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Everything posted by Garlicmarshmellow

  1. The fish was caught in an area where they are not stocked. Take a look at the fish and it's features. No wear on fins. Alot of times large brood stock have worn fins from circling/rubbing the tank. The fish is a perfect WILD specimen. Harps, it was caught in your neck of the Alberta woods
  2. Says the guy who I once believed talked about about catching Bulls in - 30 c weather. Bet that didn't hurt them at all. PS He didn't eat it either, getting it stuffed.
  3. Thanks Ryan. That's him
  4. It's legally caught and kept. Sorry I was wrong about the rules of posting a pic. I'll try tonight
  5. i'll post it on here tonight when I get back from work. Not caught on a fly, but not caught on bait either. Great to know there are monsters waitng for us still out there.
  6. Check the Alberta Outdoorsmen forum, a pic is on there. Outstanding fish.
  7. 21lbs 14 oz. Would love to post a pic but I believe since the fish waqs kept I can't post pics of a dead fish. If a mod will allow it they can pm and I will give them the pics to post GM
  8. The Alberta record Brown trout record has been destroyed by a friend of mine down in Pincher Creek. I know the official weight but see if your fish calculators work. Length 35" Girth 26" GM
  9. Took the kids for a walk last night down by Bearspaw dam. Looked over the edge at the river by the parking lot and there is two groups of people fishing. I yelled down to one group that the river was closed and they shook there heads and a minute later recast their spoon. My son ended up chatting with one fellow who was coming up from the river and said it was closed. The guy turned arounded and told him it just opened. He was on his bike and way ahead so I wasn't part of the conversation. Before we got to our vehicle 2 other guys came down the road with their rods. Again my son said it was closed and they said it was open. Maybe they were heading above the dam. Unfortunately my blackberry wasn't able to google the RAP site so I could call the number (now in my blackberry). It seemed last year was the same thing down there. Guys fishing there when it was closed. So if you want free rap reward money, take a walk down by the dam and make some cash
  10. I got a d10 and have no complaints either. The larger buttons are eazsier to work on those cold fingered days. Love not worrying abourt getting the camera wet. Super fish Peewee
  11. Daxlarsen, If you think that the people who spend hundreds of dollars on gear and keep a kill fish are evil, look in the mirror and bang on you are one of them. Comparing killing fish to birds, I say apples to oranges. No harvest of any fish except stocked waters = no fishing at all except in stocked waters. Please join PETA, they are looking for people like you My big problem is you calling bait fisherman your immature names. I love to flyfish, but I grew up bouncing stoneflies and maggots on the upper Bow. Ever fathers day I go fishing with my father and son, we use bait, and we keep some from a mountain lake that is near, not in Banff, like I've been doing since I was 3. Infact, it's one of my favorite trips each year. Your attitude is what makes fly anglers look bad. If you had a poll on how many anglers use to chuck gear and bait on this site, I'd say high 80 %. Before flly fishing exploded in the 90's that what a high majority of anglers in Alberta did. Also, I invite you to try and put your boot up my 73 year old dad's arse one day. He'd crack it of and feed it to you. If you represent the next generation of fly anglers, our sport is in some serious trouble. Your thoughts are young. PS When people ask you if you are a fisherman, tell them no, I'm an elistist and yes there is something wrong with that.
  12. I purchase a pair of Wiley x glasses from wiley. The jake Model. A Optic store in Calgary wanted $484, Wiley cost me $319 everything included. The company seemed really great to work with. BPS sells them. Their phamplet was all on fishing so they had me at first bite. Thanks for all your replies.
  13. Arbour lake 3 fish a day 10 fish a month Easy to fill your freezer especially if your only keeping the large stocked fish As for the 20/20 club, you may have the technique to land large fish quickly, but a lot of anglers will baby the fish in. As for 3 - 4 lb being incredibly strong ... it's 3 - 4 lb tippet, not something I would call strong. I think I read in Jim M.'s latest book that the lighter the rod the less chance of breaking lighter tippet due to the flex in the rod. Maybe I read it somewhere else. The test was done pulling a boot from what I recall. I can't remmeber it word for word. Maybe the Mexican heat was getting to me when I read it.
  14. I can sympathise with with Sun about people using these lakes to fill their frezzers. At Arbour lake, they have to restock at least a couple of times a year. When the lake is frshly stocked, you see the same anglers taking their limit of 3 home and a lot of these are large fish. The smaller ones are release by these anglers. As for using light tackle to catch large fish, isn't there some sort of greatness given to anglers that catch a 20 inch fish on a size 20 fly on the Bow? The size of tippet used on these flys don't allow a lot of horsing when trying to land them.
