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Increasing Glaciers

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glaciers increasing


this is no proof of global cooling but the environmentalists use isolated examples to *prove* warming all of the time. cherry picking climate change examples is the only way they can prove warming since the earth is getting colder and has been for a few years. does increased glacier size in Alaska prove cooling. probably not but the antarctic ice is increasing too so maybe there is something to the cooling trend for the past decade. perhaps things are not quite as catastrophic as that bastard Gore told us

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Yes - there is no way that everyone would agree on this, so don't raise the issue. Much better to wait until someone else posts something and then reply with something witty such as, "I like Cake."


I actually don't like cake that much. Sorry BBT! I fancy myself a "pie guy". Then again.. I do like ICE CREAM CAKE!

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Yes - there is no way that everyone would agree on this, so don't raise the issue. Much better to wait until someone else posts something and then reply with something witty such as, "I like Cake."

I would like to agree with this, as I think that we should be able to discuss this and many other subjects rationally. Past history would lead me to believe that is not all that possible. But what the hell, I'll start.


It is valid to accuse the GW advocates (which are not necessarily the same as environmentalists) of cherry picking informataion as I'm quite sure many of them do. However, there is a lot there to cherry pick from. To use a cliche, there is lots of low hanging fruit.


However, I'm not sure it is valid when you cherry picked an article to use as evidence when accusing the other side of cherry picking.


And I voted for Al Gore over W. Just which one is the bastard??

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Global Warming. I think it might be occuring. And we humans need to stop it. Clearly we can do this. And while were at it, perhaps we can stop it from raining during the day while I'm trying to fish - let's fix it so it only rains during the night?.


The amazing part of this debate is that humans believe not only can they change the global climate, they can control it to within a finite range. This despite the fact (and Don A this fact doesn't come from a Globe and Mail survey like some of yours did) that for millions of years the planet has been either cooling or warming - never staying constant.


The thing is that whether we can slow warming (assuming we are warming) or not, there is no way we will prevent eventual warming or cooling. So would we not be better to focus on adapting to climate change as opposed to foolishly thinking we can control it?


Face it folks - things change, and our climate will too.

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Global Warming. I think it might be occuring. And we humans need to stop it. Clearly we can do this. And while were at it, perhaps we can stop it from raining during the day while I'm trying to fish - let's fix it so it only rains during the night?.


The amazing part of this debate is that humans believe not only can they change the global climate, they can control it to within a finite range. This despite the fact (and Don A this fact doesn't come from a Globe and Mail survey like some of yours did) that for millions of years the planet has been either cooling or warming - never staying constant.


The thing is that whether we can slow warming (assuming we are warming) or not, there is no way we will prevent eventual warming or cooling. So would we not be better to focus on adapting to climate change as opposed to foolishly thinking we can control it?


Face it folks - things change, and our climate will too.


But people's opinions rarely do so most of us no longer choose to get drawn into this debate again - unless it's for the quiet pleasure of picturing someone turning purple on their keyboard as they indignantly respond to my well thought out analysis. We'll have a definitive answer in a few hundred years. :goodvsevil():

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unless it's for the quiet pleasure of picturing someone turning purple on their keyboard as they indignantly respond to my well thought out analysis. We'll have a definitive answer in a few hundred years. :goodvsevil():


Excellent. Can hardly wait for your well thought out analysis, yet I fear I will have to.


Please do deliver said well thought out analysis. That will proove my point that everything changes.

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Looks like the States are already looking at the Global cooling issue.




High ranking members of congress met today to discuss the immigration problems stemming from the newly discovered issue of global cooling.


Requesting anonymity, a senior White House official confirmed the president is considering all options.


"The President is ready to tackle this issue head on, nothing is off the table, including a 2000 mile border fence and electronic monitoring."


He continued, "With a new ice age on the horizon, we must be prepared to stop the rush of illegal aliens from our friends to the north. We are working with the Canadian government to find a solution."


One suggestion the President is considering is moving our most productive greenhouse gas emitting industries to the Canadian border, or maybe just sell them some inexpensive heaters.


The Canadian government has not officially responded, but admit the sunny beaches of California and the Gulf coast are starting to look really attractive with the prospect of glaciers covering much of Canada.

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Mmmmm rum cake.......
































On a side note.... Sonuvabitch!! 1001 posts, took me 17 mths to break 1000, @ that rate I'll never catch up to rickr... unless someone shoots his thumbs off.....volunteers??

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I'm a finger typing SOB.


I said this way long time ago when I was first started posting:


I am the perfect message board member. I have an opinion about almost everything and don't let things like lack of knowledge get in the way of stating my opinion.


You will never catch up. You know when to stop.

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