that it shows up.
  11. Thanks for staying on this Jahad. I can't understand why there is not a designated public put in and take out with parking on the Middle Bow. It would seem to me it would be easier to regulate who and what the river is being used for. I would also bet there would be less problems at the Harie Passage.
  12. My reason for painting lead anchors and adding a floating rope is if it has to left hopefully at some point of time the river will be low enough that someone/anyone can unstick it and keep it or come on to the forum and see if someone can claim it. Not to make it last longer as it will last long after us all just the way it is. I do not want to add to what has already been left/lost/accidently not secured what ever the reason might be. I bet there is at least a 1000lbs a year lost/left in the Bow. (works out to be 66 15lbs anchors)
  13. Can you post a picture?
  14. I picked up a bunch of these to make my own paramids, well I ended up needing one but no time to melt one down and pour one. So I decided to just drill a hole thru a 15lbs diving weight an add a 5" long 3/8" bolt then welded a 6" drag chain. "WOW" It worked just as good if not better than a paramid and has yet to get stuck. Just need to paint it Red add a bright colored rope that floats so if it does get stuck hopefuly it can be removed. Losing an anchor is not a good thing but what realy bothers me is I am leaving lead in a river.
  15. With the age and amount of kids you will be taking out I would suggest hitting some of the stocked ponds, they usaly have areas suited to want you are looking for. Maclean pond is a great spot with a store meters away. Safe for kids.
  16. Wheel setups can be very diffferent from pontoon to pontoon because of where and how the anchors system on them is set up. Who is the maker of your pontoon? Are you hoping to use the forks off the bike or make your own?
  17. Are you talking about the eletrical or the mounting? The good thing about the winch is if you stick the anchor good the winch will pull all up river till it either unhooks or pulls the boat under. I am not sure the Minn Kota would. But then if you ever had to cut line rope is a lot easier to cut when fishing then 3/16 cable.
  18. While floating to Mackinnon yesterday I hooked/snagged a 30' rope which turned out to be still attached to a badly stuck anchor. (Post has been made in the lost and found) Anyways after some fighting I landed that baby which made me think of how many lost/left are in there. My intension of the post is not to start a discussion of the evils of anchors but rather a way of limiting the amount of new ones being deposited. I have decided to paint all my anchors and there foot long drag chains a high vis. color with hopes that if I have to leave or I lose an anchor it will be found and removed. What color would be the best?
  19. I was heading south on Deerfoot this morning when I came up on a Blue Silverado towing a drift boat with the name Flyfishing Outfitters Association of Alberta. As I got a little closer I saw a BC license plate on the truck. I goggled but the web name is up for sale. Anyone have an idea?
  20. Nice graphs but before I take it as gospel can you tell me how many people were asked or where there were asked? Was this outside a Safeways on a saturday afternoon or out at a walkin stream half way up a mountain. Where this was asked and who was asked would make a big difference and would change the graph significantly.
  21. Quality in who's eye yours, mine or a small collection of those that only interest in catch and release. I am happy this works great in Manitoba and if we had as many water bodies as Manitoba I would be more receptive to this. But it isn't and I have no interest in seeing any more Alberta water bodies being changed to suit a small portion of people. This action would only force more to fish water bodies that are already highly used as it is.
  22. The way the weather has been, I am starting to wounder if the batteries will still be charged up by the time I get to use it. Does anyone know a Go Away Rain Dance?
  23. I'm sold I vote this topic be closed. Please vote Conservative.
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