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Everything posted by Taco

  1. http://books.google.ca/books?id=h6WiRzrBHt...4&ct=result
  2. Don't know Rick but them hurricanes seem to have it in for people who talk funny Hope things turn out alright
  3. greased line emergers and/or go small with ur flies and tippet and make sure ur flies are presented first---- those fish are gunshy, they've seen a lot of 9' sticks wavin' in the air this summer.
  4. http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca/
  5. As of this yr Hardy has moved it's production on most lines to Asia, if you're wanting English built Hardy reels you're pretty much stuck with the used secondary markets.
  6. I'da voted in ur poll but you didn't give me the option of voting "None of my damn business how BC manages their resource there's enough problems in my home province to concern me."
  7. Each to his own, Rottweilers and pitbulls kill and maim people too but I'd no more leave town because I saw a couple loose dogs runnin' around. I've spent my workin' life around animals that can kill me in a moment of inattention or carelessness but I feel no need to leave the valley. Pay attention and read the signs, make the necessary adjustments and continue on. Course thats just me...... B)
  8. So ya'll quit fishin' and leave the valley when ya spot a bear???? Cool, never thought of that....
  9. Taco

    Lots O Pics

    Re: top pic So that's where I left that summbitch Looks like ya had a decent summer there BCboy. Back to school?
  10. Interested dependent upon cost and duration
  11. wait for it to load, worth the time http://www.catchmagazine.net/
  12. Because TFOs are prone to shatter @ inopportune times? I got 2 10 yr old Sage RPLs that I fished and abused the hell outta, the only warranty issues have been worn guide replacement and 1 TiCr X that's needed 2 sections replaced in 2 yrs and 8 total uses. I intensely dislike drivin' my ass to town to buy another $25 rod section that never shoulda failed in the first place. I'll never buy another one.
  13. christ how long ur leg, 36"? helluva fish man
  14. Hair? piffft hair, hair is vastly over rated man, it just grows wild on ur ass anyways stellar august hoss but after labour day the gorbs go home and the blue wings start to play..it's a good thang
  15. eyes goin' too Clive? It was almost surreal Clive, cast and have two, three, five fish pounce on each fly, little buggers really got the feed bag tied on right now.
  16. km 24 on the NW branch and I cheated Brian, I used a 2 fly rig
  17. How far you wanna drive? Hour away, Cataract on the trunk rd has ton of eager brookies, another hour away the NW branch of the Oldman above the falls has a metric tonne of easy to catch small cutts.
  18. Pictures? Don' need no stinkin' pictures, I was too frackin' busy unhookin' fiss. Went to a stretch'o stream that Mitchell describes in detail in troot hiway as havin' beau coups fiss, usin' only big bushy sz12's 'n 14's, carryin' one of them counter thingamabobs and countin' every fiss that was on longer than a 3 count... 157 fish in 8 and 1/2 hrs and when she was done it was only a 15 minute walk back to the truck. Highlight of the day... came up to a hole where a guy was packin' up a random camp, he comes over and tells me there's only little dinks in there and so's I proceed to stick a hook in 4 fish over the legal limit, one dang close to 14".... he looked kinda pissed off when I left. Why I do it? Because I could and it's been awhile and it was all good And Terry, you know it's gettin' bad when you have nap before retirin' for the evenin'
  19. Musta stuck a hook in 30 lbs of fish today just because I could, it was all good but I'm tired now and need a nap
  20. Yeah I know...I like totally hate old people with talent and time
  21. http://www.ickyflyworks.ca/catalog/index.php
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