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Everything posted by Flytyer

  1. Reminds of the young fellow that was hacked up on a Greyhound bus a few years back by some one supposedly that was unstable. No need for anyone to be carrying a machete in these parts. The incident should be reported as you never know what a stranger is capable of
  2. Report it, maybe some one has reported something similar. It's actions of not reporting that "makes crime pay". If this has happened to more people and they reported it they would at least look in to it. License plate number or partial? Give the mounties all you can remember
  3. Maybe till you know for sure they will stick with it, you could rent some gear, I believe this can be done at the hatchery. If anyone is sure or has correct info feel free to chime in
  4. I did and it doesn't work due to poster's privacy settings
  5. This has been covered before in an earlier thread......please don't let this one get ugly
  6. Their prices are no different than others that are out there. I'll buy from John before I'll buy from anyone else as far as dry hackle goes. Now that he has been dyeing in different colours I'm using them for feather wing flies too.
  7. Generally if it's free it's not very good. Download a trial version of Premiere Elements and play with that, if you like it buy. Sony Vega I believe it's called is another that you can get a trial for.
  8. I've tied these before and am familiar with Dai's tying. They work well on Atlantics.
  9. Flytyer

    Matuka Spey

    I love spey flies, ever do any dee flies?
  10. Flytyer

    Black Widow

    What can I say other than it's an awesome piece of work
  11. Flytyer

    My Prawn

    Excellent work for boredom
  12. Another fine tie there Lumpy
  13. I might tie this as a hair wing and let my son try it out where he lives
  14. Have you tried it yet? Looks like it should work well
  15. Thanks guys; Murray I got a couple of "new" patterns drawn up on paper and hopefully will tie the prototypes this weekend
  16. Nice and sparse that'll work for me
  17. Ask a marine dealer and they'll explain it to you and also they can recommend what you need for what you have and how you will be using it. I'm not up to speed on marine batteries anymore.
  18. If I were down there I'd be making tracks in the nearest dessert with camera in hand....hoping to be in the New Mexico, Arizona and Utah area in the fall of this year hopefully doing a lot of time lapse stuff.
  19. We have a TG 2 that was used in salt water and its great
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