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Posts posted by toolman

  1. As DutchDryfly described...a perfect landing...

    When the fish is brought into the shallow water, it loses its tail power, quickly becomes disorientated and surrenders.

    I land all of my fish using this method. I can land them faster than waiting untill they flip on their side in exhaustion and then tailing/netting them in deeper water. The species is irrelevant...This is the method I learned 20 years ago when learning to flyfish for Atlantic Salmon/Sea Trout...Atlantics can run up to 50+lbs. on the Restigouche river, where I grew up and this is the standard method used to land these giant fish as quickly as possible, so it should be no problem to use this method for these little Steelies...


    In this video, the guide attempts to tail the fish, but spooks it and the water is deep enough for the fish to use it's tail to escape. Then the angler quickly pulls the fish into shallow water and it's over immediately...a perfect landing.


    In the end, it's all Catch and Release, so it's all good whether you use a net, tail them in a foot of water or bring them into shallow water to tail them...Fisherman should use the method that they are most confident and comfortable with.

    The fish will be fine...

  2. Awesome report Brian...Of course the phone calls from the shoreline were equally thrilling and thanks for sharing those with me...Pretty exciting stuff when you are dancing with these beauties...

  3. Greg... you really , really, need to come to spey annonymous.... :):)


    I'll bet that by the end of the first meeting, I will have everyone convinced that they need to bring several Spey rods with them when they go fishing...and at least a dozen lines, too... :lol:


  4. I see that you did not mention the wanabe Canadian aka the lone 'Merican aka Rickr?

    I can clearly see a rod in his favorite color and noticed he was trashing the equipment guru's in another post. :beating:

    I think he is just jealous about not having a mean yellow LONG fishing machine. :whistle:


    I hear you Rob...rickr did show up briefly, but was very intimidated by the Spey guys and left shortly there after without so much as even making a single cast with a two handed rod...(I even brought the big Yellow 15' 10/11wt. just for him...)

    Guess those wannabe's are all talk no action... :lol:

  5. Today, I was especailly happy to play with my big rods for a change... The Loop Blueline 9140 with a Vision Ace 9/10 Shooting head, was an absolute joy to cast...effortless...like Spey casting should always be...Then, I wired up my Loop Yellow 10150 with a 570 grain Airflo Skagit Compact and that was a hoot as well...I'll try a 600 grain Compact on it, next time out.

    Wtforward and I then lined his Loop Multi 7120, with a Vision Ace 7/8 and that was a sweet match too a terrific stick...

    I also got an opportunity to try out CDone's, Snowbee Torridge 6126, with matching Snowbee 2D head... very nice trout spey.

    Bowbiker, is going to have a ton of fun with that little switch rod of his...too cool.



  6. Another fabulous day for a Spey party and an excellent turn out. Many thanks to everyone for coming, I had a great afternoon....Always nice to meet new fisherman and I think we converted a few of them to the amazing world of Spey...

    Till next time guys...



    Ready to play...





    CDone takes a close look at Bowbikers beautifull hand built switch rod...what a little gem of a stick...

    Thanks too HAMMERTIME08 for bringing along the great rod rack...





    The wrap up photo..(L-R)..I hope I get everyones name right...

    CDone, mditel, wtforward, bhurt, pokerfish, RusteHookz, Tungsten (back row), timj, Bowbiker, HAMMERTIME08, Cheeler.



  7. I also really love the Loop Goran 6120 for my trout fishing.... Rob, have you casted any of the newer Loop models such as the Gorans, Opti's or Multi's? Some very nice rods in these series, but some have tight grain windows and the correct line is imperative to the high performance they are capable of. This season, I have casted dozens and dozens of new rods and the Loop two handers have definetly been amongst the best I have tried. Of course, there are many good brands on the market today and it does come down to personal preference, budget, availablility and what works best for our own fishing and casting style.

  8. Rob,

    There are many excellent line options in this grain window and rod length. Some of these lines can be easily custom cut too your length/weight preference, allowing you to personally fine tune your rod/line match, to what works best for you...

    Hopefully Winston Rods will reply to your enquiry and give you their line recommendations.


    Vision Ace 7/8... (26grams @ 10.1m), will probably be pretty sweet right out of the box, but can be trimmed.

