lonefisher Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 I'm sorry but I have to admit I giggled at this reel heated discussion I have a G loomis Current 3/4. When the drag is set tight its super tight so I would imagine that in a larger weight it would be even stronger. But truth be told its a pretty flash reel and may not be the reel of choice for a spey reel...... I'd half to check the specs but even on the larger sizes I think you might have capacity concerns when setting up a spey rig. But thats all just speculation. Quote
Jayhad Posted October 26, 2008 Author Posted October 26, 2008 LoneFisher said: I'd half to check the specs but even on the larger sizes I think you might have capacity concerns when setting up a spey rig. But thats all just speculation. From GLoomis' and Galvans websites: Current 9-10 Combo 59003 4.2" 9WF + 250 YDS. 30#, 10WF + 200 YDS. 30# Galvan Torque in T-10 Size T-10 WF-10-F 250 yd* So i think they are fairly close in size, I like the "flashyness" of the Current, I have had 20 year love affair with Gloomis products and they were my first sponsor when I was a guide, so my loyalties run pretty deep. Thanks for the input Quote
onthefly7 Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Get a tibor. You could get either a tibor light back country CL wide, an everglades, a riptide, or the new tibor spey depending on your preference. These are the best reels made imho and will last you multiple lifetimes Quote
Jayhad Posted October 27, 2008 Author Posted October 27, 2008 onthefly7 said: Get a tibor. You could get either a tibor light back country CL wide, an everglades, a riptide, or the new tibor spey depending on your preference. These are the best reels made imho and will last you multiple lifetimes Ya, I'm not a fan of the Tibors at all I don't like the closed back of the reel. they look like they were designed by grandfathers for my grandfather NOTE TO MODS, you can close this thread before it continues down hill. I have gleaned a lot of info for my purchase. Jay Quote
bloom Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 I've been looking at a new reel for my 6 wt...and right now it's coming down to 2 things...performance and weight. I'm really starting to like my lighter outfits after casting them all day long. I own a bunch of high end reels (Loop, Danielsson, Ross, Hardy, Islander), and I'll probably get a Nautalus or Islander IR due to the wieght issue. I feel all these high end reels are more reel than anyone needs these days anyways. Quote
headscan Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 bloom said: I feel all these high end reels are more reel than anyone needs these days anyways. I agree 100%. For me it's also a case of preferring to have something I don't really need rather than not having something when I need it. I know I can easily take any of my Nautilus reels to Cuba or wherever and they will stand up to the salt plus the drag will reign in a bonefish, tarpon, etc. Quote
SilverDoctor Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 bloom said: I feel all these high end reels are more reel than anyone needs these days anyways. Good point. There a a few high end reels that I would love to have, but don't need. Quote
walker1 Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Jayhead I, for one will back the GALVAN reels. Own Ross, Islander and 2 galvans. All my reels work well for the intended purpose. I have a Galvan Torque 5 for my goto streamer set up on the Bow. Although I probably only have 50 hours on this reel, it is awesome! Also own a OB4 for my 5 wt. nymph rig and this is a nice reel. So smooth for drag!! As was noted, for 400 plus there are a lot of good ones out there!! Bought my last one on ebay for 225. Quote
Whistler Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 bcube said: Way to keep repping Loop when you have no idea what you're talking about.. I do own a Evotec HD 8/10, and have had problems from the day i've had it, it has been used ONCE and it was CRAP. The drag is SHOT, i can reel against the drag at the highest setting, just as fast as i can reel without any drag on. It also is super sticky, the word smoothness is not in it's vocabulary.. They're poorly designed with a reel cap just waiting to be lost when you're switching spools, the drag is worse then a lot of the TFO midges. I talked to Loop in AUGUST about getting this fixed, and they STILL have not done anything for me. It took literally 2 months, and a rather viscious email to finally get them to ask me to send it to them the day before i go to BC, for a $60 dollar charge just to look at it. This reel was supposed to be coming with me as my skagit reel for BC, and i've been put in a position by loop that has left me scrambling for reels. Any other reel company would have replaced it or fixed it and have RETURNED it by that time, twice over!. A company that does not treat it's customers is not worth it, when there are many other companies that will go out of their way to make it right. Maybe you should advertise the fact that you get commision towards free or cheaper gear on loop products that get sold due to you pushing someone that way before you make a post about how great they are. How