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Everything posted by Taco

  1. AND FISHIN' A PARABOLIC IS EASY? ;) Never really could get on to it and by the end of the day I wanted to see how well it would burn which woulda been a damn shame for a 25 hundred dollar rod :D
  2. So whats the deal? logs me out here and @ fishbc but not @ flyangler. firefox problem?
  3. NFS... http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=670
  4. *hit I know him.... that makes 3 in the past 10 days, one of them a 15 yr old kid
  5. *hit I know that Tim, just gettin tired of the Gormedia end of the known world slant on things.......on the homefront... my house has now has new low e windows, upgraded high efficiency major appliances, water heaters and furnace, a whole boatload of minifluorescents and my 3 old clunkers have become 2 slightly newer more fuel efficient clunkers.....................meanwhile industry continues to move toward the lowest cost provider... that at least never changes. Take Care
  6. I kinda expected that, this here dutchman ain't gonna argue with you.. I'll leave that for Schaupmeyer and his Posse
  7. Kinda interesting. Don't know about the rest of ya but I was taught and tried to teach to my kids; Change is inevitable and not something to fear Climate Change Controversy Dwarfs Environmental Progress Press Release 4.16.2007 According to New Report, There Is Cause to Be Optimistic This Earth Day San Francisco—A number of significant developments and milestones in environmental progress took place in 2006 but were largely drowned out by the media attention devoted to climate change, http://www.aconvenientfiction.com/
  8. Tell me about it Lone the need for better equipment that is.... I bought a TFO TiCr 6wt to replace a broken RPL and it's a nice rod, I like fishin it. BUT I got to try a 6wt TCR the other day........................Gawd I want one so bad I can taste it
  9. Yabut I can put on enough clothes to stay warm at -33...at +33 I have trouble gettin' enough clothes off.. startles the hell outta the neighbours ;)
  10. Dude likes to mess with my avatar too <_< I'm gettin tired of the same ol taco, I like Tuco better :P
  11. Oh Oh..... A Texican with coonass tendencies.. we're all in trouble now. :P :P All J/K my friend, all j/k..... a portion of my mis-spent youth was around Cajun and East Texas horsemen and/or cowboys.... pretty girls and damn good BBQ is what I remember .... beer was a little on the weak side though B)
  12. I got a million of them.. I got family that live in Texjas so I gotta be prepared Hear about the Texan and Albertan takin a leak offa bridge?? Texan says "Brrrr Damn thet waters cold" Albertan replies "Yeah I know but it's the rocks on the bottom that really bothers me"
  13. Y'all hear about the Texican who passed away whilst on biddness up to CalGary? His biddness associates soon figgered out the extra extra large coffin big enough ta fit his carcass and airfreight on all that deadweight would come to a fair chunk of change so they gave him an enema and mailed him home in a shoebox. :o
  14. Bullshit deal.. I hope they get what's comin' to them........................................................
  15. Y'all forgot Climax Sk, the perfect spot.. the G spot of the country, if you will 'Merkins are alright... they just shouldn't be allowed to congregate in more than groups of 3 when outside their home country :D Have a good 4th Neighbour...don't blow any fingers off with them M88s
  16. Suntoucher, 5wt rods..... maybe a bit more than you quoted but look @ the TFOs, seem to be decent rods for the price. I can't remember their price point, roughly $100 but Grey's by Hardy seemed to be a decent rod too. Wholesale carries them.
  17. Yeah you're right... it was kinda stupid.
  18. Dave's a weatherman... what can I say? And in keeping with the gist of this thread and my new title.... SO HOW COME.......when I drive over an hour to do some fishing, the wind blowing so frickin' hard it's damn near impossible to practice any sort of line control whatsoever and the consequential discovery that I had left my @*&%%@$$# spool of fastsink at home ????? The wind probably quit right after I got POed and left <_<
  19. That thang went to the north of us... haven't heard of reports of any damage........... and stop thinkin' about me...yer makin me nervous
  20. Tanks mang! -_- I'll do my best to live up to the honour bestowed upon me. :D
  21. Yeah Yeah, a pair of ninja comedians.... spent spinner my left testicle..I'll have you 2 dooodes know that while it may take me all night to do what I used to do all night, I'm as good once as I ever was! :P Dun my ass JHCOAC ...... 215 posts and yer a mayfly????? WTF's up widdat?
  22. I'm a Baetis Nymph? I'm much too frickin' old and impatient <_< .............. Id rather be Your Local Friendly Curmudgeon B)
  23. Looks like it's happening all over the West http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_6258795
  24. Hell, ya think that's bad.... what about fishin' with the dodger, you should see some of the smoes that show up as fishin' guests :D
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