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Guest tallieho

So i got a call from a rep. from Telus offering h/phone,c/phone,inter-net & now telvision.The price for all these was unbelieveable.anybody got any experince with this? thanks


What's the "contract" like?! Can you get out of it without pentalty. I've heard from a few that it's not all that great (the tv and I've had shitty exp. with telus internet and cell service)... And totally unrelated to what you asked, their Human Resources services (which is who the Health Region uses), SUCK as well!!


Just my opinion, though...




  tallieho said:
So i got a call from a rep. from Telus offering h/phone,c/phone,inter-net & now telvision.The price for all these was unbelieveable.anybody got any experince with this? thanks
  ÜberFly said:
What's the "contract" like?! Can you get out of it without pentalty. I've heard from a few that it's not all that great (the tv and I've had shitty exp. with telus internet and cell service)... And totally unrelated to what you asked, their Human Resources services (which is who the Health Region uses), SUCK as well!!


Just my opinion, though...




well I use Shaw...for tv, phone [is digital with USA, Canada long distance free plus 1000 minutes into Europe, [most import, and the extreme speed internet]......i refuse to use telus..simply because of what ÜberFly has also stated....it Sucks!......Wolfie


50 of one and half a hundred of the other. I use both Telus and Shaw and while both could use some improvements overall I'm satisfied with both and wouldn't be afraid to deal with either company. Although Telus could hugely benefit if they lost some of that BC Tel attitude.


Looks interesting, could save me a few bucks if I could bundle all my land line/mobile/tv/internet needs with a single company...competition is a good thang.

  Taco said:
50 of one and half a hundred of the other. I use both Telus and Shaw and while both could use some improvements overall I'm satisfied with both and wouldn't be afraid to deal with either company. Although Telus could hugely benefit if they lost some of that BC Tel attitude.


Looks interesting, could save me a few bucks if I could bundle all my land line/mobile/tv/internet needs with a single company...competition is a good thang.



I hear you about the BC Tel bit my mother has worked for Telus since the days it was AGT, and the biggest problem was when BC TEl bought up Telus they moved their head office and most of the work force there. Much of what Telus does is controlled by BC tel, so good tuck in losing that attitude.


I was in the test area for Telus TV and found it to be very nice, I do not know if it is the way now, but you did not need a converter box as most tv's now a days go up to 999 and the only thing you need it for was Pay for View which I do not use that often.


Here is a horror story about Shaw (There is one for every company if you look for it)


I guess I had a old modem and they were doing upgrades and needed to change out my box, well I got a note in the mail about this with contact info, everytime I called I got voice mail and left numerous messages for a week with no answer. Then I called and talked to one of their customer support persons and asked if I could bring in the old moden to a Shaw dealer and swap it out for the new one thus I knew how to reconnect everything. The rep then told me no I could not cause they had to check for levels and what not after they installed the moden. So I told him I had been tring for the last week and had no reply, the rep told me that their onsite techs are contracted out and they would contact me and set up a date but it would be during work hours which meant I had to take a day off without pay to fix the problem. Well no one contacted me, then my internet gets shut off, so I call and ask this time to talk to a supervisor and explain everything and he told me I was more then welcomed to bring it down and change it at a shaw dealer.


2 weeks and a bit to get a new moden box, when my parents had their telus box changed it was shipped to them in the mail and a note inside te box said if it was not returned in the returned box (one that telus supplied) then they would be charged for the price of the equipment.


To me I might change my telvision over to telus as I have seen it and liked alot of features, my shaw t.v seems to always be hiccupping, or freezing up on me, as for internet I like shaw more as it has been the only company I have used for a long time now.


I got a friend who is a sales person for this and he says personally that it is a rip off (kinda), basically you are paying less then what shaw charges for basic cable, for the TV Portion anyways but thats all your really getting is basic cable. They say they offer something like 70 or 90 channels or what ever it is but 30-40 of those channels are music channels that is a blank screen, however still classified as a channel. So really in the end you are still getting a good deal, but not quite as good as your lead on to believe.



  Dustin said:
I got a friend who is a sales person for this and he says personally that it is a rip off (kinda), basically you are paying less then what shaw charges for basic cable, for the TV Portion anyways but thats all your really getting is basic cable. They say they offer something like 70 or 90 channels or what ever it is but 30-40 of those channels are music channels that is a blank screen, however still classified as a channel. So really in the end you are still getting a good deal, but not quite as good as your lead on to believe.



