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Posts posted by Muffin

  1. I have used pheasant feathers from my bird hunts for many years. There are a multitude of uses from nymphs like teeny flies, to streamers and dries. The pheasant feathers are so versatile, their use is only limited by your imagination.

    If you imagination fails then perhaps some sort of imagination enhancer would be required.... happy tying.

  2. Here's what happened....

    Video #1...

    My friend was downstream from me and caught a fish. I went downstream to take pictures and as I walked down a bull trout chased and swallowed the fish. By the time I got there the fish was totally engulfed by the fish. The bulltrout/cutty was then played as you would any fish. The bull trout then spat out the fish and the cutty was released relatively unscathed.


    Video #2 and #3

    Video #3 is a continuation of #2. My friend and I were fishing two dry flies.It is a technique that I like to use late in the year. I find it easier to see the small BWO emerger when it trails a more visible fly. My friend foul hooked a cutty and as he was reeling it in a bulltrout again came after it. I assume that in his pursuit he saw what he thought was food and took the trailing fly. My friend then had two fish on his two fly set up. This is a rare once in a lifetime occurrence and he fought the two fish as he would with any fish. The cutty was foul hooked in the pectoral fin and was frantic and the bull was hooked in the mouth. The plan was to get both in and released. Eventually the bull trout got off and took off and the cutty was caught and released.

    We had no intentions of taunting the bull trout. We were just fishing a pool where earlier we have had good success. We were surprised to see the bullies there and were not trying to catch them. We went back the next day and they had moved on. We would never do what some posters accuse us of...I just wanted to share it on the forum


    It's just nature and I was able to video it...it was a bizarre occurrence.

    Thanks for the clarification.... not that it was needed.


    Those are some crazy videos MrBotangles, thanks a lot for sharing. I can't believe the first cutty was still full of spirit after seeing the inside of that bull trout.


    Also looking at the size of the bull in video 2 and 3 the 3rd bull which is swimming belong looks to be a monster.


    As a rough ball park how big would you say that bull you nearly landed in video 2 is? I am just curious as a rough idea of the monster lurking below.


    Thanks again for sharing I know you are a steward of the fish population in Alberta and elsewhere and really enjoyed the videos.

    • Like 2
  3. Hey Muffin

    You hit the nail on the head by asking about the bright light. It ruins the photo for me. Also, I don't mind the buildings on the left but there's nothing on the right to balance it. It didn't turn out at all like I imagined. I'll have to try a reshoot sometime and dart over and get buddy to turn off his light for an hour or so :-)


    Thanks for looking.



    Ah yes the offset look as a result of downtown. I recommend you talk to the city planner about developing a more even distribution.


    As for the light in the middle I feel fairly confident from that picture that with a 50 cal. and a laser finder you could solve that light problem permanently. :boomboom:


    I look forward to the police report on that one.

  4. Haha yep only able to find one pic I liked in that group. Just kidding great pictures again.


    Out of curiosity what are the problems with the pic of the Telus Spark Building?


    I like the look of downtown in the background and the glow of the Calgary Tower.


    Also what is the bright spot directly above the Spark building?

  5. Like albertatrout said, be polite and smile. What's the worst they can do? (Well, there is a guy on the Crow who might get his gun out. :) Seriously.)


    Make some "business cards" (don't use your work ones) with your name, home town, cell phone and you can even put your license plate number on it...maybe a nice graphic of a bird.


    A short session of "small talk" is okay, but don't stretch it. If they seem chatty, express interest in something about their place or what they are doing at the time. Scratch the dog's ear. "Nice weather" (unless it's just rained 3 inches and he or she is haying.) "Nice dog." "Nice garden."


    Just be "nice" and polite.


    Take your Alberta NDP bumper stickers off your van. (Same goes for PETA stickers.) ;)




    I like the idea of the business cards with a graphic on it. Pretty clever Clive, I imagine having your contact info would help put them at ease.

  6. Awesome pictures, I am loving the colors and clarity. The Elk picture makes me think of a joke I heard a while ago. Initially it was from a Bull (beef Bull) but I figure easy enough to be Bull Elk.


    So two Bull's, one old and one young are standing at the top of a hill looking down at a meadow when they see a bunch(small herd) of cows walk into the meadow.


    The young bull says to the old bull, "We should run down there and make love to a couple of them!"


    The old bull says to the young bull, "We should walk down there and make love to all of them."


    Replace make love with whatever version works for you.


    Difference between enthusiasm and experience.

  7. Great question scel.


    I sort of agree having a heavier weight rod will allow you to land a bigger fish more quickly. As Kutney points out though I am sure lots of people on this forum have landed big fish on small/low weight rods.


    I know I have been fishing a 6wt on some smaller creeks and caught some pretty teeny fish. I just try not to set the hook really hard.


    I know currently I only have one rod so one weight that I can use so I do the best I can. I will of course be adding to the collection when funds become available. Also like Kutney said sometimes you are out and you use the rod you have even if not ideal for the situation.


    Curious to see this discussion... hopefully civil and respectful discussion.

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