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Everything posted by fishteck

  1. The following link details all Bow and Elbow Rivers instream work for 2017. The list is quite extensive including the most recent addition of ATCO removing an abandoned gas pipeline across the Bow River above Grave Bridge. I have been in contact with the majority of the project managers for each of these sites. The concerns of the fishing community have been recognized. https://bowrivertrout.org/2017/05/05/bow-river-instream-work-for-2017/
  2. I had a look at the site today. As has been said, its mid river adjacent to the "Hell on Wheels" movie set. The best approach is to speak to the land owner. I believe it is the Grunewald family. Arrange for the farms heaviest tractor to pull the boat to the bank. Get a cable minimum 2000 # test make sure the eyelets on each end are crimped in place. Don't take any short cuts, you will regret it!
  3. The gate will be opened for public use and concrete blocks removed by 12:00 noon Wednesday 19 April 2017. The access road will be graded in the morning, so use caution if arriving ath the access gate earlier in the day. .
  4. This topic is getting out of hand! Should we as anglers inform the authorities every time: - we enter the water and kick up some sediment. - use floatant, oil your reel. - tip cold coffee into the river - have a pixx in the river. - toss a cigarette butt or joint into the river All of these actions when combined together on a summer's day could well impact fish habitat. Lets be serious and realistic with advocacy!
  5. This has nothing to do with "blind trust", but rather a respect for the professionals who are doing the work and monitoring the environmental impact. BurningChrome- A little bit of trust and respect for the agencies governing these activities is needed.
  6. This topic was started to inform our community of instream river work that was being conducted by the City of Calgary and the Province to improve or repair infrastructure for the benefit of all Calgarians. Unfortunately, any instream work comes with some short term negative impact to the environment. Various government requirements are put in place to reduce the negative impact on the environment to a minimum. This is certainly the case with this year's Bow River instream work. What this topic has turned into is a debate over environmental stewardship. Calgary is a growing community, probably doubling in size in 20 years with an ever increasing appetite for recreational activities. New city infrastructure is needed that will impact our environment to some degree, but these project will not be curtailed due to environmental advocacy. What is needed is responsible management and execution of instream work. From everything I have been fortunate enough to engage with the City of Calgary, the Provincial Government and those engineers and contractors conducting the work, I am satisfied that the best case practices are being adhered to. Admittedly they are not perfect, but reduce the impact to a minimal level. The following link details all known instream work in the City of Calgary for 2017. https://bowrivertrout.org/2017/04/10/calgary-bow-river-instream-work-sites/
  7. Hyroman - It looks like I've been vindicated! I will be posting the complete list of instream work sites tomorrow. In the meantime have a look at the following video taken today after the cofferdam was opened up to the high flow channel (river left) The water looks clean to me. Once cofferdams are placed above and below the low flow channel (river right) the construction of the low flow channel will start. https://www.facebook.com/CalgaryPaddlingCentre/videos/863766713762925/
  8. The engineer consultants told me that in all likelihood the threshold level for sediment content assigned to this project will be exceeded for a limited time as the cofferdams are removed and that AEP has to be notified when this happens. This would indicate to me that monitoring is ongoing during the instream work phase. When the bank stabilization work was being done at the Agrium Pump House (North Bow Loge) in 2016 there was monitoring of water quality downstream of the work site by consultants to the contractor. The same procedures are probably in place with Harvie Passage.
  9. I find it difficult to believe that engineers and contractors are unaware or not concerned with adhering to AEP and Federal guidelines and conditions of the instream work permits. Having worked with many engineers and excavation companies over the years I have gained a great amount of respect of due diligence taken to protect the environment. There is a need for all of us to understand that engineering and earth movement is not an exact science when conducted on dry land. When performed on a river bed the excavation is further complicated by the volume and force of the water. With Harvie Passage redevelopment the removal of the cofferdams and diversion of the river flow would appear to be impossible without some sediment being pickup and carried downstream. As I have said previously the engineers and contractor for Harvie Passage are well aware of the public's concerns. Give them a break – don’t hang on the end of your phone waiting to call the authorities who have more than likely already been informed of any breach in protocol by the consulting engineers.
  10. Short-term pain for long-term gain! All of us can do with taking a few days off the river. The question that maybe needs to be debated revolves around fishing for and catching fish stressed out from the environment and/ or man-made intervention. If fish are stressed extensively by the instream river work, should the river be closed to fishing during that time? The same argument could also be made during high flow flood conditions when the river also contains a high degree of sediment. Neither of these scenario will see the river closed to fishing - therefore just suck it up and look forwards to improvements in recreations river use in the future.
