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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. do you know how much they had em on for?? Thanks!
  2. Hey everyone, just looking for a few opinions on rain jackets. I'm looking to spend about $150-175 tops, can anyone reccomend any brands? or jackets they have and like/dislike? Thanks for any opinions! edit: forgot to say, if you can purchase the jacket in Calgary..all the better!
  3. dammit, oh well ended up going with the legend ultra off ebay
  4. Anybody seen a 9 weight avid or legend ultra in any of the shops around town?? Thanks for any leads
  5. wow, awesome news..very excited!
  6. Hey Kris, Once you are a fisheries biologist think you could change around the pike regs in this province, or atleast talk some sense into the retards who made the regs? Right now it is asking to keep the big spawning females aka. 3 over 25 inches (which is obviously not good) Just want to make sure your managing the fish uh-oh I said pike on this forum
  7. You were right, he was wrong. I've also hear of another CO doing this at pigeon lake, too bad our CO's dont even know the rules they are supposed to be enforcing.
  8. I wouldnt say they are all skinny
  9. I have the exact boots you are talking about, they were great for the first little while...however after about 3-4 months the interchangable soles started to just interchange too easy , like when I'd kick my iced up boot on the pavement it would fall out, eventually after time rocks got in there and made the part that holds the sole too big and theyd always fall out. I ended up just using the damn things without the soles and the boots held up for quite a while longer, but due to the fact that the soles were a major pain from the get go I'd reccomend to stay away from them. Just my opinion though...
  10. Wow dr.bulltrout is my new hero for that story best story ive ever read on here
  11. its fairly good thru the ice...
  12. ahhh cmon brian, you cant say sightfishing for those trout wasnt fun... that day out on crawling did suck, cant let one bad day spoil it
  13. Thanks for the replies guys, one more question however...are the tripods one size fits all, or is it brand specific?? Thanks!
  14. Interested in getting a bipod for my camera(Canon Powershot A640) ideally I'd like it to be extendable(about 12 inches to 3 feet???maybe, something like that) anybody know any stores in Calgary selling this kind of tripod? Thanks for any info!
  15. time to break out the auger and become friends with ice toolman shes frozen up nicely in the mountains
  16. wicked pics Wes!
  17. ladystrange, next time you get some suckers like that I will pay you to bring them back to Calgary for me. 2-4 bucks depending on size...deal?
  18. esleech, all different lakes actually (sylvan,travers,newell) troutslayer, meet ya over at sundance sometime? i live there too come on someone else must have some icefishing pictures !!!
  19. I guess only esleech and me icefish... (cmon you icefisher lurkers) who would wanna icefish anyways..its cold and ya never catch any fish
  20. ice chart maybe do some research before you open that mouth of yours, 3 inches of black(clear) ice is perfectly safe. Ice picks, lifejackets and a throw rope should also be brought with incase the worst does happen.
  21. dang right clive.. November 5th of last year
  22. yes, 3 inches of ice at first ice is all I need. And yes, I will go out first
  23. lower k, first ice!
  24. exactly russ, and to brent...dont even start.
  25. freakin rights so close !!
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