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Everything posted by Taco

  1. That's the biggest reason I went with Pentax, all my old manual K mount lenses will still work.
  2. Concur with FT... watch where the warranty is valid, I ended up an Canadian Ebay Power Seller-Camera dealer out of Ontario just for the Canadian warranty, cost me an extra $60-$100.
  3. If my kid tried a jackass stunt like that I'd take the cable modem on a 3 week road trip....if he ever got access back at all. He got to likin' online World of Warcraft little too much to the determent of his schoolwork and his chores a few yrs back, took the modem on a 3 day roadtrip.... he's been pretty good about it since. Yeah I know ...I'm a prick.
  4. Thanks man, I see some places are blowin' the 8Xs out for about 260 right now, sounds like a good deal if they're any good
  5. BTW who carrying cloudveil in SA? I wanna have a look.
  6. It must be playoff season..........................I thought I heard a choking sound!! GO GREEN!!!!
  7. ROTFFLAFAO!!! Oh I tried that too but I had trouble finding a film processor who'd send my pictures back <_< By the time I did my uhh.... somewhat "freespirited" girlfriend had moved on................................................missed opportunities
  8. Yeah I've seen some positive writeups about ol' Bigma, I'll have a hard look at it when I get to that point, damn thing looks to need wheels though Thanks for the offer but I got enough Pentax compatible stuff left over from the "Iwannabeawildlifephotographer" stage of my personal growth to do me for now.
  9. Yeah and an upgraded kit lens for now, my old manual lenses are backward compatible to the K10D and will do for now or at least until I can relearn how to take a decent picture. The long lenses I was dreamin' about; http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_al...amp;navigator=7 or if they ever make one of these in a DA/K mount http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_al...amp;navigator=3
  10. Naa, I'll just switch to cheap beer and practice up on my puppy dog look.........that and a handful of petunias works most of the time :rolleyes:
  11. Click here if the movie does not play.
  12. And you guys think flyfishin' is expensive, you oughta try digital photography.. I just sold a bunch of huntin' stuff I don't use anymore and refired an old shelved hobby of mine, so far I'm about 1700 bucks into it and I just spent a 1/2 hr calculating what else I hafta sell and how sneaky I'd hafta be to get a $3600 long lens into the house Damn Woman got eyes in the back of her head. Might could be I effed up, I may hafta keep working another 20 yrs or so
  13. Weedy, I live about 45-50 min south of Spruce Meadows and the other day from my house to St Albert was just under 4 hrs and I wasn't pushin'.
  14. You know what is the most gratifying thing about "reality" TV?????? . . . . . . . .The red power button on the remote!!! -_-
  15. Maxwell you dun got right... **BigAssedGrin** stompin' yur ass around the high country.... I'm havin' flashbacks i r jealous..... tanks mang
  16. Yeah we know what the pink all about, admirable cause ...................... still funny :lol: Ponds must be icin' up around Admonchuck and Weedy's bored LMFAO
  17. Da white man cain't dance but he shore can sang... too cool! listen to him all the time on Outlaw "lookin' for a cadillac with tennessee plates" B)
  18. Yeah Ol' Tex likes them freaky coloured rods...must be all the estrogen in the lower Bow, the boy should quit wading wet . :blink:
  19. Interesting about the peak spawning times, I was talking to the guy was doing the redd count on the OMR a few yrs ago and he seemed to think that the OM browns spawned about 10 days- 2 weeks later than the Bow River fish. Could be part of the reason why the browns are having trouble getting established on the OM. Difference between hatchery reared and wild maybe? May have to do what they did on the Red Deer but I'm not sure the few remaining bull trout below the dam need the competition for nesting sites. BTW Paul, ACA still doing a redd count on the OM? Haven't heard lately.
  20. I don't know about that....You and "Tater Salad" maybe but I've seen one or two if they threaten to take their clothes off you'd hafta pay me alotta money to stay in the same county...... **stifle gag reflex**
  21. White tips is a rainbow trait....... pretty fish btw
  22. Cutthroat... faded or nonexistent throat slashes are fairly common in bigger fish in certain southern drainages. While heavily spotted it has typical colouration for a cutt. Also no white tips on the pectoral fins which is common in crossbreds but you wanna know for sure reach in with your little finger and feel for basal teeth... the mongrels won't have them.
  23. Nana Mouskouri and that frickin' pan flute guy.... I don't what it is about those two but all my wives, past and present went all gaga "Ohh! Isn't that beautiful and so soothing !!" Reminded me of the World's longest elevator ride ZZzzzzzz
  24. *hit boys, say what you want about country music but only country could give you a outstanding song like this :P
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