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Posts posted by bowbonehead

  1. As posted its always best to be prepared and ready because early risers will usually take on the first good drift. Early season caddis before runoff can be quite good if you happen to be in the right place at the right time. When you see those heavy BWOs in the spring and nothin going on up top its usually because they are gorging down belowwhere the pickens are easier

  2. I think it depends on the individual and how they treat their equipment. I know I have boat rods and reels that are for newbies and new clients until I see how well they treat the gear. If they pass the test I have no problem handing them the good stuff after all that's what the manufacturers want and why they offer Pro programs to get the new gear in the clients hands. With that in mind I wish I had a few spare RPL tips as I do not think the current replacements are the same vintage.

  3. Closer to home....... before they killed Crawling Valley and restocked it with walleye there was the chance of new Alberta record Rainbows as fish in the teens were being caught regularly out of it, ugly looking rainbows with tiny heads and enormous bodies very similar to the MT. Lamson trout in California, I'm sure Uliwon Spent some time fishing them.

  4. Rinse it at the end of each day of your trip strip out some line -bath tub is great if you have one. give it a good cleaning when you get home and lubricate it keep in mind all lubricants are not equal so follow your manufactures advice or you may void your warranty or bugger your reel. Clean your rod when your get home too as sand and salt have a nasty habit of magically reappearing. Have fun on your trip!

  5. some reel foots just don't match up well with certain reel seats all you can do is alter the foot ie-file or grind the foot to fit or change the reel seat on the rod not really that difficult but a shame to do on a new rod, The other is to get a different reel. I had some early Hardy Marquis that didn't fit well with my RPL's a little filing was all that was needed to make them work until I replaced them with Loops.

  6. Line control,Line control,Line control ...... this will aid in a quicker hook set, you need some slack but only enough to maintain a drag free float and remember if you have to think about setting the hook you are probably too late it won't always be a obvious pull on your indicator,but remember it really gets down to putting your time in....

  7. Tough question-I know I have fished with some guides(mostly tropical) who definitely were not Pros experience wise and guided some clients who are as Pro as you can get! I think the whole idea of the forum is to share knowledge and enjoy the quest and lets face it even an old dog can learn new tricks!!!!

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