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Everything posted by FlyTrapper

  1. Awesome, thank you once again Bron, much appreciated! Nick
  2. Does anyone know the recipe to this fly? Thank you. Nick
  3. Wapiti sports in Canmore also sells them.
  4. My first couple attempts at starting some more traditional style tying. Not that these patterns are all that traditional from what I've read but its a start. Nick
  5. Thank you for the information Bron, very much appreciated. As well, thank you Gary, I will do some digging and see what I can find, going to try that fly you posted about for sure. My apologies for not looking back first before posting. Thanks again guys, Nick
  6. Hey guys, I am going to be on the San Juan Islands the August long weekend, and I'm going to bring the 8wt and 5wt. From what I know I will mostly be fishing from the shore in front of where we are staying, along with some access in the area via rowboat. I was hoping to do some fishing while I am there, doing some reading it sounds like I may be a little early to be throwing for Coho, but I will try with some Clousers never the less. However the more likely shot at fish is going to be Cuttys. I have some rolled muddlers and I am going to tie some handlebar's and some other flies suggested to me. Maybe chartreuse and pink woolly buggers? My main question is locating them, both Cuttys and Cohos. We have a pebble beach which fades to kelp in deeper, along with some big rock islands that form a big river situation during the flood and ebb. Maybe a good place to try? Other then that I think all I will be able to do is work my way over the shoreline in the rowboat to maybe another pebble beach, but there is lots of cliffs. Any suggestions would be really helpful, thank you guys. Nick
  7. Did you fish the beaver pond about a click down? Got some nice cutties out of there last year. Nick
  8. Thank you for the replies both Bron and bcube. Bron: Thank you for the pointers on the salmon, I will try tying up some of the patterns you suggested, where I will be staying there is a really strung tide "stream" through the rocks that I want to try, no sand, kelp and pebbles so I am hoping it will be good. bcube: Thank you. My main issue with those long stingers is making the loop big enough to get the hook into. All the Hoh Bo's are tyed on 40mm shanks while the ones you are saying are good are on 25mm. Been a little frustrating as I have tied a bunch of the Hoh Bo's but now that I look at them they are pretty long. Maybe I should catch up on some the other patterns as I was hoping to rely on the Hoh Bo's. Any ways, thank you for your continued advice, I'll try again on these. Nick
  9. I've been busy figuring out the trailer hook set up on shanks, but I believe I have it down now. Here is a sample of what I have been tying. Some Ho Bo Speys and variations of my own. I have also been doing lots of reading about fishing for Coho in the salt. Going to be in the San Juan Islands this summer and I am planning on throwing some of these Clousers for them. If anyone has any experience shore fishing for Coho, I would really appreciate any tips. Thank you. Nick
  10. Sweet! Nice fish!! Nick
  11. Amazing Doc, wow.
  12. That looks nice Muha! Thank you for the chart, and tip Bron, that last one is thick because I used lead wrap underneath which was not a good idea haha. Nick
  13. Awesome ties Muha! I have been trying to work on some of my nymphs, but its quite the struggle with the intricate patterns so I am sticking to the basics for now. Went a little too fat on this last one I think. Nick
  14. Any chance you would be willing to share what he was caught on? Never fished the Crow but would like to start, may head down this weekend. Nick
  15. Elbow below the dam would be a hot spot, I have called RAP three times in the last two years, and I go there maybe five times a year. Nick
  16. Awesome ties!
  17. Thank you again for the advice, I will stop in and see if I can get some advice on the intruder ties. Really too bad I missed it! Those flies look great! Once again, thank you! Nick
  18. Thank you for the advice and the link bcube! I agree I used hooks much too large on some of the flies, going to mostly stick to regular hooks, and it is what I have tied the most, I just don't have a picture of them all posted. Are the stingers I tied with wire too long as well, or just the hook to intruder shank flies? I need to find smaller wire for the loop to loop, currently using intruder wire and it is too thick to get through the eye of the stinger hook. Once again thank you for the help. Nick
  19. And a couple more, starting to just experiment with materials based loosely on pictures I see online, not too sure how they will be but I like the way they look! I cannot stop tying them, love it. Nick
  20. Here are a couple of Steelhead flies for this summer, excited to have the opportunity to get out there. Nick
  21. Thanks for the link Flywiz! I actually have their winter articles bookmarked but I had no idea they had tying instructions and what not! That looks like an awesome pattern Pokerfish thank you! I will be trying that in the near future, like the look of it a lot! Nick
  22. A few Royal Coachmans and a Leadwing Coachman, recommended by SilverDoctor, first couple of classic wet fly ties, love tying these flies. Sorry about the quality, tying on the road right now and I don't have my good camera.
  23. Thank you for all the suggestions in here guys, I will try them out and see what works best. Going to go and buy a ceramic bobbin, almost certain that the steel one I have now is the issue. Thank you again. Edit: I just stopped by the shop and grabbed a whiting 100 pack grizzly. Crazy expensive on some of those products. Bought a ceramic bobbin as well, no breakage. Tied up a tester EHC and it worked great. The hackle is waaaay nicer to deal with, you get what you pay for. Again thank you for all the advice. Nick
  24. Hi guys, as I'm sure most of you know, I am very new to tying. My interest has shifted to tying some dry flies and in particular, Elk Hair Caddis. There has been a couple questions I have been wondering about, and I was hoping someone could shed some light on the subject. The first question is about hackle on the fly. Today I purchased a bag of saddle hackle to use, however I am using size 14-16 hooks, and the hackle is huge, even using the smallest feathers I can find in the bag, is there a way guys make their hackle smaller? The fly looks awful with the large hackle I have right now. My second question is regarding thread. I am using Tan UTC 70. Whenever I go to tighten down on the elk hair, or even pull just a little too hard the thread breaks. Is the problem that I am pulling too hard or is there a chance my bobbin is damaging the thread? It is getting a little annoying as I cannot get enough pressure on the thread to get the elk hair to stay in place. As well, if anyone has any other tips on tying Caddis or any other dry fly it would greatly appreciated. Thank you! Nick
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