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Official Entries Potm- Photo Of The Month August 2009

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This is the place to enter your photos.

Don't forget:

You retain all rights to your photos, but by submitting, they are agreeing to let us use it on the website.

Submissions are open to all FFC members in good standing.

Submit a short write up about your image, eg; what you like about it, how it may inspire you …..that sort of thing 50-100 words (required for use in a monthly article for the site)

Do not disclose locations for lesser known or sensitive waters.


Deadline: August 31


Winners will be announced first week of September.


Good luck!

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This is a picture of one of my most favorite places in the world the Canadian rockies. It's taken about mid mountain of Pharos peak. I'm ascending up a very steep chute that requires short free climbs of 2 to 10 feet ledge to ledge. The pitch is such that if you fell gravity will win every time; However this is the only way up to get the perfect shot of my playground. I have been to the top of the other three you see in the picture they all hold their own special views but this one looks down upon a fisherman's dream and so i think that is what i'll call this picture a fisherman's dream.... by Jared.


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This is not a fly fishing picture. This is a trip my son and I took early one morning while we were in Texas a few weeks ago. We had about 1.5 hrs to fish and knew we were going to fish deep, so fly fishing was not an option. We fished with lures for a bit, then switched to bait (in the heat of the summer, these fish can be hard to "fool").


This is one of my favorite fishing pictures ever for several reasons. It was a lucky shot. The flash of yellow in the trouts mouth (one of the nicknames of this fish is a "yellow mouth"). The reflections of both the fish and Ben in the water. The pier and levee in the background. The chest deep water. The smile on my son's face which reminds me that the method we choose to catch fish is not nearly as important as we tend to make it as all methods can be a blast. And maybe most importantly it is water my father and I fished together many, many times. I have no pictures of any of those trips. This picture will always remind me as much of my trips with my dad as this trip with my son. It makes me smile every time I see it.



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Grabbed this one a couple weeks ago, not fishing related although I was on my way to go fishing. Photo was taken just west of Sundre. It's a Great Gray Owl, he sat on the fence post for a little while and then just casually swooped into the grass at his feet and came up with a decent sized meal. It was just one of those lucky moments where I had my camera and managed a decent shot. It's the first Gray Owl I've seen in this province, but a friendly reminder that when you least expect it, nature surprises you.


As it's not exactly a "fishing" photo feel free to delete this post if it violates the rules of the photo of the month contest.



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This is a picture of a Bull Trout fruinincalgary caught last weekend on the upper Oldman. The weather was great, and it was my first time in the area. Craig said that the water was a fair bit higher than the last time he was there, so the fishing was kinda tough. I didn't have much luck that day, but Craid did very well, particularly with this Bully.


I just loved the colours on it.



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This is a pic that a buddy took of me on a canoe trip last year. We stopped to set up camp the first night and I noticed a couple of rises just off the the edge of a drop off. I grabbed the rod real quick and made a few casts. Its a great reminder of somewhere to go to get away from a cell phone!


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A couple of years ago I made it a life goal of mine to catch and photograph, in their native waters, all of the different sub-species and strains of trout and salmon. This year I headed to Wyoming to add a couple more to my list. This picture is of a small Snake River Fine-spotted Cutthroat, caught in a tributary of the Snake, the Hoback River. It's only about 9", but its a great specimen of species, showing the fine pepper spotting, bright pink fins and ghostly pink parr markings.


Of course, I'll never complete my goal. Not even close. But that's half the point. It'll give me a reason to keeping on fishing and traveling through all of my days. It's my way of paying homage to the infinite variety nature can imbue in her creatures and the beautiful places she keeps them.


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This photo represents several things that I hold dear. It shows a 25" brown trout that I landed on my 6 foot 2wt TFO fly rod on

a small creek; an unexpected surprise that ranks right up at the top of my best fishing moments. The kicker, though, was getting to share

this moment with my 12 year old daughter, Becca. She took some fantastic photos of this trout, then insisted on being the one to release

it back to the creek; she was just as stoked as dear old Dad about this gorgeous brown.

Here's Becca with the release...




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The day started out with a lot of optimism; with my sights on finding brown trout sipping PMD’s off the surface. After hiking into my location, I stumbled upon the banks of a high and dirty creek from a week’s worth of rain. Thinking I could bomb streamers all day in the hopes of moving a fish or two or I could head up higher to a few tribs up that I had hoped would be running clearer. After choosing the latter, I ended up being able to fish my PMD’s to eager little brookies and they once again saved the day.

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As the story goes, the other morning I see a couple of large trout, in what appeared to be water no deeper than 12" or 14" slurping away on the Bow. Constant feeding. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Moving side to side, even turning right around down stream, feeding. My eyes lit up at that point and thought this is my chance to break in the 3wt with a dry on the Bow. (recently bought a new line for my 3wt as I was CONVINCED that my orange line was spooking the fish) I started casting from behind the brutes towards the bank. Closer and closer I was able to get it. One of them actually appeared to have a look then turn away. Next cast actually ened up on the other side of him and a bit behind. Then he turned. Slurp. I set the hook and it was on! Ran hard and fast into the deeper, faster water, taking my line as it ran. Man did it feel different on my 3wt! Fought her for a while, but not too long as I was able to get him close quite quickly. As he got closer, I saw that he was a lot bigger that I originally thought! Got him to the net and was rewareded with this beauty of a Rainbow.......





Was the most fun I've had landing a fish to date. Never had a fish fight that hard. Was awesome on the 3wt.

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Great shots Guy's...Thought I would add this one, pic taken by my oldest daughter...A Brown from the upper Crow on our last trip...Was kind of a shocker, as I have never got any Browns on the Upper reaches of the river in the past....





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This shot was captured by my 12 year old daughter, Becca; I think I'll make her my official fishing photographer!

When I took our 10 year old neighbor, Josh, for a spur-of-the-moment evening fishing trip, Becca offered to come

along to play photographer. We had fun, but the fishing was slow because of the high, cold water conditions. I decided

to stop for a few casts at a favorite spot along the way home & was shocked to catch this 25" brown within spittin' distance

of the bridge we parked at. He sure as heck gave my 2wt TFO a workout! I like to think this trout was 'karma' rewarding

me for taking a kid fishing.


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The wind seemed to follow me just right both times I passed this. 1st time I didn't see it but on the way back up fishing I stumbled across this. I have never seen so many maggots in my life and the smell has been permanently etched into my nose. I haven't felt any ill effects from drinking the water downstream yet...knock on wood.

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This is my first cutthroat that I have ever caught and it was a pretty exciting fish. I went camping with a buddy and we pulled in just as it was getting dark and we decided to quickly rig up and fish a small stretch of stream that was by our campsite. I fished this small little run along a bank with a green humpy pattern I had tied up a few nights prior. I could barely see the hook and after about 5 minutes of casting I saw a tiny slurp around where I thought my fly was so I pulled and he was hooked. I gave a holler "Fish On Booya!" just joking thinking it was a tiny fish until I pulled on the line a little harder and the line barely moved! He put up a pretty good fight and once I landed him I could see he by the shape of his jaw that he had been caught many times. I released him back for another angler to catch. I thought the colour of the fish was really bright so once I got home I black and whited everything except the fish, definitely makes the colour pop even more.




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