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Harmless Hooks


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You just have to read about Harmless Hooks which is advertised on this site.


Do you know that most fish C&R die? According to The Harmless hooks site they do.


The real question is "What should be done to people who plainly don't tell the truth in their advertising"


Clearly putting your best foot forward in addvertising is accepted but blatantly lying is something else again.



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Do you know that most fish C&R die? According to The Harmless hooks site they do.



Hmmm... read the site over a couple of times, nowhere did I read on it any claim that most C&R fish die. That said I have my doubts that those hooks would be much different than regular ones. Next thing, antibiotic dressing for your Royal Coachman's? Or how about vitamin fortified dubbing for your nymphs or better yet anabolic steroid dressing to beef up those triploids... oh my, I could go on and on... cheers

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Should FFC be more selective of it's advertisers?



This advertiser is not a site sponsor to my knowledge and the location that you are seeing this ad is in a random area where alot of the advertizing is based on where you personally have been surfing the web, I generally see a lot of photography graphics advertizing when I come on here. Many forums have this type of random advertizing going on.


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I have seen that add a few time and have never serched hooks to my knowledge. seems like a fluf add, like green washing a construction add.

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Now ya' see it ---------- Now ya' don't.


Looks like someone pointed out the BS to them.




It's still there Don, the ads rotate around in a cycle as a matter of it's showing on top of the page as I'm typing this reply. I'd agree that these look like nothing than barbed bait hooks.


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From the FAQ:


"Can't I just use barbless fish hooks?"


A. "Barbless fish hooks were created so that the fish could easily be removed from the hook, saving the fisherman hassle. Fish get infections from dirty hooks, not from easy hook removal. "


Read carefully...what they are actually saying here is that fish do not get infections from easy hook removal....so therefore barbless hooks cause no infection.


"The Harmless Hook fish hook will continue to help protect the fish from infection as it heals, and then dissolve."


I would love to see how an internally imbedded hook will "...protect the fish...", and just how long it takes for a hook to dissolve inside a fish, assuming that the hook does not tear into some internal organ or other.


Apparently barbs do not harm fish either....




These chaps really should have vetted their site far more carefully before putting it online.

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haha, i was waiting for the site to pop back up but that is too funny. Im guessing these guys dropped out of community collage where they don't have to take a communications class...or use a library...

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I'd say the words on the package in bold black letters, "WON'T KILL THE FISH!" support Don's original premise. Did you notice the bit about barbless hooks just being for the anglers convenience? Ever gripped a fish too hard trying to get out a barbed hook, and heard/felt the old silent-but-deadly? :opps: Infections kill fish? I bet our hooks have a lot less microbes than an Osprey's talons. I've caught fish with some pretty impressive scars, and they're saying one little pinprick kills them?


I'm kind of mad. Like, I want to call an ombudsman or something. I won't do anything if you tell me it'll harm FFC. I say give them their money back and take down the ad.


On second thought, it's a doomed product anyway. I get too worked up.

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I'm kind of mad. Like, I want to call an ombudsman or something. I won't do anything if you tell me it'll harm FFC. I say give them their money back and take down the ad.


On second thought, it's a doomed product anyway. I get too worked up.



You don't get it , the ad is random and FFC is not paid to run it, it shows up randomly, if you look at the top of the page you see 2 banner ads side by side, those are FFC sponsor ads, the one that covers the width of the page is random. Practically every forum has this type of random ad running in it and the content in most cases is based on your surfing habits. I personally get a lot of photo & software ads .




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1) I can't imagine that FFC allows adverts on their site without some kind of compensation.


2) Further, I would think that there is some type of control on what type of ad gets to this location. An ad tailored to people's surfing habits/curiosity may reveal a lot more than

the public needs to know.




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Some of the ads can be put up by Google and are based on what you search for - there are ways to protect yourself (browser privacy settings, using Firefox with certain add-ons) but if you're just using IE with the default settings you've pretty much left the door wide open. Maybe searching for "fish porn" isn't such a good idea after all? :)



Of course, they do pay to place the ads.

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You don't get it , the ad is random and FFC is not paid to run it, it shows up randomly, if you look at the top of the page you see 2 banner ads side by side, those are FFC sponsor ads, the one that covers the width of the page is random. Practically every forum has this type of random ad running in it and the content in most cases is based on your surfing habits. I personally get a lot of photo & software ads .


That's right these ads are actually Google based and will most likely cycle through any forum or site that contains Google key words to do with the subject (in this case fishing) trigger where it is viewed. Some of these banner ads will actually follow you from other sites you visit. Nothing to do with FFC.

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You don't get it , the ad is random and FFC is not paid to run it, it shows up randomly, if you look at the top of the page you see 2 banner ads side by side, those are FFC sponsor ads, the one that covers the width of the page is random. Practically every forum has this type of random ad running in it and the content in most cases is based on your surfing habits. I personally get a lot of photo & software ads .


I get it just fine, thanks. No affiliation with FFC, wasn't paid for, and you have no control over it. I wonder how Northern Lights manage to do without it?

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I get it just fine, thanks. No affiliation with FFC, wasn't paid for, and you have no control over it. I wonder how Northern Lights manage to do without it?


I think it is in the software packages that are chosen by a forum , there are a few that I know of that have no advertising at all but you must pay to join them. Several posts in this thread seem to imply that FFC accepted ad money for this ad which is not true and I'm trying make it clear that this is the case


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