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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. Lawrence, You are KILLING me! Wat to go brutha! Schools can get up to an acre in size. Look for the big mud trail! Ask you guide if topwater poppers will work.if so, you aint seen nuthin yet! Brent, can't get seasick inshore. Wave frequency too high. Its the big deep rollers that kill ya!
  2. Guys, I was driving past the river near Policeman's yesterday afternoon around 4:30 and there were a bunch of seagulls sitting on the water in the middle of the river eating bugs. Also there were hundreds of little birds (I think that is the official name for them) picking up bugs as well. This was over several hundred yards (meters for you canadians) of river. Will seagulls eat something as small as a midge or do you think it was something else?
  3. If that's what you kids are calling it these days. And I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight.
  4. Hell of a couple of fish. Congrats. Seasick ain't no fun is it? I won't go very far offshore unless it it pretty calm. What's with the rug burns on the knees?
  5. An oldie but a goodie. A lawyer is greeted at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter with much pomp and circumstance. He tells the lawyer how happy Heaven is to have him and shows him to his new palace complete with gardeners, maids, manicured grounds, all the trappings of a fine estate. The lawyer is stunned and very thankful and settles quickly into his new glorious life. A parish priest hears of this. He sees St. Pete and heads toward him. St. Pete thinks "oh oh, he's heard about the lawyer" and heads the other way. But the parish priest corners St. Pete and says: "I was a priest for 50 yrs. I served fully and faithfully all those years and brought many new people into the church. Here in heaven, I share a house with 39 other priests, 6 bishops, 4 cardinals and a pope. But a lawyer gets a palace. Please explain yourself." St. Pete says: My fine and faithful brother. We have many priests, bishops, cardinals and priests here in heaven. We only have one lawyer."
  6. Al, You guys have clocks there in Scotland? What is it, like 3 am?
  7. Hawg, Wasn't trying to start anything either. It was written in good humor. If I caught one that big I'd want a tape measure too!!
  8. I measure big ones against my rod, or on my net. When they hit the first junction on my 4 pc. 9 ft, I way WhooHooo! Its happened twice. But really, what difference does it make? I know if I think it's 24, it may only be 22. It may be 25 (but more likely 22!). But so what? Keeps me coming back and nobody believes anybody anyway, picture or no picture. For anything other than the true pigs, I tend to remember the fish that fight hard far more than what I think its length may be.
  9. Thanks guys! Very informative thread. I will probably get some DT to use in small streams, and maybe for the Bow if I can still cram some backing on it. I think the fact that I can't cast all that far yet (limiting the advantage of WF in my case) combined with the fact I'm rough on my line (so would love to be able to reverse) and could use all the roll casting help I can get makes this line attractive.
  10. Have fun Brett! Looking forward to reading about it.
  11. Polegirl, Let's go with Super Premium. That way we maximize refining margins. I don't work for an oil company, but I may have a stock or two..... Just guessing here, but I would be willing to bet that you would find a correlation here between age and their opinions of indirect marketing on a website. Those younger than myself (significantly younger) who grew up in a wired age are used to being marketed to all the time. And as polegirl said use it as "a source to assist my own judgment fully grounded in the real world." Nice quote by the way. Those of my generation want to know when we are being marketed to because I don't think we expect it to come from all the sources it comes from today. That and we tend to think there may be something sneaky about doing it on a forum. Anyway, I know there will be exceptions. Just a general observation that could be totally FOS.
  12. Warning/Warning/Warning I am not in any way attempting to restart the global warming debate!!!!! Hydros statement just brought something to mind. I was listening to the CBC today and heard the term "Confirmation bias." It essentially means we tend to listen to things that confirm our beliefs while quickly rejecting or even ignoring anything that runs counter to those beliefs. I know I certainly fall into that trap from time to time (to time to time............)
  13. So how do we define "indirect"? Let's say I'm friends with the owner of fly shop X. I recommend stuff they carry because I like the owner and I trust and have used what he sells. I wouldn't recommend it otherwise. Is that an indirect commercial relationship? If so, then when I recommend something they carry do I have to say "this recommendation was made to you by a friend of Fly Shop X?" I'm not trying to be sarcastic here. I understand what people are saying here, but there would be some mighty big grey areas.
  14. Put these together and we've saved what, 6-8 hunny?
  15. Weedy, I think I know what you are talking about. I can usually (or maybe always?) spot when I'm being marketed to. I've done a bit of it myself. And I personally will try to direct members to shops I trust and particularly to ones where I know the owners, and will recommend gear I know they carry, but never if I don't have experience with that equipment. There are also shop owners and employees that recommend their products here, guides recommending their services, members running clinics, etc. I don't have any issue with it at all. It is all pretty above board as far as I know, and frankly I have significant comfort buying from someone on the board because I can almost guarantee I'll get good service. They cannot afford to be prominent on the website and give poor service. They would not survive the backlash. There is no chance that a forum of this size will not attract people trying to sell things. But the forum itself will act as a sort of policing agency. Or so I hope.
  16. A buddy of mine has a house on one of the neighborhood lakes. I went today at 4:30, -11, 25+ winds. Caught a feisty, fat 14"er off his pier on the first cast on a Glenbow (hey, where are you anyway?) chironomid. Sure can roll cast far with that much wind at your back. It was only fun for a few minutes. Then it was cold. Then it was miserable. I changed leeches after the first 15 minutes. When I pinched the barb, I broke off the point. I thought "screw it" and decided I would use it anyway just to see if they would hit it because I wasn't sure I really wanted to tie any more knots! Fished for another 15 minutes, remembered I had a brain, and left!
  17. Ok. Any time a question is asked "what rod should I use for the Bow" it is mostly a split between a 5 or a 6 in recommendations. I got a 5 wt and have WF line on it. But I do fish with nymphs, sjw's and "bobber" quite a bit. So I lobbing big weight quite often. But I also use the rod in smaller rivers and creeks. And then I obviously am casting much smaller and lighter stuff. Would it make sense to get a DT line on a different spool? I wouldn't imagine space is an issue, because how often are you going to see your backing on the Livingstone? Never? I'm also a bit confused on some of the explanations. Seems like some are saying the DT and WF are very similar over the first 30-40 ft. If so, and if most delicate presentations are made over this distance, what is the advantage of DT in presentation? I guess I understand if you get to the running line that the weight difference between the WF and running line would make it difficult to present delicately, but wouldn't that problem be near the running line end of the taper, and not at the leader end of the line?
  18. Hey Don, Can you explain that statement? Thanks!
  19. You call that a big brown? I think I shall call her Nicole Richie, pre or post pregnancy. And to think I thought you had caught my fish. Not even close Nice fish buddy!
  20. Picked up a really nice shirt from them at the TUC Garage Sale today. A fantastic fly shop.
  21. Welcome BoerSeun, I agree with the Hanson's thing. For the $200 you get the gear. I still use my son's rod he got from Hanson's from time to time, and he is still using the reel. If you don't want the entry level gear, you can get $200 in in store credit instead. So basically you get 6 hrs of instruction and fishing on the Bow and a rod and reel for $200. Can't beat it. After that, I would seriously look into the clinics Max and Toolman give. Take a look at the Sponsors tab and dates and costs are covered. Do those two things and your learning curve will substantially be shortened. You'll be catching rainbows on the Bow by May!
  22. I don't think "brave" is really the word you are looking for.
  23. Studying while catching fish in the wind at BH. Bet that was something to see. A new definition of multi-tasking. My best fishing trip ever was one foggy morning in Texas the morning before a 2 PM exam. Priorities my young apprentice, priorities.
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