many multi's did you "break on big browns" which were really bottom in that week span of the worm hatch? And you called TFO's too ****ing oftens. Loop = european TFO Personally, i do not believe there is a better reel readily available then the Van Staal C-Vex. Until you've picked one up, spun it, or fished with one you'll just be going off words.. Just like anything else Jayhad, it's your money, so use it wisely and go around and figure out what you like, take our recommendations, but don't live off them. Go spin some reels, figure out what you like in looks, drag, weight, warranty, and go from there ps. If anyone wants a one time used Loop Evotec HD 8/10 (a perfect spey reel) i'll be glad to let it go for $200 first off my apologies for jumping in on this late... a few thoughts.... it would seem that Brent and Max have some issues to work out. I expect big bad brent would be more polite if not hanging out behind his keyboard. as a retailer I find it very unproffessional for staff of a shop to try and put down products that they don't sell. I have to say that the flyfishing industry is pretty good about this. Seasoned shop staff know how to pump up the products they sell rather than try and make sales by putting down products they don't sell. I find reels are the most personal of gear items, in fact I often equate them to purchasing a new watch as style and level of flashiness seems to come into play. There are so many great options out there from a wide variety of manufacturers though each has their own unique 'feel' which is often the deciding factor. Of course price, weight, durability, drag strength, smoothness etc all come into play but as Brent mentioned there is no substitute to actually spinnin a reel or putting it on the rod you intend to fish(age old reel sales trick). At my shop we sell reels from a variety of manufacturers including Loop, Hardy, Sage, Islander, Waterworks and Dragonfly. Of these we seem to sell the most Loop but also act as the service center for Loop for Canada. I honestly believe that Loop reels offer great value as the current reel line up of Clw-Multi-Evotec G3-Opti-Classic ($-$$$$$) offerrs a silky smooth completely sealed drag at all price points. Like I said though play with all possible reel choices before plunking down your hard earned dough. In my role as the service depot for Loop reels I was contacted by Brent in the early fall about increasing the drag on his G2 evotec. The G2 was a reel that was only made for one season by Loop around 4 years ago. This reel featured a much smaller drag range than the current G3 model and was only sold with a 1 year warranty. I explained to Brent that the drag could be increased in the manner already outlined by Max but required the removal of the rear drag knob. Sometime later Brent contacted me again saying that he tried that and now the drag was skipping and not running smoothly. I offerred to have a look at the reel and if it was in need of new guts replace them for the cost of $60 which is Loop's normal service fee. I also offerred to inquire with Loop about upgrading Brent's G2 to the G3 model that Loop has been selling for the past 3 years. The first year that Loop introduced the G3 there was an upgrade offerred that covered the price difference from the matte finished G2 to the shiny G3 with the much larger drag range. I also mentioned to Brent that the first step was for him to send us his reel for me to have a look(which never happened). After a few emails to Loop in Europe I received the go ahead to offer an upgrade to Brent for a new G3 but never heard back from him or received his reel to look at. So the moral of the story is choose the reel that you like the best when all factors and criteria are taken into consideration and if you are looking for service understand that it is a two way street-no company is going to give you a new reel without at least having a look at the one you claim to be having problems with. So when you are asked to send something in don't wait until the last minute to do so and most importantly if you are looking for credibility in this small industry putting down other companies products on web forums is not the path to success. Brian Niska 1-888-822-3474 Quote
Guest 420FLYFISHIN Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 2 words...customer service. Thanks for the info, thsi thread was pretty devoid of it untill you popped in. id say the moral of that story is to listen to the people who know what the F their talking about. If some one was going to take my subaru and tune it up and then have subaru canada upgrade it to a WRX i would pull my head out of my ass and let them do it. but what do i know i only have like 50 posts. Whistler. Can i order any of the reels from the manufacturers you posted or are their some that you cant get? Quote
