lonefisher Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I think rickrs got it..... everyone piss's downhill..... and rickrs scale is basically just how it works. Anyways this whole arguement of how cruel is cool when fishing is hypocritical. I draw my own line but I don't feel the need to try and justify it compared to others by how much better it is...... Quote
toolman Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Well, if anyone feels that these video's depict someone not handling fish properly, as defined in the Alberta Sportfishing Regulations, then call RAP or F&W and file a formal complaint. Send them the link to the sites homepage and ask them to take a look. Link: http://www.bowriverblog.com/ A couple of points worth considering..... From the Alberta Sportfishing Regulations... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alberta Angling Ethic In accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Policy, the Alberta Government promotes the following angling ethics. The ethical fisherman has respect for wild creatures, knowledge of his natural surroundings, a sense of fair play and consideration for the rights and expectations of others. Fishing, as promoted by the Alberta government, should foster an ethical relationship of the highest order between the angler, his quarry, his fellow anglers, and the natural environment. Ethical conduct is expected of anglers in Alberta. 2. Provide proper care and handling of caught or released fish. Fish are to be released with the greatest possible care and minimal amount of handling. Fish that are kept should be killed quickly once they are out of the water and in such a manner that their edible or trophy value is preserved. 8. Anglers have a duty to address illegal activities in a safe manner. Angler’s actions could range from alerting others to closed waters or wrong size or species being kept to reporting all observed violations of angling regulations to the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division. It is important to collect pertinent information (such as vehicle licence numbers, violator descriptions, etc.) that will assist enforcement actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish and Wildlife Division Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Great West Life Building, 9920 108 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2M4 Email: Fish.Guide@gov.ab.ca Quote
cohod Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Who is this guy? I think I saw him on the river on thurs, no camera man but a guy that looked similar and carting a big tripod and 3 or 4 spin rods. Oh hi 1st post… long time lurker. Cohod Quote
reevesr1 Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Welcome Cohod. Nice post to wet your feet on! I've seen him on the river. Spinning reel, big tackle box, lots of Rapala's. I liked him to tell you the truth. I've seen a many fishing shows handle fish worse, including Fly Fishing shows. I've seen a video on this site where the fish were handled worse. I've been in a video on this site where my fish handling was questioned. I agree with BBT, a long handled net would have been a good idea. But I've been in situations this winter similar, and I can't say my fish handling in those situations (thin ice shelf, no visible area near by to land) were all that much better. As to stressing the fish.... I've seen this guys gear up close. He would be able to land a big fish on that gear MUCH faster than I can with my 5 wt TFO. So am I over stressing the fish? Should we all go to 8 wts or more? Spey rods for everybody, that way we can all land them faster! (just teasing with that one boys!) Did they keep it in the water longer than they had to while buddy scrambled down? Absolutely. But really, who here has that never happened to, be it waiting for a camera or waiting for a net. So again, I ask the question: Are we on this guy because of his fish handling, or are we on him because his buddy said "I'm baaack" (as if anyone gives a *hit). Anyway, sorry for the rants. I'm going to Edmonton. Good luck with the thread. Quote
reevesr1 Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Weedy, Now that SUCKS. OK, flame away. I'll try to bow out gracelessly. Quote
Weedy1 Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 rickr said: Weedy, Now that SUCKS. OK, flame away. I'll try to bow out gracelessly. Wasn't looking to get into this one but I noticed what looks like the barb/s. (Must be these new glasses that let me see what I've been missing. Maybe I'll be able to tie a fly on in under 5 minutes this year. ) Quote
darthwader Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Weedy.... Nice work dude... that's priceless. Quote
cohod Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Weedy1 said: Hmmm Is that treble or trouble? lol Not bashing the guy just curious I saw him then the post. cohod Quote
lonefisher Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 thats a very good post toolman the only problem is how we and others and the enforcement officers define proper care and handling hope my post does not seem condone this video or these guys.....but though I have never seen these guys live I have seen worse then what i just saw in that video. I just feel that blasting them on internet forums is not gonna help the situation...... Even on this site we blast each other on things like on the ground pics, removing fish from the water at all, handling a fish long enough to take a picture, using nets, not using nets, multi hook rigs that can snag/foul hook fish, trailer hooks ect ect..... anyways this is another conversation that, without a detailed legal definition of proper fish handling, will only spin in circles fueled by, emotion, gut reactions, egos, personal opinions, and ideologies. Seems to me the letters should not go to reporting these guys but instead should be requesting a proper set of definitive rules and guidelines.... The way things stand at the moment I don't believe that the actions I have seen in this guys movies could, in court, be proven to be illegal. Also one needs to realize that if they ever created a set of definitive rules and guidelines some of us may be disapointed depending on who's ideology they were to base it on.... Could be they decide no fish that is to be released can not leave the water....... would mean no more trophy pics, could be they decide that you must immediately cut your line when you realize a fish is foul hooked..... might mean a lotta sacrificed rigs..... So with your letters make sure you include your ideology. Quote
