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Everything posted by Taco

  1. That what my friend was doing, quickly treatin' and taggin' a newborn before they hadta run to the banker in town. Said the ungrateful bitch left the cab of his new dually full of cowshit and afterbirth.
  2. Buddy of mine had a pissed off simmie cow inside his brand new supercab once, does that count? Both him and his wife had left the scene of the incident so's I don't think it counts as a cattle drive............. I remember as a kid comin' home from the old Calgary Stockyards with a shetland pony in the backseat of the Old Man's '55 Buick. He had thrown the back bench in the trunk and given me an old coffee can. It was my job to catch anything that fell outta the pony.
  3. Probably agree with you if I could buy a decent cup of coffee round there somewheres.
  4. Don't know about that, I'm sure there is still pieces of my left knee scattered down the High South Burn
  5. I'm gonna add... but when I rolling west on 519, cross that height of land about 15 mile east of Granum, a chinook building in the west and backlit mountains and foothills fill about 170 degrees of the horizon is when I realize why the hell I keep coming back to this country................dammit!!
  6. SouthWestern Alberta circa !967, failing that.. the hills of SW Sk. Why? because there ain't no damn people in it!
  7. Nice fish huh? What most people don't realize is the man has got the longest damn arms ya ever seen on a human, betcha he can tie his shoelaces without stoopin' over, I'm bettin' that tarpon is about 14" long.
  8. Ah *hit monger wisht you hadina posted that... now I got something else I wanna spend money on, that one fish musta came outta the water 6 ft...outfrigginrageous
  9. Two Irishmen were sitting at a pub having beer and watching the brothel across the street. They saw a Baptist minister walk into the brothel, and one of them said, "Aye, 'tis a shame to see a man of the cloth goin' bad." Then they saw a rabbi enter the brothel, and the other Irishman said, "Aye, 'tis a shame to see that the Jews are fallin' victim to temptation as well." Then they see a Catholic priest enter the brothel, and one of the Irishmen said, "What a terrible pity...one of the girls must be dyin'."
  10. Glad someone laughed Brian, was startin' to think these mooks 'round here had a bad case of the born again DTs
  11. general rule of thumb for troot in Ab- 2"/yr and 50% natural mortality
  12. Just keep them in the water tightline and they'll be alright, while they should be handled with respect, fish, specially native coldwater fish are a lot tougher than most give them credit for. Too bad the bullshit photo police got busy, that was a pig of a whitey.
  13. Ain't my thing Lynn, sorry 'bout that. Now jawin' @ a coupla friends over a campfire or strollin' to a fishin' hole is a completely different.
  14. I'm a fisherman Flytyer, I'm prone to slight exaggeration, that show is a face to face deal and thanks for the correction Pinky, I knew I could depend on you, so can we start callin' you Dad yet?
  15. but the facebook thang holds absolutely no interest for me, in reality, I'm about as social as a wolverine w/ingrown hairs between his rectum and scrotum
  16. A preacher was lecturing on the Bible one Sunday. He said to the congregation, "You know, the Bible has an answer for everything. The reason for that is that the people in the Bible have all, at one time or another, been in the same situations you have." "Even PMS?" a woman asked. "Yes, I assure you, PMS is in there. Tell you what, I'll look for it and tell you the passage next week." So everyone goes home, and the preacher looks for the passage and Sunday comes around. He gets in front of the congregation and begins his lecture. "People, I have found the passage in the Bible referring to PMS." "Really, Preacher ? Where?" the lady asked. "It's right here in this passage where it says, 'And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem'."
  17. Not the sonavabitch who did ours, 30 yrs experience my left testicle, make sure you get @ least 3 references and take the time to personally check them out
  18. simple.... go fishin', alone and with some friends
  19. Ya Calgary pussies need to man up Yo, how bout bustin' a few caps frontier style, pop da mofos from Black Diamond
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