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Vagabond last won the day on June 30 2015

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Stonefly (5/10)



  1. Hmmmm...nothing but good to say about Airflo in my experiences.Cast great,high floating,long lasting/bombproof....I've gradually switched all of my lines to Airflo over the last 5-6yrs?I won't buy anything but,wee bit of a fanboy I guess you'd say,lol.
  2. Snow in August,Wtf....damn you NDP!!
  3. Call me crazy,but I'm guessing the govt places a far higher priority on taking precautions to avoid another multi billion dollar disastrous flood,and keeping a city of 1.2 million supplied with water and electricity then it does to catering to a relative handful of trout fisherman or the trout that live in the tailwaters. At the end of the day,the Bow will be an ankle deep trickle long before they'll ever put the needs and wants of trout and anglers ahead of the needs of the city.
  4. Proceed with a clear conscience Don,those spiny green basst*rds will eat every trout fry/salmon parr that they can wrap their bucket mouths around until the native salmonids are wiped out.....seen it a thousand times.
  5. And obviously you were driving under 100km/hr on Deerfoot when you made the hands free call. Do you EVER drive over the speed limit?Ever earned money under the table without reporting earnings to CRA? I remember back in kindergarten,my friend said a swear word,but I didn't tell the teacher,cuz even back then I knew nobody likes a tattletale.
  6. LoL....spoken like the Bill Dance wannabe bassholes that are responsible for the mass destruction back east...no ****, I had one ****hole **** tell me that smallmouth found their way into one of my favorite trophy Laker/Brookie headwater lakes via underground caverns and streams,a full 10 miles as the crow flies from the closest known established SMB population!!I m not sure which I hate more actually,SMB or the bassholes that fish for them and praise them as some sort of incredible game fish? Personally I leave every one of'em for dead on the riverbank.....I'll leave it open to the imagination which ********* I'm referring to.
  7. Good for you Boy Scout!!The river is higher and colder then it's been since mid-June,no doubt you saved dozens of trout from an agonizing death of lactic acidosis and suffocation.
  8. What makes you say that?"Let's put him back just to be safe." ??
  9. Love to stay n chat fellas,but I'm actually out the door,off to meet a guy to buy yet another rifle that I don't really need....just because I CAN with some of that expendable oilfield income I earn as a Right Wingnut,gun totin',elk slayn redneck. Actually....it's for 12yo Jr. Mini-me.....can't be coddling them kids don'tcha know....gotta rais'em right,teach'em how to provide for themselves,shoot straight,and defend what's yours from terrorists both foreign and domestic. Sadly,with the Leftard politically correct views of tolerance these days,foreign and domestic will likely be one in the same soon enuf? Sharia Law....coming soon to a mosque near you. Ha ha,well Jayhad,you landlockers still don't know how to a anchor a boat properly as far as I'm concerned.....hell,yas had to design a boat specifically to be anchored in the wrong direction,lol.
  10. Sorry,wasn't actually directed at you pinkster,I'm just saying in my experience of close to a decade in pipeline/oilfield construction,as well as countless oilfield reclamation projects,I find it hard to beleive that the extremely stringent regulations are being "blatantly ignored".....certainly not on a regular basis as would be implied.Perhaps by a few bad apples and outright bribery of some shady inspectors,but for the most part I think that projects are completed under strict adherence to the rules,and to safest and highest environmental standards possible,and at ENORMOUS additional cost compared to doing things in a half assed,max profit manner. Perhaps it just strikes a nerve with me when socialist lefty Libtards that have never had dirt under their manicured nails in their life can sit around Starbucks sipping lattes and criticize the industry that pays for their shiny new Beamers. Or when a Bow R guide can state that he doesn't GAF about the 30% of oil clients that book with him,when the reality is,EVERY facet of Alberta's economy is directly linked to the oil industry,from the guy selling nails at Home Depot,to the carpenter buying those nails to build new homes,to the girl at Subway that makes his lunch. I'm curious to know who he thinks is gonna be booking $550/day+ floats when the economy tanks and unemployment skyrockets,and the few that have a bit of expendable income are in fear of losing it all,and hiring the fly by night guides that come out of the woodwork,as in every unemployed oil patch worker with a boat and a fishing rod is suddenly a guide. "Socialism is fantastic until you run out of other people's money to spend" Margaret Thatcher
  11. I'll call BS on that!I actually work hands on,in the field,in the oilfield construction industry,and have a few years hands-on experience in pipeline construction as well,and I can assure all of you Eco-champions of the earth that the regulations and protocols are indeed VERY strict these days,to the point of hyper-redundancy....in fact,you can't even have a Fn *hit in the woods without somebody wanting to write you up for polluting! Some of you enviro-Nancy's really need to pull yer head out of your holier than thou ass,leave the city and Starbucks behind for a day,and see how bizness is REALLY conducted in the field.The OHS and Environmental safeguards that Alberta's oil industry work under are second to NONE In the world,and an enormous percentage of any projects cost. Go ahead and chain yourself to a giant Redwood if it makes ya feel better about yourself,but you Leftard hippy slackers aren't gonna stop the machine.....and like it or not,you need big oil to maintain your lush Alberta lifestyle,I don't GAF what industry or profession or public service slack ass pencil pushing job you're in,big oil is paying your salary in this province.
  12. Likely using Rotenone,a piscicide that only affects fish as far as I know? It's a shame that our federal and provincial governments weren't more open to using Rotenone,there's a disaster waiting to happen on Miramichi Lk in the headwaters of North Americas's most prolific Atlantic Salmon river. Some ***hat cottager(most likely?) illegally transplanted smallmouth bass into M Lk 7-8(?)yrs ago.DFO and NBDNR have spent the last 5-6yrs trying to eradicate the bass thru electro fishing and trap nets,all the while hoping to keep them contained to the lake,much to the anguish of local salmon anglers,conservation groups,NGOs etc.....we want the lake KILLED with Rotenone!! Smallmouth bass are an extremely invasive species in NB and NS,where they have been indiscriminately and illegally introduced into untold hundreds of watersheds,effectively wiping out native brook trout and Atlantic salmon populations wherever they take hold. If they escape M Lk into the Main SW Miramichi River,it'll be a disaster to river communities.Atlantic Salmon angling generates an estimated $50M annually for the communities along the river.
  13. I took a drive down to FC Bankside around 9pm,and there was a fella just getting out of his waders.Told him it's closed and he said"yea,someone else just told me."Not a minute later the fish cops pulled up while were BSing....he indicated that they weren't really giving fines at this point,just trying to get the word out and asked us to spread the word. The signage there is pathetic....a little 8x10" sign plastered on the permanent Rock Snot sign....in fact,the guy fishing was parked directly in front of it and didn't see it til long after the fact (of fishing,being warned,and leaving river)when I actually had to walk up to within 8ft away to read it.
  14. I doubt if Alberta can afford 4yrs of the Nötley Crüe,but what can ya do? It will most likely be a wake-up call to both the PCs and Albertans once they realize that the grass isn't greener on the left side of the fence.Hopefully there's still an oil industry left to save 4 yrs from now and all the big players haven't packed up their toys out of the sandbox and bailed.
  15. Ummmm....because I beleive it's important to share and spread the word of how outrageously incompetent and self destructive this new government of ours is,hell bent on turning Alberta into a have not province by sabotaging our province's.....make that arguably our COUNTRY'S most important economic industry.Can't hardly wait for Mulcair to take office,might as well move back to NB if I'm gonna be flat ass broke anyhow.
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