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Everything posted by regdunlop

  1. Don, I recently took up rod building er "assembling". I'm interested in hearing how you build rods from scratch. Aside from bamboo of course. Thanks
  2. I found some double edged razor blades at Safeway a few months back.
  3. Griffiths Gnats (if you can find hackle small enough)
  4. And for anyone wondering about the structural tolerance of the "pine beetle" wood check out this drawing of the new speedskating oval for the 2010 Olympics. Those beams are all being constructed from the beetle affected wood. At least that's what they told us when we toured the facility last May. http://www.richmond.ca/__shared/assets/Ova..._Games16690.jpg
  5. Yep, those will slay 'em for sure. Nice Stimmys!
  6. Damn Poachers! Awesome shots!
  7. And a huge taxidermy brown that he always seems to take with him to the bow for the photo ops!
  8. Killer looking fly though either way. What about antennae on the head?
  9. Eyes Brent! I think you can do it.
  10. Once last year on the upper bow near Canmore. Twice on the Highwood at the end of the season last year, but both of those time I offered and they said not to worry about digging it out of my vest. Interestingly these last two times it was a F+W guy, not a CO. Anyone know what the difference is?
  11. I agree with banning ATV and dirtbiking in the area (they did it in Waiprous so why not down there too). The events of the long weekend last year should be enough to ban all of the off-roading right now as far as I'm concerned. I would say they also need to reduce the random camping, or at least restrict it to certain areas. And way better enforcement. I too have never been asked to produce my license, and I can't remember ever seeing F+W on any trips I have taken down there. I don't know about the classified and / or lottery system. Seems to me like that would be starting down the slippery slope towards regulations like they have in the UK. It would be a sad day for me when I have to apply (and pay through the nose) to fish the places that I want to. We can talk about this all we want, but what can we do to create a positive change???
  12. Anyone have a good urinal cake fly recipe? Great article. Thanks Brent.
  13. My most memorable trip was in August with one other buddy in a place where I had to (B)ring ©ash. It was worth it though for 11 days straight of not worrying about anything but eating, sleeping, bringing enough beer, and catching fish like this. Oh, and we didn't see another person fishing the entire time.
  14. I don't really see that happening on this board. I've been on here since this board started and I can't really think of any instances where someone has given "exact" details of a fishing location (and I read the posts pretty thoroughly). Personally I think it should be done in a PM if someone really wants to give detailed directions. It is an interesting question though. We want the sport to continue to flourish so it is a good thing to encourage people to learn, but at the same time we don't want our favourite spots to get crowded. Personally I am pretty tight lipped when it comes to the places I fish. I have taken friends to some lesser known spots before, only to find out that they have gone out and shown two or three more of their friends the same spot within a week. I guess next time I'll blindfold them and make sure they didn't bring their GPS! That said, I have emptied my inbox so everyone can feel free to PM me all of their secret spots!
  15. Very limited experience on my part too, but I just built a Dan Craft (FTL) before christmas and can't wait to fish with it. Will it be any better than my Sage Launch or My TFO TiCr? Time will tell, but I imagine I will want to fish with it more if only because of the time I put in building it. That said, I voted for Sage as it suits my casting style and I would much rather fish with it over my TFO.
  16. A friend of mine broke his TiCrX that he bought in Texas this summer. He took it to Springbrook here in Calgary and they gave him a new section with no questions asked. Maybe they didn't look very closely.
  17. Dave, did I read that correctly? You are looking for a "dream dude"? Not that there's anything wrong with that of course!
  18. Oh well Monger, as long as it didn't bite your casting arm.
  19. Some good lessons to be learned. thanks for posting!
  20. anyways................thanks for the tutorial Brent. Good looking fly.
  21. Thanks Din. I just checked their website and they have the battenkill large arbor on for $99. Killer deal from what I can tell. Looks like it will be about $130 with taxes, shipping, and duty.
  22. Thanks for the replys / suggestions guys. Rusty. Anywhere in town that they sell the Lamson reels?
  23. So I just finished building my first rod. A 4wt Dan Craft Fast Taper Lite. I want to put a nice reel on it (preferably large arbor). Don't want to break the bank, but I would like something that isn't an el-cheapo either. Any suggestions? Thanks
  24. Ha! :lol:
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