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Posts posted by toolman

  1. So in other words Calgarians will not admit to catching whites because they are really only bait fisherman in disguise. :masterbaiter:

    I'm waiting for the day one of those spey freaks actually admits to catching one using one of those fruit loop rods.

    Troll out. <--poke--<

    I love freedom of speech.


    :lol: Here's how it's done Weedy1...by a real flyfisherman...skilled in all tactics and methods...

    Including swinging stoneflys for Trophy Whitie's...with a fruit loop spey rod... :lol:




    ps. Photo's borrowed from SilverDoctor...

  2. Personally, I think MissinTheBow made the mistake of coming on here and asking for input. His intentions were good, but that has only led to a bunch of fustration and crap for him, including nasty pm's, personal attacks etc.

    When I did the Streamwatch Auction, I got some great advice from Dryfly and Adc about my proposal...

    They basically told me to do it the way I wanted to and not to listen to any bs from anyone. I followed their wise advice and the auction results were beyond anyones best expectations. Sure, I got a few posts/pm's bitchin', criticizing me about how I was going about it, but I stayed true to MY plan and don't regret it for a minute. So, my advice to MissinTheBow is, to do this event the way that HE wants to...Whatever his plan is, it will have my 100% support.

    I've already volunteered to help in any way I can, to make the event as successfull as possible...

    There will be many who will particpate, volunteer and have a great time, regardless if there is a competitive side to it or not, with money raised, donated to a cause most believe to be very important...There will also be others who will bitch, criticize, attack and contribute nothing...as usual...I say... screw em'...

  3. I like rod lengths of 11'6" too 12' for nymphing the Bow, or any water 12' wide or wider :lol: ...

    I can two hand overhead cast all day with little fatigue...Something I could not do with my 10' 6wt. single hander, which wrecked my casting elbow and convinced me to pick up a two hander, a few years ago. It took almost a year for the elbow to heal and almost two years to get most of the mobility back. Now, with my trout speys, casting is effortless/painless, in any conditions, tight against the banks, in the wind, with big tips and flys, long distances etc...I even use it for dry flys ... :o:rolleyes:

    And Birchy, if you plan on catching many fish on the Bow this winter, you had better be prepared to sometimes have to make 80'+ casts or be ready to wade up to your armpits. They tend to hold way the hell out in the deep winter holes, mid-river, a lot of the time...

  4. If it's not about the fish, then cut your fly off and enjoy...We do it all the time at our Spey gatherings...No fly, just for the pure joy of casting on the river, hanging out and shooting the breeze with other flyfishers...etc. That's what real flyfisherman do sometimes...other times we're out tossing triple nymph rigs to the other side of the river...just for the hell of it.

    Call us bait fisherman if it makes you feel better (superior).

  5. We used to have a few veteran flyfisherman on the site, who would occassionally write Flyfishing Articles for members to enjoy. I think we should try and get that going again so that people who enjoy writing about their experiences, can share tactics, methods, photo's, trips etc., through short articles and feature stories. I know that some folks are reluctant to post on the regular threads, so maybe we could ask them to contribute in this way.

    To eliminate their fear of things turning sideways, (as they often do), posting comments on their thread would not be allowed. Just their stories, photo's, tactics etc., for everyone to enjoy and learn. If they were ok with allowing comments, then it would be great to have dialogue, allowing members to ask questions, share their similar experiences. etc.

    Your thoughts...

  6. I stand by my statement that you are full of crap (yourself)...and if you only know how to fish with one fly, it is you who is missing out on the complete experience of bieng a real flyfisherman...skilled in all tactics and methods...once again...

    like me...and SilverDoctor, MTB, Max, Hawgstoppah...and hundreds of other members...real flyfisherman...

    To think that other flyfishers don't feel the same challenge, anticipation, satisfaction from their fishing experience, as you do, really shows how clueless you are...


  7. Well bcrules, we can warp the perspective any way we choose, but the majority of folks on this thread do not care how anyone fishes, they just won't listen to anyone dissin' others for their choices...plain and simple.

    As for the other threads that are in the gutter, it's because the good folks on this site have had enough of the asshats who make crap and contribute nothing to this community. Good on them for finding their voice and taking a stand.

    The sad part is, up until recently, the loudmouth disrespectfull punks stayed and the good folks who were making positive contributions were leaving because of it...As for myself, I won't be silenced....

  8. I personally do not support fishing for any spawning fish, sitting on redds...That is how the majority of folks feel, thus the current regs with closures. I was simply pointing out that it was legal and common in other places and that the science has been examined, reflecting no significant changes to population densities as a result of c&r fishing in these areas.

  9. Well, actually the Bulls on the redds are aggressive because they are fighting for territory, females and protecting the eggs from predation. Also, they are at the peak of fitness and health (Just look at the photo's, they don't look very tired and weak too me). Scientific studies have proven that there is little change in population rates where fishing is allowed during the spawn. In fact, sight fishing during the spring/fall spawn, is very popular on many trout rivers in the American mid-west. So, sentimental, ethical, sportsmanship arguements aside, if you don't like the current angling regulations, than go lobby for change at a more appropriate venue and let these guys post their fishing trips without imposition or disruption..or start your own thread on the topic and speak your piece...What we take offence to, is people sabotaging these posts and imposing their personal views upon others, who are abiding by the current regulations.

    :derby racer:

    It's about respect...

  10. Regardless of color shifts at varying depths of the water column, your flies need to match the colors of the aquatic inverts as they would appear to you when viewed above water. Then, when you fish your flys at any depth, the color shift will be similar or equal to, (depending on the refraction values of the tying materials), that of the naturals at the same depth/conditions.


    So Birchy, that covers the color shift of flies viewed at 30' depth, but what if the trout was at 30' and looking up at the fly on the surface? Do you think that the color shift/view, would be the same? Would different species of trout, say Rainbows, Browns or Cutthroats, see the same thing?

    Now think about that one folks...grin. Lets hear your thoughts...

  11. That's the spirit...now if I could just find a floatant to keep that big SJW up on the surface, I will be a real flyfisherman before you know it... :catch:

    WD 40, that's only for the Bow guides and their clients...top secret. Officially, they only use it for anti-corrosion purposes... :psssst:

  12. Light becomes attenuated as it penetrates deeper into the water column, meaning it loses intensity and if there are solid particles suspended in the water, it will also become refracted or scattered, as it hits the solids. The loss of intensity and refraction causes the color shift. Light does not lose it's intensity evenly across the color spectrum, with some colors fading more rapidly (red, orange), than other colors (blue, green), thus the color shift.

    That cleared up, Blue SJW's might catch you fish at 30', but will probably catch very little at 6'...

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