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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Labrador Kamchatka Mongolia W/all 3 Sons
  2. Taco

    My July

    Caught my first ever 20" plus Southern Alberta cutt out of the bottom of that pool on a shitty dizzily BWO type day Sept/2000. Fair hike from the bottom to the top of the pool too unless you want to swim. Thanks Max
  3. Happy birfday d00de don't let anyone slip anything into yer timmy's A Newfoundland woman of a certain age, visited her physician to ask his help in reviving her husband's sex drive. "What about trying Viagra?" asks the doctor. "Oh, no, doctor, I couldn't do dat," she said. "He won't even take an aspirin. "Not a problem," replied the doctor. "Drop it into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went." It wasn't a week later that she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to the progress. The poor dear exclaimed, "Oh Jaysus Mary and Joseph, doctor, twas horrid. Just terrible!" "Really? What happened?" asked the doctor. "Well, I did like you said and slipped it into his coffee, lard. De effect was almost immediate. He jumped hisself straight up, with a twinkle in his eye, and with his pants a-bulging something fierce! With one swoop of his arm he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and then, Lard tunder and Jaysus, didn't he take me right then and there, making wild,mad passionate love to me on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you!" "Why so terrible?", asked the doctor. "Do you mean the sex was not good?" "No, no, no, Doctor. The sex was fine. Indeed, 'twas the best sex I had in 25 years. But, oh me son, I'll never be able to show me face in Tim Horton's ever again!"
  4. Well I got a last afternoon of fishing in, good one too, had to move the road block outta the way to get out of the Porkies, hope we a 3 day rain soon. Christ it's dry!
  5. Rabbi, I like your style, come to the wild Canadian west sometime and we'll fish together. Fishing and flyfishing have meant various different things to me through the years but nowadays it comes down to this; fishing is my only remaining connection to the land, when I hold a wild native fish in my hand I am reconnecting with that land. I'm gonna miss it when I can't wander these streams anymore.
  6. Good picks.. Steve Earl, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Corb, Jerry Jeff, Wayne the Train, Townes is cool, Metallica, Stevie Ray, Clapton ...oh hell what I should do is but a 30gig ipod and a fm transmitter but in reality my Sirus radio is pretty much welded to Outlaw.. too country for rockandroll too rockandroll for country :D
  7. I like sound of a nice aluminum better... that nice metallic TONK is sweeeett sound
  8. Smack a deer @ 300k and I'd say they'd have a little trouble sortin'...... little bit of deer, little bit of Dave, little bit of deer, little bit of Dave over about a Km stretch of 22
  9. Damn you Clive and your siggy gif...... I just smacked my puter screen to try and kill the "bug" :rolleyes:
  10. Bingo! Perch are a naturally occurring species in the Bow, there long before any of the "introduced" species and subject to all it's checks and balances. The regs state 15 in possession not 15 in the bush.
  11. Perch? If they're yellow perch, which I assume they are, they belong in the Bow River just as much as pike and walleye and are classed as game fish thus fall under the regulations. FFS Peace you get on my case about culling?
  12. Taco


    It is, you don't need a two handed rod to spey cast.
  13. It don't??? I got fishin' equipment I bought with those words....LMAO
  14. Interesting questions Rich and not contentious in the least IMO. I'll do my best to answer but it will be from my perspective of fishing southwestern Alberta flowing waters over the past 40 some yrs ... other people's mileage may vary. What were the regs before? Take all the fish you like? 10 trout, 15 pike, 10 'eyes, 30 perch, 100 whitefish. The smaller foothill and mountain streams were closed to fishing on alternative yrs. Example; Racehorse/closed, Dutch/open one yr, the next yr the opposite all up and down the ES. Fish were considered more of a food source than a recreational resource for most people IMO. You also have to remember the population of the Province was about a 1/3 of what it is now. What were the stocking programs like for streams? Both levels of Senior Government were actively stocking mostly non-native fish in flowing waters as late as 1989(?) How were the regs implemented? Phased approach? The regs are always in a state of flux or should be, as needs or knowledge changed so did the regs but at a governmental pace. Were there less fish caught?Yes and no. When a ck opened for the season fishing would be pretty good but the more popular areas would get fished out pretty quick. I remember as a kid, people I considered oldtimers telling me "Such and such will never get fished out...too damn hard to fish" and I quickly caught on; the tougher the access the better the fishin'. Another side note; when I used to mention to those same oldtimers that I'd had a good days fishin' up SoandSo, they'd usually seemed to answer "Yeah but you shoulda been here in the old days...that was fishin'!" Smaller fish caught? Yes, they never had a chance to get big if they got bonked was soon as they reached legal size. That said there is such a thing as carrying capacity. The NW branch of the OMR was closed to fishing for 10 yrs or more, opening again in 1964. My old scout master tells me that they used to parked at the campground, walk to the falls and fish back to campground using a 3 wet fly rig, damn near every swing was a double or triple header but no fish was over 10" long. Stream had too many fish for any of them to get any bigger. More land erosion/degradation/pollution/garbage on the streams because people were less conscious of their impacts? Same old round and round. People were definitely were less conscious of their impact but there was less of an impact because there was less people......make sense? I think it's worse now. Water quality improved? Yes but that can cut two ways; less pollution=less fertilizer for plant life= less bugs= smaller and fewer fish. And no, too many demands on a very limited resource. Insect life changes? see above More/less people on the waters? Way more people but I still can find places where it's just me and some bear tracks. Take Care
  15. Aversion training.... let the cougar bit any random Calgarian and it'll take weeks for him to get the taste outta his mouth and he'll never try again :P Works on coyotes for sheep B) Wadda want them to do?? Get rid of all the random wildlife? Unfortunately it's people and urban areas encroaching on the wildlife's territory not the other way around.
  16. There smartass Now the rest of the world will know we've "lost it" Your's Truly Taco HowMuchDoesCentralAirCostCauseI'mGettingBitchy Hansma
  17. You got an evil mind.......... ............. go back to whatever you were doing and I'll figure out how to edit that post
  18. Ouch! Been there, Done that! Don't want the flippin' T-shirt. Heal.
  19. so how come sh it becomes shite when you don't use the space bar half way through?? I kinda dislike Big Brother software
  20. Post edited, the PS comment was aimed @ the Admin
  21. Same sh it different day Weedy, Same sh it different day........... In all honesty I've gotten so sick of " The Sky is Falling" and "End of The Known World" scenarios that I'm down to doing what's good for my local environment and my bottom line and f*** the rest. <_< PS This AutoCensoring Software Program is f***ingbullshitboys whadda think we are?? effin' merkins??? Edited by Taco to clarify a point
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