I went and checked it out and they are actually offering more then 200 channels, I took a look at their listing and channels and have most of the same channels that shaw offers. then 80 or so channels was for 25 per month and what do you expect for that cheap.


Here is a listing of their channels, note page one is the galaxy channels (Music) th next page is their full listing.




Yeah shaw's is confusing as well... Just the way they have all the channels for the different cities on the same page.. I guess I would think it could be listed differently, simpler...


Separate it into individual docs... This is where you live, this is what you get if you have "x" package and this is the price, as opposed to grouping all the info together




  bhurt said:
How so, they have all the channels grouped in their grouping, like shaw, you can pick your channels for your bundles if you want to customize them, so it is really pointless to group them any other way in my own opion.



when i moved in to my apartment a year ago they had a deal that telus tv and internet was only going to cost 20 bucks a month then normal cost for phone. i thought hey thats a pretty sweet deal and got it. i am guessing this is the same deal you are seeing. i am a previous shaw customer as well.


well the bottom line is that i am moving to a new place this week and am switching back to shaw lol the modem telus gave me cut out all the time as soon as you started downloading anything or even just watching a youtube video. this sucks because your TV is hooked up to your internet and as soon as the modem dies so does your TV. so the first while until telus brought a guy in to fix it, i either had to choose tv or internet which sucked. they came and gave me a new modem and it still happens occasionally but not nearly as often as before. have lived with it for a year and have got around it by downloading big files overnight when i am not watching TV. The tv quality is fine but the tv box they gave me freezes up on the menu occasionally (1-2 times a month) and have to reboot the whole unit which takes about 8 minutes. which sucks for me when it happens during greys anatomy and i am about to be murdered by my girlfriend for those 8 minutes lol we added on a bundle for $8 a month and get animal planet, discovery, national geo and 1 or 2 more which is pretty cool. No TSN or sportsnet though you have to get them in special packages!! which means no flames games during playoffs or lots of other hockey during regular season.


another big thing for me was that you only get 1 TV box and have to rent another for like 5 bucks a month i think to have TV in any other room. it is not like shaw how you just plug the coax into the wall and tada! this isn't HDTV either just normal cable needs to go through that stupid box and i didn't want to pay for another one so i can't watch tv in the other room.


it is nice for me because i am switching to shaw and getting the student bundle which is as cheap as telus but with shaw quality. i would call shaw and be like telus is offering this deal and i really don't want to go through them so can you guys match the price or something along those lines.


hope that helps :)

Guest tallieho

thanks ..lethfisher answered all my nightmareish concerns..thanks for all the other comments.

  Tungsten said:
Telus cell signal is better.I don't no if they have more towers or what, but my phone works when my buddies Shaw cell doesn't work.


I'll second that about the cell coverage. I was in BC stuck in traffic from an accident around revelstoke and my phone worked while nobody else with other providers worked.


  Tungsten said:
Telus cell signal is better.I don't no if they have more towers or what, but my phone works when my buddies Shaw cell doesn't work.


Ahh...what's this...Shaw now supplies the "cell"...didn't think that was going to happen for a few yrs yet or so i was told...


..and of course telus works better if u were in BC...hahaaa.. they towers all over the bloody place cause of the ppl who were logging in obscure places.......Wolfie



I've been using TelusTV for about 5 years, I was on the beta. It is fine the no HD is an issue with me and really should be for anyone thinking about buying a new tv. I have never had problems like I have read here with the modem but these things happen. there is a new box coming out that will is HD and has a built in PVR.

I will echo that it royally sucks when something does go down as your internet and tv are useless and you feel like it is 1992 all over again.

I get around 260 channels... pretty much the complete package. I would personally wait until the new box comes out so you can have HD. I have a couple HD tvs and standard cable looks like ass.


But I have never had a problem, running a download, gaming on my 360 and my wife watching tv at the same time, but my wife being a upper level Telus staffer might have something to do with it.... lol


I install these products for Telus at customers houses. Most customers tell me they are switching to Telus because it is cheaper. Additionally, we techs are suppose to give out our cards to these customers who can then call you back if they have issues. Does Shaw do this? Not. Also out of the hundreds I've installed, not many call backs. Basically, Tv is Tv. Some like this company, some like that. It's all a matter of preference. Each have their goods and bads.

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