LynnF Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Some of you met Jessie, so I thought I'd write a little note (and hope it helps me through this process). Our beautiful golden, Jessie, our fishing buddy, our hiking buddy, our camping buddy and our best friend in the world has cancer. This comes as a huge shock to us as we didn't ever think that his slight limp could be something this serious and he has shown no other signs. But I guess it's serious and it's advanced and the only treatment options open to us are those that will only prolong his life briefly and inhibit his ability to do the things he loves so much. So, on Saturday we will take him for one last drive in the truck (another of his favourite things) and send him off to Rainbow Bridge to meet all the other good dogs of the world. Jessie won't even make it to his 7th birthday which makes this that much more painful. We thought he'd see at least another 3 or 4 fishing seasons but it's not in the cards for him. Still so full of life, and almost out of it. Jessie - the dog with 2 "bionic" knees has been the most super pal, companion, and family member. Everyone who knew or met him loved him. And he loved them right back. His love for people was only ever topped by his love for food (and all things inedible in our worlds). His love for the outdoors was unmistakeable and unrelenting. He knew when the boat trailer was being hitched and he knew when we were heading camping. He knew when I was just going to the Starbucks down the street and he didn't care - he just wanted to go along for the ride. Someone once told Mike and I that dogs always want to be with their owners because they worry about them and want to make sure they're OK. If that's the case, Jessie was our guardian and our protector. He went everywhere with us, did everything with us and was much more than a dog. He was a beloved member of our family and he is going to be missed as much as any child would. Our hearts are full of sorrow for what the next few days will bring, but it is inevitable and to prolong the inevitable is just to prolong his pain - that he never shows or complains about. As he lies by my feet, waiting for me to get up from the keyboard, I know what he is thinking. "There's a carrot in that fridge with my name on it, and she's not gonna get down the hall without digging it out for me". Little does he know that there are more than carrots waiting for him the next few days. He will leave this Earth a happy, full pup. If you're ever down Racehorse Creek way, look for the sapling that we'll be planting in his memory this year. We'll find the single one spot that he loved the most and that represents his love for that area and we'll mark it Jessie's tree so that we may visit it (and him) and watch it grow throughout the years. I can't imagine when or how the pain in my soul will ever go away, but I hope that one day I can look at the many pictures of our wonderful buddy and be able to smile because of the fondness of our memories of him and not shed a tear. He will be missed terribly by Mike, Hayden and myself. Quote
birchy Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Very sad to hear that Lynn! It's amazing how attached we can get to our pets, they're just like family members!! It will be a hard time but the good memories will help fill the void. Quote
PrarieCreekFlyer Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Lynn, SO so sorry to here that . My Buddy means the world to me. Hopefully he gets to bite some fly line and lick some faces where hes goin. My heart goes to you Lynn. Regards Mike Quote
Guest RedWiggler Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Man, really sorry to hear that. Hope the next few days goes ok for you all. Quote
bigalcal Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 I had the pleasure of meeting Jessie last summer at Racehorse Creek. As we sat at the fire enjoying a few "pops", we watched Jessie and my "rent-a-dog,Kudra, race around the campsite chasing each other. It was hilarious!! Kudra being in the lead most of the time but Jessie wasn't far behind nipping at her heels!! Pretty impressive for a larger dog with "bionic" knees!! Last summer was my best summer ever of camping and fishing. It was largely due to my fishing/camping companion, Kudra. Kudra has moved on and her owner is about to move back to PEI. It will be a lonely summer for me as well. It saddens me. The loss of Jessie saddens me as well. I guess I can say.....I feel your pain. My sincere condolences to you, Lynn...Mike and Hayden. I look forward to walking by the Jessie tree...and smilin'! Quote
loyaleddie Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Lynn Truly a sad turn of events, I have never have had the pleasure of meeting Jessie, but images of him you have posted in the past. Stand testament to the great life experiences that you, and your tight knit family, have shared together. I really can’t express any words of relevance here. Other than, ensure you hold on to those precious memories. My thoughts are with you!!! Matt Quote
