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aaa last won the day on September 21 2017

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About aaa

  • Birthday 09/11/1957

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    Calgary, SW

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  1. aaa

    Old guys

    Such great pictures Lornce, thanks for sharing on a cold winter day. Pic 4, great old school pack with front pouches! I had one similar back in the day. Got it from the 'fly shop' in Woodwards in Chinook. They were the Hardy dealer.... Last pic, had to do a double take, sure looked like Barry Mitchell for a moment! But it is you, with yon Butterstick...
  2. Great shots BF, both of them!
  3. On my large 24" monitor, the waterline around the fish's mouth and head, (rest of fish submerged) and the depth of the water, are plain to see. I can even see the waterline against the rock next to it, showing the fish is resting in 8"-10" of water. Maybe viewed on a smart phone screen, these details are not as easy to see? I am a Sumsang Rubgy flip phone guy, so I dunno.
  4. Beautiful rainbow BF, thanks for sharing. I never saw it posted initially. Looks like a happy hen to me, she's just saying, 'ok you have had your fun big fella , I am ready to go back home now'
  5. Roger that, saw boats launched Saturday. Many boats on the riv, the Annual Inaugural Parade of Clackas and Hydes..... Saw 4-5 on the Glenmore-Fish stretch at almost 3 pm, up high, just getting started.
  6. If perhaps a shortlived one, there were a couple copies at the tackle swap, $20-$25. Darn, we could have cornered the market!
  7. Thanks for the update Ang. So for now, it’s Fish to Police. Unless we can get in at Glenmore?
  8. Scel, Outfly and Iron Bow are Dai Riki dealers, both have had good stocks of the ones I needed. But, I know how you feel. The shop was steeped in memories going back a very long time, for many.
  9. Sad day. I can remember going to the original 37 street SW location. ‘79-‘80. Drooling over Far and Fines, CFO’s etc and not being able to afford them. It was a real, dedlicated fly shop, the first of many to come locally. Many of the customers, and staff, from that era have passed on. Thanks Mike and staff for carrying the torch and keeping it going for so long after Jim and Neil left, and all the best.
  10. Ribtor was over on 10th ave, just east of Macleod. Acme Novelty was also nearby, another great place. The big fire/water damage sale was indeed held across the street, and east a door or two. I waited in line on the first day. I wanted to check on my Browning's survival status, and check everything else out. You were there too! Amazing.
  11. End of an era. Maybe Sliver Doctor, Taco, or others can chime in to add details, but it all started in the 1960's when Barry Deacon and Otto Krumes started a sporting goods store downtown called Barotto's. Their shop were more geared to shooting and hunting. Barry, and Otto, were killed in a car accident in 1970-71. They were on their way to go hunting in northern AB in Barry's new El Camino. After their estates were settled, the amalgamation of Frenchy's and Barotto's happened and were combined at the 9 ave SE location. I am pretty sure Frenchy's was there before. I know in 1971 I bought a new Mitchell 300 there, and am pretty sure it was just called Frenchy's at that time. As I remember after that, in 1972, the fishing side was Frenchy's, the firearm/hunting side was Barotto's. My purchases in 1972 were a Berkley Cherrywood 7 weight fly rod with 'matching' Diawa 720, and a Zebco Cardinal 4. That Cardinal cost more than the fly rod and reel combined. In January 1986, the store was badly damaged by a fire that started in one of the rental suites above the main floor. I remember this part because my just purchased brand new Browning 1886 was in the back and did not survive the fire. I am sure by that year, the Frenchy's name was gone and it was just Barotto's. After the fire and resulting massive water damage fire sale, the store ended up on 58 ave SE as WSS, then on to its present, and apparently final, location.
  12. I keep mine, unopened ones, in the fridge in a baggy. Not the freezer, just the fridge. Lasts forever. Once they are open, I'd rather not keep them in same fridge where is food. I keep them in cool part of basement, away from sunlight. Sunlight seems to set them off, as does room temps. The green label 'Medium' in the small container seems to last the longest once opened. I have actually been able to use a whole bottle of that without drying up, I have one opened green label bottle that is several years old, which I had lost, now found, and it is still good.
  13. If you want to stay local, I am sure Luke Weiser would fix you up... 403-479-7096
  14. Fantastic! Jeff would approve....
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