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Everything posted by fishpro

  1. It could have been a small steelhead. It wouldn't have been an Athabasca as they're native to Alberta and I don't think stocked anywhere else.
  2. The sign you saw in Kananaskis would have most like been showing the Athabasca Rainbow. They have considerably more markings than most rainbows. Also I have found that some of the rainbows in small BC streams become quite colourful. I fished this one stream and could have sworn that I caught a golden trout due to the colours. There are many different varieties of rainbow that have different appearances.
  3. That's why I don't use a 6 weight for pike anymore. I'm heading up to Selwyn Lake where 20-30 lb pike are common, so I'll mainly use the 9 and take the 12 as a back up.
  4. I currently have a 9 weight rod which I would imagine would do for pike fishing, but I recently got a special offer on some heavier rods that I want to look into. Right now I'm looking at picking up a 12 weight rod. I've heard in places about people using 12 weight rods for pike. I'm wondering if this would be total overkill or not. I'm probably still going to pick it up for other uses in the future but was looking for opinions on using it for pike fishing. What's everyone's opinion on this? Thanks
  5. This sounds like a good idea. Another would be for the most impressive catch. Size of fish of a certain species compared to the size of the waterbody it was taken in. Ex 28 inch bull from a stream you could jump across.
  6. I've looked into the world records for Catch and Release fishing before, and found that a fish can be considered for a world record if it is released on the condition that your scale is certified by a member of the IGFA both before and after the catch. Hope this helps a bit.
  7. Check your pm's. I sent them out but it's saying they didn't go through. Let me know if you got them.
  8. Recently I have come up with a new idea for a fly line and am looking for a few experienced casters to give me some feedback on the line. If you are willing to help, I will need you to sample the line and let me know what you like or dislike about it. I am currently testing the line myself and have found some pros and cons within it, but am looking for input from others as well. If you are an experienced caster who regularly fishes with lightweight tackle in the range of a 2 or 3 weight rod and would like to test this line out, could you please let me know either on this topic or through a pm. I am looking for 3 to 4 members to test this line. Thank you Dustin Styner I apologize if this topic is against forum policies. If it is then please let me know and I will gladly remove it.
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