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Everything posted by FlyTrapper

  1. They rise in the evening there, watched them both nights that I was up there.
  2. Hey Paul, climbed Joffre from Aster Lake back in July. At that time the route up Northover looked dry, and the area was relatively dry as well. (Warrior was 100% dry) I never actually saw much of the ridge but the final 100m to the summit on Joffre was dry, and that was at 3400m... Good luck out there and be safe! Nick
  3. Scandi's allow you to fish at a much greater distance, which equals longer times before the hook is set. This could be causing you to not effectively set the hook, because the increased distance has created a less forceful and effective hook set. Try everything Toolman has said. The weight of the head is not the issue. This is what I would recommend! Nick
  4. Wow Doc, you have been tying a lot lately! Here is a pattern that I have been practicing myself. Thanks for looking! Nick
  5. Thank you so much for the kind words guys! Anyone heading west soon and want to swing it? Nick
  6. I have been working on this pattern, and I think it has improved a lot since the last time I posted one. Something about this pattern just speaks to me. Lots of nice ties this year, keep them coming guys! Nick
  7. Wow Gary those are beautiful..
  8. Thanks for the replies guys, black and blue, and purple versions are in the works. Here are a couple I hope to try on the swing this winter, let me know what you guys think.
  9. A couple more, criticize them!!
  10. Very good looking flies Doc and Birddog! The Groovy Bunny
  11. Wow Doc those are really nice, a lot nicer then mine. I usually tie them on a size 10 low water style hook, seems to work, do you fish them this big? Also what kind of hackle are you using it looks very nice. Nick
  12. I know its not as cool as ggp's but I have had great success swinging Blue Charms on both a dry line and intermediate sink tip. Pretty cool you have used yours here ggp, would be pretty cool to get one on one of those. Nick
  13. Unfortunately I never did get the chance to get it wet on the Thompson this year, but hopefully next year! Nick
  14. First attempt at a Skagit Mist
  15. Any minimum age requirement on volunteering?
  16. The Airflo Streamer Max is a nice integrated line. Comes with a level sink tip that can be cut back to desired length and has an intermediate belly section. I know lots of guys that use it and love it, although I have yet to try it myself.
  17. Tons on the Kootenay, runs just getting going now. Nice picture BowLurker. Nick
  18. Thank you for the tip Bcube!
  19. 'Twas a dry evening. (No pun intended)
  20. Thanks for the tip Doc, just picked up some #8 traditional's yesterday.
  21. I've been teaching myself on a 4wt two hander for a while now, not the best but I can cast. I have been having lots of luck swinging flies, but I too am interested in skating flies as well. I thought maybe a Grease Liner with an orange body would work? Tied one big just to practice and then went down to a size 10, figured that would be more Bow River size. Nick
  22. An inspired freestyle pattern on a rainy day off. Nick
  23. Thank you sir! Nick
  24. Happy with my first attempt at this fly, minus the fact I forgot the Jungle Cock. Nick
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