  11. Be careful blaming blaming any water viability issues on just Transportation Alberta, There is a whole list of the City of Calgary mitigation projects underway. I'm trying to get a complete list of all projects that I will post when available.
  12. There are two periods in the year when instream work can be done on the Bow River April 05 to May 01 & July 16 to Sept 15. These are controlled locally by Alberta Environment & Parks. There is a mass of requirements that have to be met by the engineers and contractors. If work is in violation of the construction permits heavy fines will and have been issued. Harvie Passage redevelopment was needed and we as anglers will have to suffer somewhat for the remainder of April. I have asked for a 3 -5 day work site instream construction schedule, but unfortunately is not possible, but the contractor will do their part to ease the disruption. Go to the following link for more schedule info: https://www.transportation.alberta.ca/documents/HP-NewsletterJan2017.pdf
  13. Harvie Passage In Stream Work Updated May 5 Comments from the engineers: "Instream work started today. The Contractor is working towards removing the cofferdams in the next week or so, but the temporary diversion channel may not be blocked off till later. We are allowed to work instream till April 30th. The river will definitely be diverted back to the High Water Channel prior to April 30th" We can expect to see a fair amount of water discoloration during this timeline that at time will make it very difficult to fish the Bow River..
  14. Wait until April 1 or 15
  15. How can anyone expect to see the Oldman drainage devoid of Whirling Disease! The Missouri has Whiling Disease, The Bow has Whirling Disease. There is free movement of anglers, paddlers, OHV's, hikers and migratory birds between all these water bodies. Whirling Disease must be there unless the gods and not the recreational users are in control of our destiny!
  16. AEP had a series of stakeholder meeting last week covering, recreational use, conservation groups, local government and commercial businesses. The information gathered from the discussions will go into the proposed plan that will be presented to the public for comment in June. It is my understanding that the discussions at all session was very constructive. The good news is that short term improvements at Policeman's Flats and McKinnon's Flats are a priority.
  17. Go to the bottom of the page. Thanks
  18. Alberta Environment & Parks has started a consultation process to develop and improve Bow River access from Ghost Reservoir down to Carsland. Bow River Trout, as a stakeholder in the engagement process is compiling data for the importance of each access site in the scope of the priority stretch of the Bow river from Calgary to Carseland. Please take some time and go to the following link and complete the questionaire. It will ony take a couple of minutes. https://bowrivertrout.org/2017/03/18/bow-river-access-plan/ Further information will be comming out over the next couple of months
  19. The design of Harvie Passage, especially the low flow channel was to meet normal water management operations during the spring and summer months when the sleuth gates are closed for water diversion into the WID. That usually takes place from late April to early October. When the Sleuth gates are closed the river backs up pushing water down the low flow channel provided there is a minimum river flow of 62 CMS. What is being asked for is to open the sleuth gate earlier and close later to extend the back up of water to push it down the low flow channel.
  20. TroutPanther: Before any surveys are done on the Bearspaw to Harvie Passage reach of the Bow there is a need to get HP completed first. The redevelopment should be complete by the end of this year, but I'm not sure if the river's flow will be reinstated until the spring of 2018. I would assume that fish populations will have to be assessed in the coming years.
  21. The barbless hook issue has been debated for some time. You can always find reports and surveys that suggest barbless hooks reduce fish kill, but under what protocol was the research conducted. I have watched anglers play a fish to almost death in the belief that a barbless hook would dislodge and the angler would not get his hands on the fish. Although most anglers observe the barbless hook belief, bringing the fish to the net quickly and reducing the photo shoots will more than likely save more fish.
  22. Disappointing to see no closure to the City of Calgary reach of the Bow during Oct and Nov to protect spawning Brown Trout. But i must say I am not surprised
  23. The current plans call for West Baker Park and Shouldice Park to be closed to trailered boat access until the new Inglewood boat ramp is completed in 2018. Shouldice may be closed longer depending on the timing for an additional "public" boat ramp. Depending on how the redesigned Harvie Passage turns out where the low flow channel should give safe passage for drift boats, West Baker Park may be opened earlier. It is expected that the HP Low Flow Channel will not have enough water in it to allow for safe passage during times of the year when the Bow River flows are low. and the WID water diversion gates are open. Only time will tell what the final outcome will be!
  24. This is a good video from New Zealand
  25. This is the debate between "Entitlement" and "Privilege". The only avenue to get movement towards a more rational outcome is for the protectors of the back-country to Engage with Government. Unfortunately a voice that whispers or says nothing will not be listened to.
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