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Posts posted by bowbonehead

  1. The dry fly fishing is very good but very technical at this time of year ( 5x\6x absolutely no drag) Try swinging boatmen/prince nymph /copperjohn type flies in the riffle water you will be rewarded Not as much fun or as satisfying as fishing Baetis but easier on your confidence :derby racer:

  2. The Ranger needs new meats. I currently have Nokian Vatiiva's on it and althouth I was impressed with there traction on snow, the longevity has left something to be desired. Any opnions on what I should look at for new tires would be appreciated. I dont want anything to knobby. Michelin LTX 2's were what I was thinking, but frick are they expensive!


    Thoughts, opinions, experiences....please!

    Check them out at Costco(LTX 2s) not sure what you consider expensive but they work well in my opinion on a similar size truck
  3. Won't the tin just rust away in a few years, exposing the lead? How come so few people use steel anchors? I'm getting a boat this fall, and my experience with anchors is limited to throwing rocks in a bag for my float tube.

    Have used one for 5 years now and no rust yet it might be stainless but anchor still weighs 32lb same as when it was new

  4. Remember its not always what you use but what you do with it and practice your line control as a lot of the time people do not realize a fish has taken their fly! ie "you drive for show and putt for dough" do not worry about making the long cast as much as fishing effectively with a shorter cast. Again as Rickr said tag along with a more experienced angler if possible.

  5. I picked up a bunch of these to make my own paramids, well I ended up needing one but no time to melt one down and pour one.

    So I decided to just drill a hole thru a 15lbs diving weight an add a 5" long 3/8" bolt then welded a 6" drag chain.


    "WOW" It worked just as good if not better than a paramid and has yet to get stuck.


    Just need to paint it Red add a bright colored rope that floats so if it does get stuck hopefuly it can be removed.


    Losing an anchor is not a good thing but what realy bothers me is I am leaving lead in a river.



    Go one step further and cover it in tin and you will not leave lead in the river

  6. Several 8-10lb fish in the Bow...wow, who knew!

    And most of those tend to have a red tinge to their fins and hang out in back waters ie Esok Lucius.....put one in the weigh net on the weekend just shy of 6kg=13lbs taped at 35 inches so a 8-10 lb bow is rather rare in the Bow

  7. Much like the other trout strains as they get bigger their diet tends to change. If you want to catch bigger cuts fish streamers as the big boys prefer meat including their own young Caught many a big cut fishing for bullies not to say they won't take a dry,nymph etc.... after all they tend to be opportunists because of their location

  8. If you were to own two different weight rods what would they be? I bought a 7wt ( Bow) and 4wt ( Oldman, Livingston,Crow) Is this a good setup? I think the 7wt might be overkill. Should I drop to a 5/6wt?

    Any advice would be great? My exp. level is intermediate.


    This can only be determined by you, all the info above is good and correct but it gets down to where you will spend the majority of your time fishing and the techniques you plan to employ on these waters, otherwise using the proper tool for the job. If you rarely get on the Bow than a 7 is overkill unless you are target Bulls on the mountain streams whereas if you plan to fish in high water and bankpound streamers then its the right tool for the job. If you get the right 7wt you can even use it for bones in the tropics wind permiting. Hope this helps Tight lines!


  9. :opps: Now I know why some flippers come with ankle straps!!!!! Lost one yesterday, so finished up in circles!! If anyone has had a similar experience and wants to sell a single flipper, am in the market. Mine is a lower end (Caddis - I believe) with laces rather than a strap. 16"(long) x 9" (widest) and fits over a wading boot. Would like to replace with one that is similar.

    If none out there, I may be back looking for advice re a new purchase. Thanks!


    Having seen this happen on a few different occasions to fellow anglers we started using safety straps (snowboard clip leashes) one end to the flipper and the working clip to your laces of your boots. Works great and easy to use provided you are using boot style fins!

  10. Reward Reinstated----I was able to cancel my order at Hyde for a new anchor, so the reward still stands if anyone finds my lost anchor within the next 10-12 days or so. If not, I'll get a new one sometime in August.



    The channel is likely the one leading to G-run or the one at the bottom of Must be Nice that ends at Frenchman's Sorry I'm old and only know the runs by their original names I would suggest a bit of dredging in these areas with your streamer set-up and posting notes in the fly shops as it will likely be a guide who comes across it...


  11. Bowbonehead, we didn't have the power oar in the back or a spare oar. Dave just "canoed" the Lavro till I could grab it. Could have be an interesting trip around the fast corners

    Calm down Paul... just pulling your chain, how was fishing on Friday I saw you with Dave I think around Must Be Nice, give me a call and see if we can link up on that other stretch of river.

  12. We lost a wood one on Saturday...but a mile downstream I spotted the runaway and we chased it down.


    Good luck with your search



    Lucky you had a spare oar to chase it down or were you in that boat with the oar in the back

  13. Ya'll are gonna get sick of my posts now that I have fully caught the fever. Ok this 9ft rod is my starting rod. Can I use this for dries, emergers, nytmphing, and streamers. Keep in mind im not gonna spend money on seperate rods until i learn more about all. Ive seen suggestions I should change the fly line on this nxt package.


    Now to leaders. Ive read the nymphing primer and am going to follow rickr's advice and try a 2x leader. Any specific recommendations for this and strike indicators?


    Rod should be fine for dries,nymphs and light streamers(not bank pounding) Not sure what line you have but assume its a dry which will be fine for dries and nymphing. You can use a longer leader and weighted flies for streamering but don't over do it as it is only a 5/6 wt. Tight lines

  14. Hi All, i lost a black Hyde Oar upstream from Police on Saturday. Any one hearing of it found would be rewarded. Much appreciated,



    Was it floating... a lot of the synthetics particularly the counter balanced ones have a habit of sinking. They tend to end up in the bottom of a run sticking up at an angle from the bottom, hopefully as the water drops someone will spot it and post its recovery on here or in one o the fly shops. I would be sure to post a description at all the fly shops and there's a decent chance of its recovery. I feel for you as they are pretty tough to chase with one oar. I have found a few over the years and have been able to find the owners of all but one (counter-balanced cataract) still have it somewhere. I will be out on the water drifting on Thursday and Friday I will keep an eye out.

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