  15. They guy who did/may of broken the Alberta record for a Brown (released but weighed by f+w techs previously) caught the fish out of a significantly smaller stream than the Bow. 31.5 inches. Seen the pic and still use the rod he caught it on. So a fish out of the bow >30 inches is highly likely. From reading this thread I believe to catch one of these monsters, stats show that you should leave your camera at home except Hawgstopper who is the exception to the rule. PS that pic gives new meaning to the phase" Is it in yet"
  16. My eyes aren't bad at all. Good at distances, close up is getting worse. So I don't really need glasses but since my insurance is gonna dish out 300 bones a year for me to get glasses, might as well get a good pair of sunglasses. I'm a tech and work outside a lot of the time so I wear sunglasses most of the time. Bonus is they'll be a good pair of fishing specs. Thanks for all your input guys
  17. I got the D10 and so far it's tested well. Pic in my avatar was taken with it. Love being able to snorkle and play in the pool without worrying about the camera getting wreck. The large buttons are a bonus when you have big or fat or cold hands. Was able to use it with gloves on while pheasant hunting this season. Start up is fast and has lasted so far with the kids not breaking it. Basically it's a elp camera in a water/ shockproof container. It's thicker than the other cameras but fits nicely in my vest side pocket. Zoom and hd video aren't high on my list of needs so that's why I choose it. After reading the review previously, it was tops in most catergories. Sweet. You may spend a little more on a waterproof camera, but in our line of recreation, it's worth every penny. Strap it to your wrist while you're netting your buddies fish and the cameras ready to go, no fumbling around trying to find it or pull it out.
  18. I still enjoy pulling out the spinning rod once and a while. With three young kids 6 and younger I'm forced to use them when I go out with them. In city ponds and trout ponds a casting bobber and flys seem to catch more then the gear. I let the older boy chuck spinners and lures to keep him occupied until I get one. So the question is am I flyfishing when when I'm using bobber/fly combo or am I a gear fisherman in that instance
  19. I'm in the market for a new pair of prescription sunglasses. I've been using the brown/bronse lens for the longest time. Anyone see any advantage/disadvantage for the browns or grey colors i.e. sunny, cloudy, etc? Rose ain't an option. Thanks, Garlic
  20. Saw my first couple of robins a few days ago, but today I saw something I've never seen. First there was 11 and more came and even more came and last count was 22 robins in a tree talking up a storm. Turned my back and 3 mins later most were gone. Tis a true sign spring is here
  21. Wing shooters setup is super nice. Boat goes well in shallow water with the jet. Rowing frame works great, but I want coffee holders like Lynn has next time we head out.
  22. Saw a pair up a BPS that looked like some tough waders. Ain't breathables but look like them. Made out of different material. Cheap also. Check them out
  23. I'm running tiger 4. something on my mac and want to upgrade to Snow leopard. Do I have to buy the $200 upgrade or will the $30.00 upgrade disk work. Read reports that it would but the mac guru at Future shop says you need to spend the 200 bucks. A $170.00 savings buys a lot of fishing stuff. I know it comes with Iphoto 009 and Ilife 09 but do I really neeed these? Garlic
  24. Bought an airflo delta orange flyline years ago. Dave at Fishtales told me it was similar to a Wulff triangluar taper which I was trying to find at the time. Hasn't cracked, throws well and roll casts and mends like a dream. Can't find it anymore on their website. Tried a couple of SA lines before the delta and they haven't moved since I bought this line. Sorry I can't remember the exact name. I think it was just called airflo delta back then.
  25. Sorry Sundance, can't agree with ya on this one. Standing there blabbing while holding a 12 inch bass that slowly is suffocating is not showing beauty. Chances are, on some of these fish, he did retakes, and the fish was out of the water longer. If I showed up to your lake and held one of beauty rainbows in the air while blabbing to a buddy or one of my kids, to show them the beauty of fishing, you'd come give me a piece of your mind and rightly so. Dustin, I'm not being negative here, I'm pointing out something that I saw that was completely unacceptable, in fact I thought it was quite disrespectful to the fish. If I was being negative, I would of bashed the show BY NAME and it's host and called him a a ton of names. If you still think I was being negative, I'll live on tomorrow. Myself, if I was doing a show, I'd take the fish off the hook, one quick lift to show the folks and release. 5 seconds max out of the water and then I could blab blab blab on what I did.
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