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Everything posted by jksnijders

  1. Just heard today that I was on a trip with the guy in Mexico a few years ago. Details didn't ring a bell initially, however. His wife worked with a girl I was dating at KBL/ IEG? (an environmental firm.) The trip was sort of a work-related thing. Chatted with them a few times, nice guy. Terrible deal.
  2. Nice.
  3. But of course.
  4. You get top $ for those hides after you hit 'em with the double ought?
  5. At first glance, I thought this thread was titled "Again with the Mormons."?
  6. Are you a landman, Sundancefisher?
  7. Yes, I've seen things from that side also, where an oil co. was blamed for deaths of cattle, etc. And I've raised them also. So I've heard some pretty outlandish stories, and it always seemed ironic that the most valuable animal in the herd is the one that died. We have several wells on one piece of land a ways from here and have never had a problem. Same place has the amount of wells it does because the oil co. can't seem to get along with the neighbor. So they come to us. Several wells have been drilled since. (And a pipeline started without discussion..) I realize the amount of hassle that a company must go through to line up a drilling program, etc, and that delays, especially when services are busy, can be quite costly. As for the European citizens, if they can afford to own "vacation property" in Canada, they can probably afford to tell an oil co. to get stuffed for the simple fact maybe they think a drilling rig or wellhead will make their little Canadian retreat a little less pristine. And probably don't give a damn about revenue or development here. The jobs lost, revenue lost thing I'd say has a bit more to do with the pricing of natural gas and the royalty scheme changes, but ironically enough, for the 4-5 years leading up to 2005 (I believe the peak year for wells drilled in Alberta) you simply couldn't get enough work done, wells drilled, completed, etc. And the cry was for "more iron, more people.." I know, because I was doing it. The glut in supply both here and in the south has done wonders for natural gas prices since. As well as the service industry and its employment levels. (But then again when has the word "sustainability" appeared in the lexicon of the oilpatch..) I agree everyone needs to get along, but there are difficulties on both sides. As for the Crown lease thing, having a Crown lease isn't like renting a DVD, it costs alot of money to have something you still technically do not own. I could throw some numbers out of prices we've paid for land, and to think that shouldn't come with some say as to what goes on there is kind of a slap in the face. But the land access issue is another story entirely, I've seen the topic come up and managed to avoid it so far.
  8. Finally outsmarted this thing..
  9. My family have been landowners in this area for a while, and have had to deal with oil/gas access and all the attendant nonsense. Surface lease payments 6-12 months late, facility/pipeline construction commenced without permission, (by one of the aforementioned Super operators..) There are no shortage of people who would just rather not deal with the hassle for the 2-3000 dollars a year compensation for surface access. (A pittance in the grand scheme of things, really.) We once had a seismic crew drive across every new border-dike in a 1/4 section flood irrigated field, after they were explicity told to stay inside them. Mistakes happen, granted, but it was a complete pain in the ass to irrigate for the rest of the summer. I've seen everything from spills to grass fires, gates left open, etc. etc. I've had to deal with irate landowners while working, courtesy of companies that couldn't organize a 2 car parade, waiting right until breakup to do workovers or completions, making a complete mess of right-of-ways, though wet-weather access was well discussed prior. County roads destroyed by rig moves or frac iron being moved in wet weather or near breakup are no big deal for the guys that only have to drive them twice, (and I've been both) but for someone that has to drive it every day probably looks at it a little differently. The Not In My Back Yard thing is interesting, I recall the battle Compton waged trying to drill some sour wells near Calgary a while back. That went over well. Not long after the Acclaim blowout at Enoch, I think.. My parents had one blow out about a mile from their house a few years ago. Sour, of course. I'm not arguing the fact that oil/gas development are pretty vital to the Alberta economy, or my livelihood. I've made my living both from farming and the oilpatch. I do however have a hard time swallowing the belief that companies put the public benefit before their own bottom line. Some are far better than others in the sense that they work extra hard to cultivate a nice public image, but again, I've seen that from both sides also.
  10. Yes, please explain further, in regards to the landowner comments..
  11. That's awesome... Something tells me I know of whom you are speaking.. ? I remember hearing somewhere that he caught some squirrels and transplanted them to his yard. And that they didn't really stick around too well.
  12. #1: "You really think they were ever fighting terrorism?" - why else would we be in Afghanistan, do some research. Its one of the poorest, least developed, resource scarce countries in the world. No oil, their only lucrative trade is poppies which no first world government is interested in. Why else would we be in there? Can you say "Pipeline"? "Stable" (term used loosely), puppet governments sure make those easier to install. #2: "terrorists do live in New York and they wear $5,000 suits" - Get your head checked. Do you honestly think the "martyrs", or the uneducated, unemployed that seem to be so much fodder for terrorist operations have the ability to finance and organize such operations themselves? The financing and organization have to come from somewhere.
  13. Yup. Just need an LSD..
  14. That road has been well travelled already.....
  15. Not gilling it.. There is a gap near the front of the lower jaw that provides a perfect place to put your finger to control their head. It goes into the mouth inside the lower jaw, nowhere near the teeth. No gill damage, and no shredded fingers.
  16. There's a movie about Van Zandt called "Be Here to Love Me", pretty interesting life he lived.
  17. Yup. Have it. It's awesome.
  18. Yup. Shock therapy and manic depression will do that to a guy I guess..
  19. Townes is awesome.
  20. Awesome.
  21. Quantitative easing sure has a nice ring to it..
  22. China/Saudi Arabia already do own the US..
  23. Sorry fellas... forgot I just entered some random date in there. But thanks though.
  24. I also remember you leaving your glasses on my dash..?
  25. The quote would maybe lead someone to think ?
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