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How Much Would You Pay

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Went to a shop on Saturday before I headed out to Frenchmans Creek....picked out 24 varied flies...Stimulators, PMD, BWO and Green Drakes etc....3 to 5 of each plus 1 bigger Salmonfly pattern....was quoted a price that made me swallow my gum....can you guess what it was?



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I'd go with $75 perhaps a bit more depending on the shop. I've tied commercially for a few shops over the years. If you're a fly shop it costs to keep your doors open now a days. The other thing is the price of hooks and materials which is really getting up there.

Edited by SilverDoctor
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If I bought flies, which fortunately I do not, and they were tied by a local tyer using quality materials I may go upwards of $3.00 a piece. Looking at some of the flies I have seen in fly shops I would be hard pressed to pay 99 cents a piece.

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How many flyshops use locally tied flies? I know 3 which all order from H20 fly, 2 of them have employees tie some local flies as well.


no idea but if the offshore flies are a buck a piece I'd imagine a quality local product would be @ least 3 times as much, just a wild guess on my part


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I tie for a local shop in Calgary. Not sure how much they charge, but I know my cost for material and hooks have been steadly for the last couple of years. Here in the states, depending on the location of the shop, $1.95 to $2.50 seems to be the going price. also as a comercial tier I am required to pay 10% excise tax for every fly I sell. Fly tiers don't make money, they just make friends.

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It was $67 and change...I was agast! The owner saw my shock and made me a deal (Thanks!) but I gotta say I'm not in any rush to pick up any more 'shop' flys...Icky will prob be seeing some of my hard earned $ first.


P.S - $3 flies get hung up in trees just the same as the .99 ones.

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Yes, they do, but a $3 fly will piss you off even more.


a $3 fly will also stand up to numerous fish (most of the time) where a .99 falls apart after the 1st... So if your catching fish use $3 flies, if your catching bottom use .99cent flies. I personally lost around $40 of hooks on sunday nymphing during run off and consistantly getting hung up on bottom and submerged tree's ect... with 1 fist to hand. So yeah some days can be pretty expensive. Ive been known to climb up pine trees to retrieve lost hooks on certain days, hell whats a few scrapped up limbs compared to a $2.50 fly

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i have stopped buying them in large #s. It is WAY more cost effective to buy 1 put it in a "do not use" container and just rip the pattern off! there is no copy right on fly patterns to DIY is my philosophy.

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I used to complain about the cost of flies a few years back, so I started tying my own.


One thing I realized quite quickly is that the professional tiers out there earn thier money. If I charged $3/fly at the rate I tie, my family would starve to death.


In the end I spent a fortune on supplies that I'm sure is far more than I would have otherwize spent for many years of fishing. However, I continue to have a lot of fun tying so for me it was the right decision.

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Guest Sundancefisher

The saddest thing about store bought flies is that they fall apart so much faster. I don't think they ever use head cement.

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............One thing I realized quite quickly is that the professional tiers out there earn thier money. If I charged $3/fly at the rate I tie, my family would starve to death..............

Right on!! Factor in cost of materials, a minimum wage salary for tiers, some staff salaries in the shop, a few bucks for overhead like buildings, utilities, insurance, etc., and it's not too difficult to get to $2.00 to $3.00 a fly -- not to mention issues like exchange rates, seasonal business etc. I tie my own, but I shudder to think what it costs me per fly when I consider the mountain of materials I've accumulated -- that's a bit of math I don't want to get into :lol:. Terry

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You could never get rich tying flies. You have to remember that the shop needs to mark up the product like every other product they sell to meet staff, rent and other overhead. not to mention the tax that the Government charges you. It's business. Next time you're in a shop check out the price of hooks and materials. Then factor in labor, equipment costs and overhead.

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it all depends on the fly being tied and how it is used.. i find lots of hackles and legs fall off of most flies tied or store bought but if u are rough on em with forceps(twisting them out of a fished mouth/clamping down on teh flies body(forceps with teeth are even worse... same with tearing off the crud u pick up off bottom, u can rip off legs and tails... most of the damage is done there .... same with ripping em out of trees.. fly quality is something that always makes me laugh.. if the fly looks good but has a bunch of brittle components dont be suprised it only lasts a few fish.. fly costs have gone up same with most things but that is the way of the world.. is it cheaper too tye your own flies.. hell no.... specially for most of the flies u see in flyshops..... the thing ive noticed in flyshops, big box stores and online sellers are cheaper flies are cheaper.... usually more basic patterns, poor quality ties and the worst part is cheap hooks..... keep in mind alot of those 3 doller nymphs and streamers have tungston cones, crystal flash things like that and better hooks..... if i were still buying flies i would get the 3 doller ones over the 1 doller flies any day of the week!

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