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jayanderson last won the day on November 3 2021

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  1. I use a Lucky Strike net with a retractable handle that I've extended then filled the handle with spray foam and wrapped the frame with foam pipe insulation so it floats. Its cheap and candle handle large fish with ease. The rubber mesh also seems to aid with removing hooks and often pop out with minimal handling if the fish. I run a 14" Koffler Rocky Mountain Trout so room isn't an issue. I have a long handle $300 fish pond but that is now reserved for steep grassy banks on Stauffer and Raven.
  2. Simms flyweight are an awesome all around boot! I wear them with neoprene socks for wet wading and with my waders, so much that I very rarely ever put on my G3s. If it's very cold and/or fast current I'll put on G3s for safety. The Flyweight are like a comfortable hiking boot, well worth the money and have stood up to a fair amount of wear and tear.
  3. Look into driving to Southend on Reindeer Lake and charter a flight out of there.
  4. From what I've heard through many a conversation with a lot of fisherman over the years, just go to Saskatchewan! Piles of DIY options as there is 1000x more lakes, both fly in and drive in. Just look Slims cabins out of Sandy Bay.
  5. This topic has been discussed and debated in-depth on this platform. Yes the waterway itself is public access, nothing above the high water mark which is where "the grass meets the mud" mark. Basically you have to stay in the water and proper etiquette says get permission.
  6. I haven't fished the Bow in a couple years now because of it condition. I'm largely in favour of massive regulation change such as seasonal closures, single barbless, etc. Would be highly in favour of a conservation stamp/endorsement/fee increase for the Bow to fund the fishery. All that being stated I'm very sceptical that regulation change is going to have the impact we desire and the things you and the AEP state "aren't a problem" are actually much bigger problems than realized. Whirling disease has been a major problem in every single watershed it's entered into, not the Bow?
  7. You aren't the only one I've heard/seen commenting on the quality of hatches and the state of aquatic ecosystems on the Bow. Without an abundance of food/insect life it will be impossible for a river to reach a high carrying capacity for a large number of trout.
  8. The issues with the Highwood should be included, at the top of the list, for any management plans for the Bow as far as I'm concerned.
  9. How come stocking the Bow never seems to be raised as a solution if not the only solution to the declining sport fishery in the Bow river. It's time the Bow get treated for what it is, a polluted tailwater full of non-native fish infected with WD. An on-river hatchery using "wild" genetics taken directly from the river could easily be implemented and should be the number one demand of the angling community that uses the Bow. Fund it using a conservation stamp/endorsement, Surcharge guided days and solicit corporate donations. When one reads the ACA article it's really quite clear that reducing angling pressure will most likely do very little to increase fish population and the decline will continue until nothing remains as the other 4 factors of the "Big 5" aren't changing anytime soon.
  10. The attempts at limiting angling pressure on the Bow will prove fruitless in actually impact on the fishery, this includes guiding. For a river that runs through a metropolis of over a million people it receives light to moderate fishing pressure but its actually the metropolis itself that's the problem. The Bow is suffering a "death by a thousand cuts" scenario caused by human encroachment in the Bow valley and surrounding watersheds. It's time face the fact the Bow is a tailwater, full of non native fish, infected with WD that will be in a constant state of decline unless it becomes a stocked water. I know many don't want to hear this but it's really the only solution, a trial enhancement project has to be implemented and soon.
  11. I'm looking for a business that would custom make a set of snap in carpets for my Koffler Rocky Mountain Trout drift boat. Looking to protect fly lines from being stepped on, quite things down, etc.
  12. Floods, rampant poaching and an ever growing population of walleye and pike have made the brown trout's life quite difficult in the Red Deer river. I've only fished it since 2011 when I moved to Red Deer but with each passing year their numbers seem to decrease a bit. I've spoken with quite a few members of the local fly fishing community and it seems water quality and hatch numbers aren't what they once were as well.
  13. A CW system isn't about limiting angling pressure, it's more about revenue generation. Why give away a resource which other jurisdictions charge heavily for? BTW this whole whirling disease debacle is going to need $$$, big time
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