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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Just keeping to the original intent of the thread, I get bitchier than normal when I'm off my meds
  2. YO MR. MODERATOR SIR, I don't this should be allowed, this after all is The Official 08/09 Shack Nasties Thread, cursed is anyone pretending to be nice on a shack nasty thread, frickin cheerful people
  3. This explains a lot of things including your proclivity for modifying other people accounts
  4. nothing beats introducing kids to hunting and fishing, I'll always remember my sons first deer better than I can remember my own
  5. better use estrus, these city boys don't understand
  6. wait a bit, you be able to buy one for about a dime on the dollar when GM goes bust shortly.
  7. That a promo picture from Cowboys during Stampede???
  8. no bruises but I walk around lookin' like a great dane tryin' to hump a toy poodle, does that count?
  9. Wouldn't know about cougars in Calgary because I'm too old but I useta know about the bucklebunnies and I was workin' so I can afford to go fishin' and if you wanna see some big old hiefers just go to Oklahoma (I won't say nothin' about East Texas 'cause Rickr will get all huffy again)
  10. Oh it works alright, tried it one time when I was in a bad horse wreak but there's enough human painkillers that make you wander around droolin' on your shirt without havin' to resort to horse meds.
  11. works but I've been outta the horse tradin' business for awhile
  12. na, i have enough trouble stayin' outta the fridge without the induced munchies, Robax and codeine seems to be doin' the trick
  13. noticed that part too. I think I successfully hijacked my own thread...back still hurts though
  14. what? ain't no big old heifers with big hair in east texas? huh, thought I see a couple in gilleys back in the day
  15. I refer to them as flyfishers because Lynn will smack me with a stick if I call her a flyfisherman.........Right Mike?
  16. I'm neither the yarder nor the yardee, I just wanted to give her a pedicure....... ungrateful old bitch....... ouch!
  17. yeah, reminds me sometimes Oklahoma or East Texas
  18. it's a she and I was too busy landin on my fat ass and avoidin the other 20 cows
  19. frickin wild cow stepped on my foot, turns and drops me on my ass, 3 days later my back goes into spasm, *hit it hurts
  20. well i kinda figgered ur nic had something to do with a coupla things
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