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Everything posted by yak

  1. Do you need my address so you know where to send your check when Kovy signs in russia this summer?
  2. while i know you are a football coach i assume you dont follow a lot of hockey( dont think I need to stoop to calling you an idiot). Iginla signed for approx 2 million dollars less than he could have on the open market because he recognized who gave him his start and remained loyal. Yzerman played his nuts off for the team that drafted him,won 3 cups and retired as a wing. He too played for less money in detroit than he could have made had he whored himself out like Kovy ( cmon, turning down the team who drafted you for a 100 mill. contract for 10 years is ridiculous) . Pretty sure if you check all your "examples "you will find the same thing. Yes candian playeras sign lucrative contracts but I garantee every one of them has a single goal in mind ( the same one they had when they wer playing midget and junior hockey ) and that is to hoist Lord stanleys mug. ps. again, you obviuosly didnt watch any of the SC playoffs last year as Sid did everything a team captain and leader needs to do(including laying out in front of slapshots). Resulted in a stanley cup for his team
  3. he will take his act to the KHL where he will sign a 10 year deal worth 120 million. He will play for minor league championships in a watered down league were hitting is frowned upon and spend the offseason rolling in his money. Dont expect him to "go to the wall" for the devils either as he wont risk injury (think of Dorn from the movie minor league) for a championship i garantee he doesnt really care about.
  4. the wings are/were led by guys like yzerman,shanahan,lidstrom, and zetterberg (assuming you know the last 2 guys are swedes and not russians).The wings ruskys (datsyuk,larionov,etc) were the flash and the players i mentioned were the team leaders. say what you want but i garantee ovechkin or kovy would take an 80 goal season over a stanley cup any day. If I ever see ovechkin, or kovy block a shot in the playoffs i will eat my shorts. ps. Im not talking about russians vs "N americans". Im talking about russian vs canadian players.
  5. hes russian. priorities are in this order 1-money 2-personal stats 3-money 4-personal stats 5-money 6-olympic gold medal 7-money 8-vodka 9-SC ring hes gonna sign in the KHL for a zillion bucks and wont give a rats ass about winning a real championship.
  6. strictly a rental. the devils were one of the top clubs before the deal and have likley put themselves over the top (if brodeur stays healthy) with this deal.IMO,the devils move to the top of the class in the east . Kovy vs. AO in the conference finals?
  7. Gios accelerated learning curve ( along with signing JBO) are what made Dion expendable IMO. Without a doubt, Giordano has been our most consistent and overall our best Dman all year. He has all the offensive tools to run a PP, is a very smart player in his own end, and now he has added the "nasty" component to his game as well ( the game that really sticks out in my mind was the one against LA where he hammered Dustin Brown 4 times in one game). Again, I dont think the sky has fallen just yet. Our lineup looks pretty decent with the guys we picked up and i dont think having White back there instead of Dion is gonna hurt us(his offensive numbers are just as good and he isnt prone to the brain freezes that sometimes plague phaneuf). We have a much more offensive team now with a full 4 lines that can score ( as glencross on the 4th line accentuated last night). When all of our guys return to the lineup it should look something like this: FORWARDS: Hagman-Stajan-Iginla Dawes-Langkow-Bourque GlenX-Boyd-Moss Nystrom-Baklund-Kotalik (pretty dam good 4th line IMO ) IMO, they need to keep Baklund in the lineup and sit conroy and lundmark. Mayers and Higgins are decent spare parts that give us depth up front and Mcgratton is there when we need some muscle . Flames also have approx 1.8 million in cap space which translates to a 5million dollar rental at the trade deadline ( ray whitney comes to mind). DEFENSE: Regher-White Gio-Jbo Sarrich-Pardy Again, dont panic or toss the flames/sutter under the bus just yet.
  8. Lets not hit the panic button yet boys. lets wait for all the apples to fall out of the tree before throwing sutter under the bus. I still think something else is brewing as he has too many forwards in the lineup. Theres a ton of hype about this because Dion has been traded to the center of the hockey universe and except for the minor league team up north, the Laffs are the worst in the league so any news in ontario is good news. While i agree Conny and Langkow are slowing down, it seems a tad premature to give up on #12. The flames have a better D this year than last even without dion ( adding Jbo and having Gio step up), and added some good young forwards to the lineup. Again, i dont think sutters done dealing just yet.
