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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. Bill Dance? Lord, he's been around forever. Ex-pro bass fisherman, I bet he's been on for 20 yrs now? May not be the type of fishing you guys do up here, but the old boy knows his stuff. I wiki'd him and he "consults" on the building of lakes. I like the way he barely reacts when the hook drives into his finger, like a #2 treb with barbs. Ouch! I scream like a pig when I get a #20 nymph in my finger (with a trout trying to go the other way)
  2. No, "hirsute Texan" would be an oxymoron. Good Looking Texan is redundant.
  3. Wow. A Deming reference on a Fly Fishing website. Awesome. There was a line on this thread about Chinese stuff and landfills. 60 Minutes did a piece last week on how the US (and I'm sure MANY other places) is shipping it's trash electronics to China to be "recycled". Horrifying stuff. Peasants heating electronic boards to recover metal, and breathing in the PVC (Polyvinylchloride?) and bromides from the boards. Lead poisoning from the lead in CRTs. A true environmental disaster. Said it was the most polluted place on earth, and run by organized crime because the entire practice in highly illegal.
  4. One week update: My stache is trash. I'm not kidding. Whoever decided that I would be bald, grey haired and unable go grow hair with ANY color above my lip at 48 needs a stern talking to. Here it is, one week in: My daughter is lobbying to dye it blond (actually Pink, but I shot that down. I have some pride) Better, but I don't think I can get it that long in a month. So, here is what I am going to do. Between this forum and my email list, I'm going to give my friends the chance to make the pick. I will dye it any color at the end of the month. My only rule is it has to be a natural hue. I have to be able to buy the color for a MEN'S dye. No blues, pinks, or any froofroo color. Most votes win. While you are at it, you can go to my website and donate a bit if you wish. No amount to small! Help me lead my group in money raised. I know Fly Fishermen can out donate a bunch of oil field and banking trash. In all seriousness, this forum (with several notable, beautiful and welcome exceptions) consists mainly of men, many of which at or approaching an age where Prostrate Cancer is a serious risk. This is a great cause! My Donation Site
  5. Sarah is on Larry King right now. Man, she is getting more exposure than Obama!
  6. That was a rant? Seemed a little polite to me!
  7. Yes. And away we go!!
  8. So one week post election. How many times any of you seen McCain? How about Palin? Seems she is on TV almost every day already rehabing her image. Smart money says she is a US Senator within the next several months once Ted Stevens wins his seat, is kicked out of the senate after being convicted of failing to disclose gifts he received, a new election is completed and Ms. Palin is the next Junior Senator from Alaska. How long before she is serving on one of the more important committees you think? Nice thing she is attractive as you are going to be seeing LOTS of her in the next few years. Think a much better looking Newt Gingrich.
  9. I was standing in line at Starbuck's in the Westin this morning. Looked at the guy in front of me and thought: "Man, that guy looks just like Curtis Joseph." Then I realized the Leafs are in town, and I was at the Westin which pretty much made that guy Curtis Joseph. Don't know who he was with, but they were both just under 6' tall and looked like they could take you apart pretty easily. Pretty cool. That kind of stuff never happens in Houston.
  10. Pythagoras, You seem like a intelligent, critical and free-thinking person. I can only assume you are educated as well.
  11. Damn, no taser for me. I fail on almost every count. And I'm sad to learn that the possibility exists that I'm educated, but not intelligent. Crap. Benin? Cheated and found it on google.
  12. I actually don't think that many people post locations, other than vague references like "Policeman's" or "SDP", or "Fish Creek". Usually people will just say "The Bow" and give type of water and flies they used. Other than that, the reference to locations are few and far between. When they do happen, the person tends to be pretty new because the amount of *hit that rains down on him, either via PM or on the thread, discourages him from doing it again. Bigtoad, did you get out? If so, how did you do?
  13. As I've said before, I can't afford to pick up one of those two handed rods. Like an alcoholic, one "drink" and I'd be doomed.
  14. People tend to listen to anecdotal evidence that supports their views and disount evidence, anecdotal or not, that does not support. I would say the same thing about your choice of magazines. If the magazine does not support your position it is "biased". If it does support, then it's fair and reasoned. I could say the same thing about critical thinking, or "educated" in general. Amazing how often the people we consider to be critical thinkers or eductated have views that align with our own. I would say the correlation approaches 100%. Not critiquing your views actually. I think we all need to educate ourselves, though I would say finding an unbiased opinion today is damn near impossible. And I also don't think the majority is always, or maybe even often, correct. But just because the views are different than your own does not mean the people espousing those views are uneducted or non-critical thinkers.
  15. I don't know Lynn, I think #5 takes care of any possible lack of, um, equipment.
  16. Out of curiosity, with Tiana back around do you think there will be less talk of cutting off of penises, or more? My bet is more.
  17. As the uniformed ass in question... It was a joke, sent to me by a canadian as a joke. And while I have never stepped foot on a Canadian vessel, I have gotten drunk with some Canadian sailors in Hawaii. Seemed like good guys with good gear, but this was in the mid 80s.
  18. Though I don't believe she is suited to be a VP or P either, you can bet she is on the short list of candidates to run out next cycle. She was completely chosen for political purposes-but I would consider the possibility that the political purpose had nothing to do with this election. This election was lost before it started, and I believe the RNC knew it. This would explain McCain as nominee as he has no chance of running again, and rolling out Palin to get her on the stage as a setup for next cycle. May be too much of a conspiracy theory, but seems plausible.
  19. Hey weedy, I still know some people in the submarine service. I can probably get one to "escort" your fine vessel if you wish. All they would ask for would be a bit of shore leave, or in this case ship leave, from time to time. I can almost guarantee deck 5 won't see much action however. If asked nicely, I'm sure they would leave Mrs. Woods alone. I assure you they can keep away unwanted elements, like crackheads and pirates.
  20. Interesting read. I gotta somewhat agree with OO on this (first time for everything). I have no way of knowing whether or not Sarah Palin is intelligent. She was put in a position she was woefully ill-prepared for. Not because she is or is not stupid, but because she did not have a grasp on the issues, either domestic or foreign. Why would she? Her job did not demand it. So when she was asked questions on the issues, just how was she supposed to sound. I do know that she will be around for the next election cycle. Who doesn't think she'll have a much better grasp of the issues then? I actually don't doubt her intelligence. Odds are she didn't get to where she is by being stupid? I don't agree with her policies (and I am willing to admit I only know her position by what I've heard and read), as I think she is too conservative for me.
  21. Couldn't have been OO then. He wouldn't be near as grumpy
  22. No prob flyon! No age or hair requirements are in place.
  23. Thanks Pipes! And Darren as well (sorry if you didn't want to advertise, but good deeds need recognition). Pipes, I have 3 good friends who have been through the surgery. All 3 are doing great and have been cancer free since. If they catch it early, the prognosis is really good. Those of you over 50-GET CHECKED. If you have family history, then over 40 you need to get checked. Yearly. It sucks, but what the hell, better than a colonoscopy! By the way, I am 155th in Canada in the rankings and moving up the leaderboard through some very generous friends (including Pipes and Pacreseltoro). I've also sent this to a bunch of heartless oilfield types. They are really stepping up as well. This is becoming very gratifying.
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