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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Taco

    March 22 09

    No worries Steve......................................................SO!! how 'bouts that fugly snow??
  2. Taco

    March 22 09

    Note the smiley faces rev, need i add a j/k too??
  3. Taco

    March 22 09

    nice fiss fugly fisserman :D
  4. Taco

    Marryat Reels

    Yeah they do look sweet but I think I'm gonna stick to my islanders
  5. If you're traveling' to go fishin' may's well fish for natives Apache trout in the White Mountains Gila trout in the Gila Wilderness and Aldo Leopold Wilderness but I don't know if you can fish for them yet, they were totally protected while being re-established.
  6. Happy BurfDay Hoss! Click here if the movie does not play.
  7. Don't get me wrong, there are certain mailin' list I don't mind bein' on, a "local" fly shop is one but lately we've been goin' through a blizzard of unsolicited emails and especially phone calls. :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&:
  8. You guys been hangin' with 420FLYFISSIN?
  9. That oughta get your ass on someone's mailin' list
  10. damn Rev, I hate people with talent, nice work man
  11. Taco

    Marryat Reels

    The Baby a click/pawl?
  12. Yeah, horses don't take half your stuff when they FO I still say Weedy's growin' impatient for ice off
  13. LMAO..... Weedy must be all caught up on his flytyin' and gettin' twitchy waitin for iceoff.
  14. Spring has sprung The grass is ris' I wonder where'da frick da birdies is?
  15. and the OMR spring of the yr? can you say bulltrout.
  16. Hey thanks BBT, all this time I thought it was Tuco with that line
  17. Hay doode, if'n ur gonna be the grammer polise ur gonna ned a stinkin' badge hear ya go doode print'r of... no ned ta tank me
  18. I find this development deeply offensive in a visceral sorta way
  19. Proctologist to his Assistant "No No! I said ButtLight"
  20. snap the rod half over your knee @ the ferrule and put in a warranty claim, otherwise go w/CDone's method. probably the most guaranteed of all that's been posted so far
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