Smitty Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Lynn: I am so sorry for your loss of a member of your family, for truly surely that's what our dogs become. I know that you feel this pain for a while, but I'll take the chance here that you may find some consolation and an outlet for your grief by recommending the following book: "Marley and Me", if you haven't already read it. You'll laugh, you'll cry. Almost my entirely family has read it. Movie is out this fall. I recommend to anyone who has or does own a dog. Smitty Quote
PeteZahut Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Lynn, I am so sorry to hear this. Jessie was an amazing dog. We too had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful dog and will always have fond memories of the great dog races around Racehorse. We hope to camp there again around the beginning of July and will stop by to pay our respects to that sapling in memory of that wonderful pup. Leah and I (and Sophie) wish you and your family the best. Quote
reevesr1 Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Lynn, Mike, and Hayden, Jackie and I would like to send our heart felt condolences to your family. We hope this week is one you can cherish. You guys will be in our prayers. All the best, Rick and Jackie Quote
Pythagoras Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Very sorry for your loss. A dog truly is the best friend. Quote
bigalcal Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 MrBotangles said: I had the pleasure of meeting Jessie last summer at Racehorse Creek. As we sat at the fire enjoying a few "pops", we watched Jessie and my "rent-a-dog,Kudra, race around the campsite chasing each other. It was hilarious!! Kudra being in the lead most of the time but Jessie wasn't far behind nipping at her heels!! Pretty impressive for a larger dog with "bionic" knees!! Last summer was my best summer ever of camping and fishing. It was largely due to my fishing/camping companion, Kudra. Kudra has moved on and her owner is about to move back to PEI. It will be a lonely summer for me as well. It saddens me. The loss of Jessie saddens me as well. I guess I can say.....I feel your pain. My sincere condolences to you, Lynn...Mike and Hayden. I look forward to walking by the Jessie tree...and smilin'! Well I don't know if Jessie had anything to do with it (I think he did) but I just received a text messsage and my rent-a-dog Kudra is passing thru Calgary and I will be bringing her down to the Crow Sunday for a few days for what willl surely be our last trip together. I thought that we would never be together again. Thanks Jess!! Quote
flyangler Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Lynn, it's good that you have time to say goodbye. I am sorry for your loss. Planting a tree is such a beautiful memorial. If we get another chance to fish Racehorse, we'll surely pause and reflect. Quote
Castaway Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 After a sleepless night Lynn and I have decided that delaying the inevitable until the weekend is wrong. We will take Jessie to begin his journey to peace tonight at 7:30. Hopefully My best friend will understand. Jessie and our family have enjoyed more than 100 floats down the Bow and thousands of hours hiking through the streams of Southern Alberta. He willbe missed by us all and many friends at the Southland off-leash park. Although I dont often post here I wanted to thank all of you that took the time to send your kind words. It has heled us all as we struggle with the toughest of desicions. Rest in peace Good Buddy, Regards, Mike Quote
openfly Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 I am so sorry to hear this. I'm a dog lover as well and miss my old fishing buddy. Be well.... Quote
reevesr1 Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Castaway said: After a sleepless night Lynn and I have decided that delaying the inevitable until the weekend is wrong. We will take Jessie to begin his journey to peace tonight at 7:30. Hopefully My best friend will understand. Jessie and our family have enjoyed more than 100 floats down the Bow and thousands of hours hiking through the streams of Southern Alberta. He willbe missed by us all and many friends at the Southland off-leash park. Although I dont often post here I wanted to thank all of you that took the time to send your kind words. It has heled us all as we struggle with the toughest of desicions. Rest in peace Good Buddy, Regards, Mike He'll understand. That's what friends do. Quote
Teck71 Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 I am sorry to Hear of your loss, In the past year I have lost both of my dogs, Cira developed sever arthiritis and we made the hard choice, and she was soon followed by her Sister Hunny 2 months later who just pained away for her. all the best in this time. Teck Quote
kritofr Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 TRIBUTE TO A DOG No words can truly thank the dog. No money match it’s worth. As, quite content, it lives to love Some master here on earth. A dog will never ask for much. Some water, warmth and play. And in exchange, no questions asked. It gives it’s life away. A dog is happy on request. No matter when or where. If ever you may need support. Just call and he’ll be there. Prepared in his own special way. To help with all his might. Those sympathetic eyes confirm. That right or wrong, you’re right. Though in this life we know not much. Beginning unto end. Still, with a dog, at least we know We’ll always have a friend. -Frank Pavlick This is a poem that was given to us when we had to put our Black Lab down after her battle with Cancer. I dread the day when it comes to say goodbye to my two labs now, my thoughts are with you and your loss. Chris Quote
