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Posts posted by toolman

  1. :) So I'm rigged up...waders on...I've got two of my Loop Spey rods strung up and leaning along the side of my suv...

    I just need to close the back hatch...slam...Oh Crap... :o ...

    The first section of my 7116 Blueline is pinched in the top corner of the hatch door....:$*%&: ...

    I get it out and it seems ok :angry: ...It casts ok for the 10 minutes I use it... :unsure:

    :) Next evening... third cast.... SNAP!... :o

    The 12" broken tip section of my favorite dry rod...slides down the line... and into the water... :(:crybaby:

  2. A large female of over 23" ambled over to see what we were up to. She was less than 3' from my boots. After checking us out, she slowing ambled her way back to the other bank.

    catch ya'



    Great stories Don. I'm sure that old Brown was'nt going to be fooled after that inspection. She probably recognized you from a previous encounter.... :lol:

  3. Here's my take on it...

    Hook size divided by 4 = correct tippet size. Yes, there are many situations where this can vary a size up or down, depending on the fishing technique/presentation/conditions, but this is the general guideline that I use.


    #20 hook / 4 = 5x tippet

    #16 hook / 4 = 4x tippet

    #12 hook / 4 = 3x tippet

    # 8 hook / 4 = 2x tippet

    # 4 hook / 4 = 1x tippet


    It is important that the tippet size matches the fly size, as a tippet that is too heavy can overpower the fly and make it more difficult to maintain a drag free, natural drift. Using a tippet that is too light will not cast as well, as the mass of the fly will over power the tippet.

    Don't worry about your tippets visibility and focus on your flys presentation, as the trout certainly will. When water conditions are very clear and flows are slower, trout have a longer period of time to inspect your flys swim. If it looks good, the trout will take it, even if there is a 14' super fast sink tip, only a foot away from a #18 Waterboatman pattern.

    So, it's all about your presentation and not so much about tippet visibility, in my opinion.

    When using multiple fly rigs, it becomes even more important to maintain balance in the line/leader/tippet system, especailly if casting longer distances, on windy days etc. The tippet/fly size is best arranged in a descending order from largest fly, too the smallest fly as the point fly. (Again, there are exceptions for some methods)

    I often use very light, fine diameter Flurocarbon leader/tippets on my trout Spey rods, even as small as 5x.

    A reel with a high performance drag system for fast, smooth start ups will help, as well as knowing how far you can go before your tippet or knot breaks. It's a delicate game of give and take when you play with fine tippets, small flys and Bow river trout.

    Also, I would pay close attention to your knots. The finer the tippets become, the more important the knots become.

    Lastly, I always use the highest quality tippet material...because the next trout, could be the trout of your lifetime.

    Hope this is helpfull...good luck!

  4. Hi John, good luck and I hope you have a successfull clinic. I don't mean to hijack your thread, but I hope you don't mind a bit of discussion on the subject. I use these methods here in S. Alberta on a regular basis and they are indeed very effective nymphing techniques.

    As for negative impacts on the fishery, would you care to elaborate a bit DutchDryfly?

  5. I don't believe there are very many trout over 10lbs in the Bow. The shorter growing season, available food sources and colder water temps of the Bow, would be my guess as to why the New Zealand trout are larger.

  6. Thanks to everyone for showing up for the Friday night Spey party. It was a lot of fun.


    In attendance this evening (L-R)...

    Jdangler, Hammertime08, Bhurt, Wetduck, Headscan...I'm behind the camera.



    WETDUCK launches one into the sunset...



    A big welcome to the newest members of our Calgary Spey Clan, JDANGLER and HAMMERTIME08.



    Till next time... :peesout:

  7. Fishing on the Bow during prime season is like driving on Deerfoot trail at rush hour on a Friday. Some folks have manners, some don't. Some are ignorant to the etiquette rules, others just don't care about anyone else but themselves. Having more rules and regs on the Bow is not the answer. We have much bigger problems on the Bow river, IMO, that can have devasting long term consequences. #1 on my list... POACHERS!

    Lets get rid of those bass-turds.... R.A.P. The hotline #'s on the back of your license...

    Please make the call!


    ps. Sorry for the hijack...carry on. :derby racer:

  8. I'll be hitting the Bow this evening (Friday) to play with the Spey toys and work on the casting skillz.

    Everyone is welcome to join me for a few hours. I'll be on river left (east side), across from the Fish Creek Boat Launch.

    I should be there around 6:00pm, maybe earlier. :peesout:

  9. The Ridge running lines have been working fine and I have used them for the past couple of years.

    Lately, I have been experimenting with a rod length of 30lb. Ridge running line as a holding line, followed by 30lb Stren Stamina High Vis. Gold, which is a saltwater mono, for my shooting line. The Stren Stamina is quite stiff, lays out nicely on the water and shoots very well.

    You might also consider these lines for your Beulah 7116 Spey, an Airflo 7/8 Scandi Head cut to 32' @ 385 grains or a Vision Ace 6/7, 354 grains @ 10m for a lighter feel or a 7/8 cut back too 385 grains.

  10. Picked up the new Airflo Skagit Compact Kit from Fish Tales today. Pretty sweet...Bombs away!

    Complete set of 10 Heads, 2 Ridge running lines (20lb. & 30lb.), Line/reel case with two reel compartments.



    Lots of storage room in the top lid for sink tips, polyleaders, Spey lines, running/holding lines, cheaters, tippet spools etc.





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