dutchie Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 rusty said: Great post - thanks Brian. was out floating yesterday and i heard all about this whole loop reel , first i must say it sure made me laugh when i read it , you 2 guys can be nasty , lol , but i liked it , Brian Niska thanks for letting us all know as now we know the whole trout and nothing but the whole trout so help me god , i'm a bamboo and reel junky , i have over 75 reels , mostly the older english reels , hardys , dingleys. youngs , when it comes to the newer reels and i have had pretty well at least one model from the makers , every one has it's good and bad points , whatever tickle's your fancy , for me i still kept my loop classic 4,5, 6 limited edition in the red side plates , i still have not seen anyone make a reel as nice for looks and the drag is purr purr perfect i just hope i spelled everything right now you two should just go for a float trip for the day , better i'll drive ya just for the enjoyment of having you both within 16 ft of each other , and we all must use our nice loop reels , Quote
walker1 Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Game , set, match........... Niska. Very informative post. Quote
Whistler Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 hey guys thanks, a little background info.... I was asked to be the service center for Loop last winter and agreed to start in that role as of March of this past year. Warranty is never any fun regardless of your role, be it consumer, salesperson, shop owner, distributor or manufacturer. Time consuming at the best of times however a necessary part of customer service. I agreed to the role in the hopes of improving warranty service for Canada which to be blunt hadn't been that great in the past. I have to say our warranty service has been very good for current Loop models though getting the outdated discontinued stuff can be a challenge at times. I think my main strength as a warranty service person is my ability to educate people as to why their equipment broke. I can tell you from my 18 years of experience that it is no conincidence that the same people continually break rods(car doors and improper landing techniques are the most common). So it is always my aim to speed up warranty service and at the same time educate people to the limitations of their equipment("no that CLW is NOT the perfect Tarpon reel"). Previous to being the warranty guy I had been involved with Loop as a sponsored casting instructor and as a retailer. In fact I was one of the first stores in Canada to sell Loop rods when they first came to Canada around 7 years ago. In that time I have been continually impressed with their innovation as a company, Loop truly is always pushing the envelope and progressing their tackle. As of late I have been fortunate to be involved in some design of upcoming Loop products. The new (and amazing) Whistler spey line and Opti Switch Style rods are the two products that I have recently had a hand in. Look for these and other exciting Loop innovations coming this winter.The really neat thing about having input in design is having contact with the engineers that ultimately make the equipment, this really helps to strengthen my ability to understand the equipment and deal with it on a warranty level. So if anyone every needs service with their Loop gear or has any questions 1-888-822-3474 is the number to best reach me. and 420FLYFISHIN I am happy to sell you equipment from any of the brands that we carry. Brian Niska Quote
headscan Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Whistler said: "no that CLW is NOT the perfect Tarpon reel" That made me laugh out loud. Any chance you'll have the Loop Whistler lines at the expo? Quote
bhurt Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Whistler, I will also add in that DON'T DROP THAT CLW ON SOILD CEMENT IT JUST MIGHT BREAK!!!!!!!! LoL Aside from that, I have had the oppouruinty to own a wide range of reels from Tiago, Lamson, Phleaguer, Bauer, Loop, Hatch and I have to agree with whistler that a reel is EXTREMLY personal. Not saying Islander is a bad reel but I personally will never own one cause its loud as *hit. Also Brain don't worry about the crap talk, still dreaming of a 6wt trout bum rod. Quote
Whistler Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Islanders though loud(some people like that) are definately the most durtable reels we sell and probably tops in durability of anything out there-might have something to do with weight Quote
walker1 Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Love my IR-2 on my 4 wt. xp for dries!!!! Quote
SanJuanWorm Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 IR2's are awesome because you have to palm them which I think is old school but fun. I love my LX Islander and im going to pick up another for my streamer rod. Quote
alhuger Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Whistler said: Islanders though loud(some people like that) are definately the most durtable reels we sell and probably tops in durability of anything out there-might have something to do with weight I love loud reels, so count me in that crowd! I really like the islanders but am always nervous when swapping spools out when I am in the water. Too many pieces to possibly hit the water... I can attest to the durability as well, my cousin guides north of Rupert and has fished the same center pin Islanders for maybe a decade now with thousands of salmon fought on them. They still work as smoothly as if they were new. al Quote
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