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Reason # 516 Why You Should Case Your Rods When Finished.

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As Max and Bigbowtrout know, I leave my rods by the front door...you know in case of emergency. Well my GF god bless her is vacuuming the house and the front entrance was first. I hadnt taken off my streamers yet so i had a bit of line on the floor loose. Well I bought a new Dyson vacuum and it REALLY has good suction. Well she sucked the entire first section of my rod into the vacuum. 4 piece rod by the way.


So after she was done being extremely upset I told her it was my fault for leaving my rods out and not back in the cases. 25 bucks is not bad since it was a TFO. Then I sent her back to do some more vacuuming since im such a softy.


The end.

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How'bout Nanaimo Bars? I'm a sucker for homemade 'naimo bars...that's why my ass is wider than my shoulders right now..been pigging out on them all durin' the Xmas holidays.

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you just need to find a man that knows how to properly wipe his ass...



does such a beast exist???


i'm still not doing laundry or vacuuming... that's what house keepers are for. besides, house work cuts in to my fishing time and the crap will still be there when i'm done.

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