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Everything posted by Gil

  1. Sounds like you have the bug. Now you get to spend vast amounts of time and money trying to master all the lesser skills, buying a ton of equipment and have your wife and kids pissed at you for not spending more time at home. Welcome aboard....Just kidding I love this sport like none other....
  2. I suspect the facts have little to with what people have constructed in thier minds as the traditions of the good old days...
  3. I enjoy fishing in rotten weather. Normally the fish don't mind and you have more of the river to yourself. Note: rapid changes in weather however can turn fish off.
  4. Issues of manners, common sense aside, if by a worm you mean a barbless SJW and not bait, I say have at it. By the way I don't consider an oversized motorboat respecting the enviroment. I just don't see why there is a need to imposs one preferences on fishing style on others. I see people do many things I wouldn't do, it doesn't mean they are wrong...
  5. I had a double hit one while floating with some clients last year. Two bows both small. I have to say a fair bit of narrow minded responses here. As long as people obey the regs and respect the fish /enviroment do whatever gives you the most pleasure...
  6. I tried playing with a stimulator and two emergers of different size on Sunday and gave up after a couple of tangles. I might given up too easily. I'll give your set up a shot.
  7. I'll try to make it however there is a chance I'll be out of town.
  8. Out early this morning for a few casts. The river was a bit cloudy with maybe 7 inch visability. Tomorow should be good. Planning to float Mac to Carseland.
  9. Thanks for clarifying...
  10. Normally I use 2 flies while nymphing. Not only is there a higher probability of a take, its a great way to compare effectiveness of whats working. One caution is that the bottom fly is generally more productive, so you need to take this into account. I do however fish only one nymph in the spring simply because with all the debris in the water I loose too many flies. There are a variety of ways to fish two flies. My favourite is to tie two surgean knots with 5 inch sections of tippets to tie flies into about 8 inches apart then leave a 5 inch section at the end with a knot in the very end to anchour your wieghts. The advantage of this is that the wieghts are more likely to snag than your fly and it puts your bottom fly in very close contact with the bottom. Hopper dropper is an extremely effective strategy that I use regularly. Is fishing three flies legal???
  11. Has anyone tried the boots that have the interchangable soles. Can't remember the name. Thinking of picking up a pair .
  12. I'm very happy with the Islander I got this Spring and yes I like the sound when I have a fish on. On the other hand I'm disappointed with my TFO. The drag control is very poor. No complaints with my Pflueger President...
  13. I was fishing hoppers yesterday without a ton of action, although it definely improved in the afternoon. My nymph dropper was where the majority of action was.
  14. Gil

    Awsome August!

    Nice pictures. Unfortunately I missed a chuck of August, however I have to say in general this is probably the best year of fishing I've had on the Bow.
  15. My biggest came this spring a 24-25 inch rainbow caught on a stone fly nymph. Took me to the backing twice. I also caught a 23 inch brown the next week.
  16. Although I may take a look I think I'll support the local boys. I perfer to deal with people that I consider my friends even if it cost me a couple of bucks...
  17. Agreed nothing like hoppers. I'll be putting in the 9 hour float tomorow and plan to hit them hard. I haven't fished for nearly three weeks. I can hardly wait. I think I've just started to salivate!
  18. When I first started fly fishing things were definitely pretty tough for several months. Luckly I had a friend who used to be a guide that helped me a great deal. Even so it was another year before I was into fish on a regular basis. The bottom line is that it takes time and effort to develop your skills. If you aren't into fish don't keep fishing in the same locations with the same approach. If you can afford it hire a guide for a couple of floats and pick their brain for tips....
  19. I use a vest in summer on floats where I switch between dry/streamer/nymph and want to have options. In the winter it's strictly nymphing, so I prefer to go light and carry only a small chest pack. By the way, I love Fish Ponds packs and vests. They are a bit pricey, but worth it in my opinion....
  20. One problem with these is if you happen to hang up you won't only loose your fly and weight but your indicator as well. Fishing with these on a river getting pretty expensive. Other other problem is they aren't very durable. At least the ones I have. They are great for lake fishing....
  21. I ran out of meduim gauge wire and thought I'd make my own by spinning fine gauge as you would in a dubbing loop. I liked the effect I got so I started playing and got some nice effects by using different colors of wire. I also spun in crystal flash. Note spinning in crystal flash is a bit challenging. This might be old news to some but I thought it was interesting....
  22. I wouldn't let the time of the day deter you too much. You can catch fish pretty much any time, although I agree water temp is an important consideration. I find that fishing the banks are a lot more productive in the morning and later on. When things heat up I tend to fish deeper water.
  23. I took two spills last Friday. Nothing to exciting but I got plenty wet. By the way i've done a fair bit of white water rafting. They instruct you to go with your feet point down stream to push off of rocks etc.
  24. Yes, although rare they are in the Bow, particularly around Carsland. I've heard of one being caught at fish creek in white water. A bit hard to believe....
  25. For me my favourite flies are the ones that I've come up with. The one I'm most proud of I call "my-winter-fly". I spent a lot of time trying color combos and size combos until I came up with something that works like a hot damn Nov. through March. I find it's alot more satifying than using commercial flies....
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