LynnF Posted May 8, 2008 Author Posted May 8, 2008 As Mike said, thank you all so much for sharing your condolences and your experiences. It really does help to read how others have dealt with this situation and to know that eventually this pain will fade with time. Our little pup is off to rainbow bridge to play with all the other good little pups of the world. Yesterday was the hardest day of our lives. We took him last night and stayed with him until his final breath. It was very peaceful and very good for us. Came home and felt how empty the house was – it has a different aura now….so quiet and strange. Woke up in the middle of the night and not quite awake went looking for him. When I realized he wasn’t on his doggy bed or in the hallway it was tough. Went downstairs this morning and went to pat him on the couch as he is there every morning when I come down. Not there. Sat at the kitchen table looking at his picture on the computer and I swear I heard him licking his paws. I left his water dish for him and my scarf just in case he comes back for a visit. I think he will….I believe in that. Mike said that he normally sees this guy walking one golden when he leaves for work at 6:15 every morning. Said that this morning he had 2 of them. Kinda weird. We did the right thing by him. You could see how much pain he was in yesterday and yet he never let us know about it. I just feel so bad that he probably suffered for so long without complaining. He was truly the world’s best dog. My heart is pretty empty without him. We will mourn him and when the time is right, we will get another golden. Our house is just a house without a dog. That was honestly the toughest decision and the saddest day of our lives. I know I will have to do it again with another pup, but all the years of joy and happiness that Jessie brought us were worth yesterday. I wouldn’t take any of it back. I hope one day I will be able to offer some comfort to someone going through this as all of you have done for us these past few days. Thanks again. Quote
loyaleddie Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 LynnF said: As Mike said, thank you all so much for sharing your condolences and your experiences. It really does help to read how others have dealt with this situation and to know that eventually this pain will fade with time. Our little pup is off to rainbow bridge to play with all the other good little pups of the world. Yesterday was the hardest day of our lives. We took him last night and stayed with him until his final breath. It was very peaceful and very good for us. Came home and felt how empty the house was – it has a different aura now….so quiet and strange. Woke up in the middle of the night and not quite awake went looking for him. When I realized he wasn’t on his doggy bed or in the hallway it was tough. Went downstairs this morning and went to pat him on the couch as he is there every morning when I come down. Not there. Sat at the kitchen table looking at his picture on the computer and I swear I heard him licking his paws. I left his water dish for him and my scarf just in case he comes back for a visit. I think he will….I believe in that. Mike said that he normally sees this guy walking one golden when he leaves for work at 6:15 every morning. Said that this morning he had 2 of them. Kinda weird. We did the right thing by him. You could see how much pain he was in yesterday and yet he never let us know about it. I just feel so bad that he probably suffered for so long without complaining. He was truly the world’s best dog. My heart is pretty empty without him. We will mourn him and when the time is right, we will get another golden. Our house is just a house without a dog. That was honestly the toughest decision and the saddest day of our lives. I know I will have to do it again with another pup, but all the years of joy and happiness that Jessie brought us were worth yesterday. I wouldn’t take any of it back. I hope one day I will be able to offer some comfort to someone going through this as all of you have done for us these past few days. Thanks again. Thanks to both Mike and Lynn for sharing I will surely give both my *hit machines an extra belly rub tonight! (by *hit machines I mean dogs, not kids....My kids offer much other things, than just *hit!) Quote
rhuseby Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 It's a hard time when you have to get a pet put to sleep, I extend my sympathy to you. When my ex and I had to get our Norwegian Elkhound put it down it was a terrible time, even though I'd cursed her for her habit of trying to kill porkies repeatedly. 20 visits to vets for quills, and I still miss her. You'll always remember him. Quote
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