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We've had some good dog related discussions, might as well see what they look like...


I just shaved my dog (Oreo) for the first time - can't believe how different she looks


here's before;






And of course here she is after the groom,.. actually took me three years of contemplating before doing this - I was afraid it would permanently change her colours but amazingly her natural colour is already starting to fill back in. It is phenominal, she has been acting like a puppy all over again, hard to believe she is 9 years old now. (PS I am loving the redneck "faux-hawk" on her back, as the wife calls it LOL)






Nice dogs guys...... I've got one back at the farm but unfortunately I don't have any pics of her here..... Her names Tequila and she is a homely looking springer spanial rough collie cross. Shes pretty damn old though and she is none to healthy from what I hear....... As for the lake..... I bet its real close to a glacier and it looks damn familiar but I can't put a name on it.......


Here is a pic of the best fishing dog ever. He just turned 6. The white on his face is due to 2 knee surgeries in the last year. He's old before his time, but still got a lot of life left in him!


After a swim in the pool at Racehorse Creek campground



After a hard day of fishing and dog races



Checkin' out the fishing hole



Here's my guy, he's 3.5 now, this was about 1 year old. He doens't come fishing yet as his idea of being my fishing companion would be running into the hole, peeing in the water, than splashing his way downstream!




Weedy WTF Over !!!!


The lake is Ross lake off the old 1A - holds plenty of Brookies


McLeod and I went there for opening day - I got blanked, he got one. we were a bit early me thinks, one of the wardens skated on it at freeze-up this winter and reported seeing Brookies he estimated at close to 24" although the local crowd rarely lands anything bigger that 12 -18 inches - word is it only fishes well after sunset


Here's mine. Cute, but stupid. I posted this picture before and I called him part Chow, part retriever, 100% moron. Actually, not really a moron, but he used to be a stray and still has some of those tendencies. Really friendly and calm except when he gets out, or if he sees a prairie dog, bird, dog, fish, bug, etc.




Heres my favorite fishing buddy. He will be 16 at the end of august. He loves to go fishing. As soon as I grab the fishing rod, he gets all excited and frisky, just like when he was young.


last week on the highwood







just letting me know its time for a walk





TFK - 16....wow!!!! You must take very good care of your dog. What type of dog is he? And what is he wearing on his back in that first pic? Is that a doggie life preserver????

  LynnF said:
TFK - 16....wow!!!! You must take very good care of your dog. What type of dog is he? And what is he wearing on his back in that first pic? Is that a doggie life preserver????


Lynn, its a dog backpack. I've got the same one for my lab. When we go on hikes he carries his own water, its great!

  Maximum said:
Lynn, its a dog backpack. I've got the same one for my lab. When we go on hikes he carries his own water, its great!


That's awesome! Your dog doesn't drink from the river then? Mine's been known to cut river flows in half on a hot day :lol:


Here is my dog, she is only a year and a half but smart enough to be not dumb, just happy n healthy. She is some sort of mutt. They found a box of em (5) on the side of the highway near westlock.



And here she is with the cone



Hey Pipestoneflyguy, what kind of dog is yours? She has the same ears and eyes and kinda close nose. The tail gots some curl in it too.

  SanJuanWorm said:
Tee thats so cool. Im glad you picked her up. My dog was rescued from the mean streets of Houston Texas.


I thought you got your dog from N'awlins?

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