Weedy1 Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Lone, The regulations do have release tips. I talked to SRD about these regs in relation to Sturgeon fishing last year. The fellow I talked to stated that since a sturgeon is prohibited it must be released immediately. This means immediately, in other words not stopping to hold it up for a picture or taking it out of the water if possible(as per the discussion). They use the word immediately several times in the regs in relation to releasing fish. If immediately for sturgeon means immediately, why not for all other fish that are not being kept? Could you imagine FFC without any fish pictures? The regs are lacking though as you stated. The way they are written leaves a lot open to interpretation. They require a good clean up. Releasing Live Fish Sportfishing is so popular that many waters cannot produce enough fish to satisfy harvest demands. Releasing fish is part of the solution (see Tips on Releasing Fish). If the fish you catch is of a legal species and legal size, immediately decide to release it or keep it as part of your day’s limit. A fish is considered retained (kept) when it is not immediately returned to the waters from which it was taken. Never Cull Fish “Culling” is staying within the catch limit for a species by releasing fish from a stringer or other holding device when a larger fish is caught. Fish that have been held on a stringer or in a tub usually die if released because of stress and because of damage to their gills, fins and scales. Releasing Prohibited Fish You must immediately release every fish that cannot be legally kept because of species, catch limit, size limit or other regulation, without exception, even if the fish is injured or dead. When the fish is alive, you must release it in a manner that causes the least harm to the fish. Examples of prohibited fish are: * a species for which the limit is 0. * a fish smaller than the minimum-size limit. * a fish larger than the maximum-size limit. * a fish the size of which is protected by a slot-size limit. * a fish that has been snagged. * a fish caught after you have already kept your limit. Tips on Releasing Fish If a fish is handled carefully and gently, it will have an excellent chance of survival. The most important factor related to fish mortality is damage caused by the hook penetrating the gill and stomach regions. Fish hooked in the lip or mouth have a better chance of survival. Avoiding methods that result in deeply hooked fish is the best way to reduce hooking mortality. “Still fishing” with bait, where the line is not actively attended, usually results in more deeply hooked fish. Attending the line to set the hook immediately at the time of the strike may reduce the occurrence of deeply hooked fish. Fish have a reduced chance of survival if they are caught in deep water (>7 m or 23 feet). * Retrieve your catch quickly. * Release fish immediately (with care). * Avoid squeezing the fish. * Keep your fingers out of the gills. * Keep the fish in water as much as possible. * Remove the hook carefully. * Leave deeply swallowed hooks in the fish. (Side-cutters can be used to cut the hook instead of the line). * Help revive the fish by holding it in the water. * Fish for walleye and perch in relatively shallow water. Quote
jaybest Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 this is fly fish calgary not gearfish with treble hooks calgary Quote
lonefisher Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 true enough weedy and with rules like immediately release it seems to me that depending on what your idea of immediately means we could argue that a lot of us are breaking the rules...... seems to me people make there own beliefs on whats acceptable by how they can bend or stretch the rules to apply to the way they want to fish and behave. Anyhow this is not the first time this discussion has come up and it won't be the last. The rules are kinda vague so this grey area will always be debated....... Quote
Weedy1 Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 LoneFisher said: true enough weedy and with rules like immediately release it seems to me that depending on what your idea of immediately means we could argue that a lot of us are breaking the rules... Exactly my point. LoneFisher said: seems to me people make there own beliefs on whats acceptable ......... Including the people who are supposed to enforce them. Quote
Weedy1 Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 LoneFisher said: Weddy1....... I think we are in agreement I think you're right,..I think....maybe. Quote
toolman Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Well done Weedy...There's the facts, folks. So, who's gonna call it in? Anyone? Maybe we should get rickr to do it...grin. Quote
Tako Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Actually, I'm on the very bottom of your list. I icefish. But I also hate using indies cause they're boring. I've even been known to roe fish for springs. But that's all in the past, well except for the icefishing. Because it takes way more skill than flyfishing Quote
Tako Posted March 10, 2008 Posted March 10, 2008 This guy is a tool. Someone beat his arse into the ground for me. He keeps sending me messages over the 'tube. Quote
Tako Posted March 10, 2008 Posted March 10, 2008 Did anyone email the webpage to Calgary F&W? Point out the obviously barbed hook? Pretty simple conviction if you ask me. Quote
Nick0Danger Posted March 10, 2008 Posted March 10, 2008 I don't think they could actually use it against him. However i know the 2 CO's ive meet would look out for them and nail em to the wall given the opportunity. Nick Quote
OneMoreLastCast Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 I wasn't going to get into this one, but I'm bored.... Personally, I can't be bothered with them. There are too many people just like them out there, these guys just like to video tape the odd fish they catch. If they had video of them catching more than just one or two fish in each video, I would worry a little more, but that's not the case. It doesn't look to me like they are really much of a threat to the fishery since it doesn't look like they catch too many fish. As for getting them charged with anything...I can only say that some people are over-reacting. Using Tri-Hooks is not illegal unfortunately and until it is, they are free to do so on the occasional fish they might hook into. (Edited due to ignorance on my part...Sorry). As for the way they handle the odd fish they catch....Although it turns my stomach to see it, the regulations do not state them as "rules", they are written as "Tips", and you can't charge someone for not taking a "Tip". But, as I said, I don't believe that the small number of fish they might luck into is going to affect our great fishery. They video tape their fishing, to show the world that they don't know how to handle, and obviously don't respect the fish they catch. They don't seem to be hiding anything to me. I'd be more worried about the people out there that are actually Poaching and knowingly doing no-good before I'd spend any energy on these guys. If someone has a problem with them personally, that's their prerogative. The comment in the vid shows that they will most likely be reading this and the fact that this thread got to this means they got us...(me included, for replying). I did think the Metallica playing in the 1972 El Camino was more than perfect though. I personally think we should all get together and throw Rick in the river... ....Oh wait. Forget that. If we wait long enough, he'll just fall in himself. Quote
Nick0Danger Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 Sorry MTB but i thought barbs are illegal http://www.albertaregulations.ca/fishingregs/ Quote
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