    - http://www.visionflyfishing.com/page.php?p...=32&pid=128


    Loop Opti Custom 7/8... (25grams @ 10 m), can be custom cut longer/shorter, too your length/weight preference.

    - http://www.looptackle.com/website1/


    AirFlo Scandinavian 7/8... (25grams @ 10m), can be custom cut longer/shorter, to your length/weight preference.

    (I've cut several of these lines too various lengths/weights.)

    - http://www.flylines.com/Flylines_AirfloFly...fm#Scandinavian


    Scierra MWF V2 8/9...(26grams @10.2m) and also the PWF custom cut heads.

    - http://www.scierra.com/?product=21

    - http://www.scierra.com/?product=22


    Rio AFS 6/7...(26 grams @ 11m).

    - http://www.rioproducts.com/photos/file/Spe...hart%202008.pdf

  9. We'll be hitting the Bow again this Sunday afternoon, Nov/09th, to play with the Spey rods/lines and work on the casting skillz. Everyone is welcome to join us. We'll be on river left (east side), across from the Fish Creek Boat Launch, starting around 1:00pm. These informal Spey gatherings are a lot of fun and a great opportunity to try lots of rod/line combo's and meet some of the nice folks in our Spey community...The weather forecast looks good with sunny skies and light winds...

    Hope to see you there.


  10. Hey, I'm getting better...I used to Spey cast 7 days a week (up untill the end of October)...Now, I hardly ever get out more than 6 days a week...See... I'm in control of my addiction...I like working at nights, anyways...Unless I'm going night fishing...And, I've got the Spey collection down to no more than 12 rods on the rack at any one time...perfectly normal.

    Geez Gord, 27 rods...you sick man...get some help.

  11. Lots of good info. Max, thanks for posting... With the mid bellys and some of the longer belly lines, I have found that it is possible to easily shoot two or three rod lengths of running line if the rod and line are dialed in properly...

    EDIT:(This does not apply to any of Speyghillies experimental long lines...The +100'ers he plays with on his 11150 Bruce & Walker Norway... I'm lucky if I can shoot the head out of the tip with those long lines...lol...crazy Highlanders...)

  12. So another question for ya Toolman, what would be a good reel to pick up? l've read a few posts and the general consent l think is to have a reel two times the size of rod?


    The choices for reels have never been better and it is subject to line size/type, budget, personal style, rod/reel balance, application and how much running line/backing is needed. I use and like the Loop Classic 11/13 and Loop Opti Megaloop reels, which can easily handle all Spey line types/sizes, from 6wt. too 11wt and pretty much all Spey fishing applications/environments/conditions.

    I also use and like the economical 10wt. Pfleuger Trion's for Spey lines 6wt. too 8wt. and 12wt. Pfleuger President reels, for spey lines up too 11wt. These low cost reels see a lot of abuse and are used for my winter rods/fishing and for guests.

    There are many good reels available in all budgets and hopefully others will share what has been working for them.

  13. Thought I would add that this Spey Casters Lounge has been helping new Spey casters getting started, for quite some time now...The collective experiences of all, has been very helpfull and has contributed greatly to the developement of our Spey Community. I encourage all Spey casters to share their experiences, knowledge and insights, whether they are certified instructors or they are just starting out...

    Your comments can create good dialogue and increase everyones understanding of Two hand rods and Spey fishing.

    Many thanks to everyone for their contributions and a warm welcome is extended to the newest members of our Spey community. We look forward to hearing about your Spey fishing adventures and will try and help you with your questions.

  14. Spey rods are terrific for lakes, Rivers, tight shorelines, from boats or anywhere else one would go fishing with a rod and line... As for Spey casting on Stillwaters, Spey casts only require water to anchor the line to help load the rod, but the water does not need to be moving to achieve this.

    World Speycasting distance championships are routinely held on casting ponds without moving water...


    RDevonshire, the line weight recommendations for the current Loop Adventure G3 9132, is

    31-36 grams, but I'm not sure for the older versions of the Adventure series, but are likely in the typical 9wt. grain window.




    As for line systems to fish stillwaters at depths of 10'-15', full sink lines/shooting heads are one option to get deep and keep the fly in the zone when stripping etc. Rio AFS, Vision Ace, Loop Adapted, are a few of the popular name brands...You could also look at using Airflo Skagit Compact heads with custom cut sink tips or Rio's 24' DC Big boy sink tips.





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