  9. "yap". Hope you didnt burn up too much grey matter coming up with that gem
  10. I find it amusing that for someone WDGaF that you continually post on the all hockey threads. we know were you stand on the flames/pro hockey so its getting kind of redundant
  11. when I saw the title of the thread i assumed it had to do with edmonton setting an all time low of -50 the other day
  12. perhaps if the poll was for the road apple toss or lawn bowling hall of fame,Taco and Don could get involved as well.
  13. +1 Brian. That game was one of the most exciting games i have ever seen. Again, all the rule changes to increase scoring are so the knowledgable fans in nashville,tampa and atlanta dont get bored
  14. not to canadian fans. The league ( see bettman ) wants more scoring to keep the Merkans interested in our game
  15. the only thing seperating the boys from number one overall is a PP. both recent 2-1 losses could have been salvaged if their PP was on and some of the other close ones we have won could have been a little less tense if they cashed in a little more often with the man advantage. I expect first chance sutter has (likely today) they are working on the PP
  16. The oilers seem to always strive to ensure they sew up that number 9 spot every year. They are a model of consistent mediocrity
  17. they supplied the same iron clad promise you believe is sufficient ( "I never missed a payment in my life" and buddies for references). Did as much homework as i thought necessary (called the references who proceeded to BS me). If it wasnt for a couple of crappy/dishonest renters i wouldnt have been forced to ask for all this "personal info". Used to just trust people at their word and got burned. Perhaps the landlords you have had bad experiences with have also been ripped off.
  18. no kidding. the guys has been the hottest scorer in the league over the last 12 games and he sits and watches dawes and glencross shoot? flames never seem to get as many shootout points as most other good teams. i would like to see dion start the shootout with a 120 MPH slapper from 25 feet out and then follow with iggy and olie.
  19. had 2 tenants tell me " I never missed a payment" when they wanted to sign a rental agreement. They even had references (obviuosly bogus) and then bounced checks. Since then i always do credit checks and have found that most guys who get in a snit about providing credit info likley have something to hide.
  20. I think the most telling line here is "my wife and I ,UNFORTUNATELY dont have second properties that would allow us to.................................". Sounds like an extreme case of sour grapes to me. Im guessing it isnt so much that SL is against landlords getting the going rate, hes just pissed he missed the boat/doesnst have a rental property himself. Everything else he has come up with is simply cover for the green monster hes fighting
  21. watched a fair bit of the tourney ( not just the last table coverage) and IMO,moon was a very poor player. The guy just kept getting the cards so almost every bad move he made turned out a winner. Granted you have to be good to be lucky in a tourney of that size, but Moon was 95% lucky and 5% good . The guys at the table seemed to be able to read him most times but kept getting screwed on turn and river cards after Moon made some pretty bad preflop plays. The kid who won it it is now doing the talk show circuit. 8.8 million bucks at 22 years of age. must be nice
  22. as a landlord, i thought i would reply. You mentioned the LL you first met that had a place that 'reeked' of male cat. Im guessing he likley didnt have that problem before he rented to the prior tenants yet you are surpised he was reluctant to rent to another cat owner without compensation. When it comes to household mess and damage, cats are the most destructive /dirty animals on the planet (cant imagine allowing my dogs to crap and piss in a box in my kitchen but cat owners seem fine with this). I cant blame any landlord for saying no to a catowner or wanting more money to put up withthe inevitable smell and damage
  23. trucker was from edmonton?
  24. the oilers had home ice advantage, played up to their potential and lost. the flames were on the road,played a sub par game and won. dont see this battle getting to intense once the flames find their game.
  25. agree. the original poster wanted info on the river and a guide. he explained that he thought perhaps a fee of $500 seemed high ( again, out of country so likley is looking for help in that area as well). a guide then jumped all over this (cheapo tourist with a 3 weight, glad he didnt book with me,give your head a shake buddy, etc). my apologies for taking exception and high jacking, the thread but this attitude seemed to cast a poor light on all of us IMO. Phil, there are a ton of helpful people on this site who would likley take you for a day on the river when you get here. enjoy your trip and the fishing on the Bow.
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