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A Little Medical Advice Please

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So I came home from a quick trip to a buddies house with a lake in his back yard. I had a bit of a headache and I asked my wife if we had any tylenol. She said it might help, but it may help more if YOU TAKE THE BIG STREAMER OUT OF YOUR HEAD. It was about a #4. It hurt a bit.


So I guess one should wear a hat when casting big streamers in the wind. After I impaled in my head, I tried to pull it out, but it seemed a bit sticky. Oh please, I think, let the barb be all the way down. I pull a bit harder, no go. So I cut off the line, drive home and ask my wife to pull it out. She looks, shrugs, and says "I'm going to finish my lava cake". Now that's love baby! She said if you can drive home, it can't be very bad. By the way, she used to be an ICU nurse. Says she knows a real emergency when she sees one.


So I call down to my son who comes upstairs and says "don't make me pull the hook out of your head." We have a history as he tried, and failed, to pull one out of my lip earlier this year. So I make him. I give him my hemo's, say give it a yank. If I scream, stop. So he pulls, out comes the hook sans barb.


So in 40 years of fishing before fly fishing, no hooks in me ever. 1 yr of fly fishing, I've hooked myself twice. Sweet. And ouch.

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Ya but how was the lava cake? :lol:

Don't know, she didn't make me any. They were individual cakes, and I wasn't supposed to be home.


So, in short, no sympathy, no easing of my not insignificant pain, no cake.


Coming up on 20 yrs of wedded bliss.


She did ask me if I'd go get her some coffee though.


OK, I made that last part up.

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Think of the tremendously valuable lesson you have just learned. FFing is not all like it shows in the movies! You can fall in the river, catch trees, hook yourself (see friend) all kinds of good stuff. This is just a taste, although a painful one. A splitshot to the head or ear or back can smart like the devil also. I recommend double-hauling a 3-nymph rig with 2 splits in winter with a howling wind , just to see how many different ways you can smack yourself. When you're done, we'll compare scores - I'm not telling yet!


Too bad about no cake, sorry brother.

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Guest Rocknbugs
So I came home from a quick trip to a buddies house with a lake in his back yard. I had a bit of a headache and I asked my wife if we had any tylenol. She said it might help, but it may help more if YOU TAKE THE BIG STREAMER OUT OF YOUR HEAD. It was about a #4. It hurt a bit.


So I guess one should wear a hat when casting big streamers in the wind. After I impaled in my head, I tried to pull it out, but it seemed a bit sticky. Oh please, I think, let the barb be all the way down. I pull a bit harder, no go. So I cut off the line, drive home and ask my wife to pull it out. She looks, shrugs, and says "I'm going to finish my lava cake". Now that's love baby! She said if you can drive home, it can't be very bad. By the way, she used to be an ICU nurse. Says she knows a real emergency when she sees one.


So I call down to my son who comes upstairs and says "don't make me pull the hook out of your head." We have a history as he tried, and failed, to pull one out of my lip earlier this year. So I make him. I give him my hemo's, say give it a yank. If I scream, stop. So he pulls, out comes the hook sans barb.


So in 40 years of fishing before fly fishing, no hooks in me ever. 1 yr of fly fishing, I've hooked myself twice. Sweet. And ouch.


LMAO!! Good story.

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Rick, Rick....Rick. I wish I wasn't stuck up here in Fort McMurray because it hasn't been that long and I already miss fishing with you. :lol:


Awhile back, (around 20 years ago now), my oldest/longest fishing Buddy Jerry had the same thing happen, only the hook in His head was a bit smaller. He came over to ask me for assistance in getting the hook out. I simply reached over, grabbed the hook and yanked....It came out no problem at all.

The only problem was that the hooks tip stayed in his scalp. No big deal we thought and figured it would just disolve or form a "bubble" and the problem would go away.

Each year Jerry would get each of us to feel the back of his head to show that the Hook tip was still there. We would give him a bit of sympathy, let him tell anyone that hadn't heard the story his near death experience and go fishing.

This Spring on our annual group fishing trip, Jerry once again told us to feel his head and low and behold, the tip is still there. It never caused any problems over the years and the way it looks, he'll be able to have his Grandchildren feel the back of his head and tell them about that fatefull day.

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A few years back I fishing on the Bow and ended up hooking the back of my shirt. Didn't want to disrobe waders, shirt, etc, so just cut the line and retied (I was by myself at the time). Later in the day some other anglers came to the same run. We fished and chatted for a while. By now I had completely forgotten about the rig hanging off the back of my shirt. Wondering what the other fisherman were thinking after seeing me :)


I also had a time in Norther Sask. where I was fishing with my elderly Uncle for pike. He hooked a hammer handle on a Rapala, and tried to take the hook out. Of course fish flaps around and he gets a treble hook in his wrist. We unhook the fish, but couldn't get the hook out of him as it was barbed. Tried all the tricks etc, but it wouldn't come. Finally Uncle got frustrated and just ripped it out. This was 2 hours away from civilization so hospital wasn't really an option. After the hook comes out and the bloods starts coming, he then tells us he's on blood thinners and anti clotting agents due to Heart Attacks. Like any red neck though, he just continued fishing and we all waited for him to pass out or fall out of the boat :) (luckily didn't happen though)

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Hear ya,


fishing since I can remeber not a hook in me. 1 season FFing 3

1 to back of the arm

1 to the back of the head

1 to the Cheek (luckily I wear a Beard so you can't really see the wound)


Last weekend when I hooked my cheek I was more affraid for my son who I was fishing with, thought he was going fall over have an asthma attack and drown in the river, before I could beat him sensless for laughin at his Oldman. <_<

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What kinda namby-pamby starts a story about fishing & never mentions how the fishing was?

"WAAHHHH!!! I stuck a hook in my skull! WAAHHHH!!!"

Get to the point, man! How was the fishing?



Personally, I've never done worse than a little prick in my finger ( insert joke here). Of course, now that

I've made fun of you, Rick, I'm sure to get impaled next time out. Damned karma!

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Chris, You are a funny man! Can you make me some for Thursday?



Here is the report:

Get to dock. Drop big leech into water while I strip out line. Watch monster rainbow come out from under dock to investigate then swim off. Make a few casts, switch to big green streamer thing (some sort of damsel fly?Not sure) and put it in my head. So 5 minutes of fishing, no fish, bloody head. Sorry for the whining. :P

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