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Everything posted by Taco

  1. K doode I'll change it fo ya, Double D does it all the time anyway
  2. Did 3 seasons in my mis-spent youth pushin a pack string and/or dudes for Warner-Mackenzie Outfitting in BNP...was only asked the "How much does a mountain weigh?" question once by a middle aged individual and his "Professional" looking companion. She about peed herself when I gave the stock answer..."With or without the trees??" The guy totally missed it.
  3. Land of the Living Skys Thanks
  4. I'd say there was the better part of a quart of corn liquor in that boy
  5. DSLR with interchangeable lens? Might be tough to do for under $1000 by the time you're equipped. I'm considering an upscale one of these http://www.camera-warehouse.ca/product.asp...CFQbwYAodVy-k_Q the K10d but only because I own a bunch of Pentax compatible manual lenses
  6. Now I won't have to face that CF they call Deerfoot and Memorial. Spruce Meadows is a helluva easier to get to for us south country boys. Good to see the changes.
  7. Yup tis true and really not such bad guy for a retired Government spud scientist :lol:
  8. And another hardyharrharhar.............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Then again, it could be.. tying flies just drives me freaking nuts ?????????????????????? ah ta hellwidit gotta go
  9. Hardyharrharhar... I ain't bald I'm just taller'n my hairline....My Old Man told me yrs ago "don't worry about cultivating hair on yer head, it'll just grow wild on yer butt anyway" :lol:
  10. I was blissfully sneakin' along a little creek in the southern half of Porcupine Hills lookin' for the next likely spot to toss a soft hackle when I realized I'd stepped into something and big caliber too. Looked around and saw Very VERY fresh bear sign everywhere, ground all tore up from a grizzly diggin' for ground squirrels and me with no bear spray or anything because this creek's a good 10-15 miles from where them damn bears are known usually to hang out. Talked to the lease rider after and he said 1 or 2 grizzlies cross Highway 22 and spend part of the summer and fall in the Pockies and have for the past 3-4 yrs. Think I'm gonna start packin' bear spray and pull my head outta my anal orifice when fishin' nongrizzly country. PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE...... BE BEAR AWARE!!!!!!
  11. Ya got me there ..... I've watched about 4 complete movies in past 6 yrs.
  12. No scabee No fallee doode, that was just a clumsy assed stumble, I do it all da time .... Ya'll should read Pat McManus about the art of falling :D
  13. Still wanna know how bad the spill was because a fall ain't really a fall until you are left with visible scabs.. preferably facial
  14. So Double D, did ya do the helicopter..windmillin' all the way to the bottom or just yer basic face plant?
  15. Na, if myself woulda won, I'da demanded a redraw... If myself woulda won, I'da kept the dealybob :huh: To quote John Anderson; When I drink brown liquor, I get crazy quicker than a old red fox on the run :ph34r:
  16. Damn... and I gave myself two chances too Good goin' Lynn
  17. Got about 300 days in the Deluxe Breathables and they're still hangin' in there.. other than about a tube and a half of aquaseal applied in the crotch area Gawd I hate wet nuts... pretty good waders but my next set are gonna be G3s
  18. *hit Glenbow, in most places it's too late.. lets just manage and enhance what's there (ie. lower Bow) but in a few places we can halt and reverse the slide(ala.Qirck Ck). Westslopes and bulls are a helluva lot tougher than people give them credit for and can rebuild themselves if we just create some room. B)
  19. In reality, that's nothing more than an enforcement issue and a change of mindset ... a few $2500 fines for harvesting an endangered species would soon have people bonein' up on IDin' skills and pressure from the electorate would soon change mindset of those votewhores we call MLAs and MPs. What I do have a lot of problem with is an non-indigenous introduced species being held in the same esteem as species that have been here since the last Ice Age by the general fishing populace. Oh well, it's all cool
  20. Compete eradication is an unrealistic goal IMO but Qirck Ck has shown that control via harvesting can work to an extent...reduce the number of brookies in a system and the cutts and bulls will expand into the vacated niches. Remember, brookies taste good but two of them little dinks ain't much of a meal.
  21. Yup brookies are a helluva fish alright.. a hoot to catch, pretty to look at, and the 2nd best tasting freshwater gamefish after 'eyes IMO. MOF I tryin' to plan a arctic fly-in for brookies and char.. not quite sure if it can be done in a single trip.... it'll be my youngest son's grad present........... BUT here in the West.. brookies really can be considered nothing more than a aquatic version of english house sparrows or starlings.. they seem to have a hasty habit of completely takin' over their available habitat.... probably one of the major reasons why Westslope Cutthroat Trout currently occupies less than 1% of their historic range in the Bow River sub basin..... plus the little bastards like to crossbreed with the endangered bull trout In reality Alberta should have a 10-20 fish daily limit on brookies like Montana, Wyoming and Idaho... helps keep them damn water rats in check.... ala TU's Qirck Ck project. . . . . . . . . . . . Oh Yeah... don't get me started on RBTR.. they ain't a lot better in reality :)
  22. You got to be frickin' jokin'... Right??
  23. **sigh** Yer link freezesup firefox....y'all also need a painindaass smilie
  24. 'K........windy up there today and yer neighbor looks kinda suspicious....... watched it for about 5 minutes..... kinda like fishin chronies or watchin grass grow :wacko: give us 5 minutes warnin before you run around yer lawn nekkid :P
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