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Posts posted by CDone

  1. i saw some of the events on saturday and was amazed at the poor quality of some of the beats that were chosen on the elk. or was that supposed to be the point- try to fish a big even flat with no features, structure or cover [therfore no fish]?

    Inended up with that beat for one session, did manage 1 fish though, the beat above produced 17 for that session and 12 fish from the beat below. Oh well that's fishing.



  2. Its very cool except for the sound effects. When I first set up my reef tank I was pretty sure I had a Pistol Shrimp hitch hike in on my rock but I haven't heard any clicking for a while so either it died and got gobbled by a crab (bad crab that I can't catch that has a taste for fish) or it was just my imagination.



  3. Jack, in regards to your comment on 'Dealer Margin' I have a pretty good idea of what mark-up is on these rods (and most other manufactures) but just how much is the average angler willing/expected to absorb. And yes I know, inventory, wages, rents, advertising, licensing and the like all cost money.


    Look at a store like Whole Sale that carries 8 or 10 different manufactures as well as each manufactures whole line-up and ask yourself how can they afford to have so many selections? well that's mark-up, now look at a smaller store trying to compete with the big boys (because we've pretty much forced them to with our shopping habits) and they have to mark-up even more to allow them to bring in the selection we want.


    I sometimes wonder, is pricing set at what we are perceived as willing to pay and not necessarily what we need to pay to allow the manufactures/shop owners to break even (not sure how profitable one expects to be in this industry)? I think in the end we can only look at ourselves as to the reason for these prices.


    I had a conversation the other day with a couple guys after looking at a rack of rods (high end to low) you could find flaws in almost every rod, guides, components, finish, wraps, cork, ect. Although some of the less expensive, off-shore built rods looked a lot better than the supposed American made rods.




  4. Just another suggestion to look at. Snowbee has a couple rods in the 6/7 and 7/8 weight ratings, ranging in length from 9', 9'6' & 10'. Not sure which ones SouthBow has in stock, but may be worth a stop to check them out.



  5. Colin I have bought it from Nevada Bob's right next to the Fish'n Hole. It's exactally the same thickness and price (Roughly $4.50 a pack) as the stuff sold at The Fish'n Hole. If you need some I'll be happy to give you some. I bought a few packs last time I was there.


    Just as a side note. I cut mine into 1/6" to 1/8" strips. So it goes a long ways. I've been using it for tying Czech Nymphs. But it is good for weighting any nymphs.




    I've got a fair amount here Rob, I've just been going through it pretty fast so will probably need to pick some up in the next couple of months.





  6. Whats the size on the stuff from the golf shops? I use a lot for nymphs and would love to see a consistent supply. And as Max mentioned both Wholesale and Fishtales is where I've gotten mine, think I saw some at Russels a while back as well.



  7. A lot of reels now a days have a rubber O-ring on the counter balance that acts as a tippet catcher.


    Yes Peter, your rod is coming, as long as I don't get any more repairs <_<



  8. Hate to say it but you may want to pick up a spare rod for your trip. Hardy is not the fastest at warranty replacements, 2 weeks is tight for any manufacture other than maybe TFO.


    Where did it break? Close to a ferrule, middle of a section, tip? With these faster, lighter rods the manufactures are going to a much higher modulus graphite which tends to be a lot more thinner and brittle than say IM6 or 7. The slightest nick from a hook point can cause a clean break.



  9. SE, Mackenzie Towne, can't remember if he fishes or not, but I'm 5 minutes from the river. Housing prices are very low (down about 60-80 Grand from when we bought 2 years ago :(), every house has a dog and 2 kids, very family friendly area (just planning for you gramps). I've always lived in this end of the city (since 1969) and just find it so convenient, if I need to get out of town 22X is a quick run to K Country, with Deerfoot the airport and downtown are 15 to 20 minutes away (on a good day). With all the new development going on soon you won't even need to venture to any other part of Calgary as everything is being built out here.



  10. I cast right/reel left


    except- when fishing the Switch or Two-Hander I reel with my right hand. I found it amazing how many times my line would hook the reel handle when I was shooting line with a spey cast, it was suggested to me to turn my reel around (Thanks C.) and now no more problems. As well having the lower handle of the spey/switch rod allows you to tuck it into your gut and it takes a lot less strength of the non-dominant arm to fight/land a fish, even a monster Spring.



  11. If I'm breaking the board's rules by posting this, go ahead and remove this post, but I thought some folks might appreciate the information. Water Marks and Fly Fishing Western Trout Streams are still in print and should be available at most of Alberta's fly shops. Blue Ribbon Bow and Trout Streams of Alberta are basically out of print, but we stocked up before they disappeared and have both available from our website.






    Jim, would Blue Ribbon Bow be a hard cover version? I had you sign a copy for myself and my brother when it first came out and mine has gone missing over the years. As well Iron Blue Flyfishing was mentioned above, do you know if the series is available on DVD anywhere?



  12. Check out the new Beulah Trout Speys, I think Courtney left a couple at South Bow Fly Shop, had a chance to play around with the 6wt (lined with a Hardy Mach 1 Trout 8wt line) very crisp and light in the hands.



  13. Positive Stop at the 2 and 10 o'clock position, and the lower your rod tip to the water. Should lay the line out nice and softly.


    With all the Spey gatherings that get held throughout the season, I wonder if someone shouldn't try to put together a single hand get together, a great opportunity to work out some of the bad habits we've acquired in the off/slow season. Just a thought.



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