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Posts posted by Muffin

  1. Nice looking fish, thanks for posting.


    What time was that when you were out fishing? I have never really gone much past the early evening yet.


    Looks like I need to stay out longer, judging by those pics.


  2. Hey must have been around where I was on the August long weekend, I got 7 fish that looked very similar. It is a great spot, I am very excited to go back again soon.


    Glad to see you had such a great time and that the pics turned out so great, thanks for posting.



  3. I hear you Jason, I can cast with a single fly all day, be it small or big. When I put on a second or third I get tangled farely often. That is unless I am in a drift boat and am able to do just a "roll cast". Basically once the line is past you, you let the water load your road and with a quick flick of your wrist you put it all back up stream in front of you and mend as it goes downstream.


    This is great in boats where you are basically right on the run and only have 6-10 feet of fly line out and then tippet.


    I have just been reading a book called "1001 Fly Fishing Tips" and one thing they suggested was bigger loops on your cast which, bring your arm back slightly away from your body and then on your forward cast bring your rod straight over your shoulder, if that makes sense. I messed around with it today with a hopper and a prince nymph and felt it helped.


    From the book;


    "Be prepared for the worst. Though you can minimize them, tangles are a fact of life with tandem-fly rigs. Carry extra leader and tipper to rebuild rigs, build the mental stamina to patiently pick out a wind knot, and learn to recognize the times when you must the flies off and start over."


    I am not sure you will ever get it 100% with a tandem setup but I also feel 6 inches is a bit short and agree with birddog's recommendation of longer sections between flies personally 12-18 or so.


    I would also be cautious of very different size and weights of flies on a tandem setup, but that is just a guess.


    Hope this helps a little, I am by no means a pro with it so just relaying what I have heard.




  4. Nice looking fish man, imagine that was a major surprise. I love streamer fishing such a good time, and usually seems to yield a good fight with an aggressive fish.


    Like everyone else said, if I got a fish that big early on all the fish after would seem like minnows. Sure the luck hasn't run out though just takes time to develop all the different techniques.


    I got 3 fish my first day then went on 4 short trips before catching anything again.

  5. I think this is a great topic, probably end up coming to personal preference but I am curious to see the results.


    Like Birddog, I run a nymph, dry, and streamers box. Basically can carry it all. I have to reduce my streamers though as they take up so much space so have a spare box and swap them in and out for the season.


    Got a lot of streamers from fishing the north platte in Wyoming so a little heavy on them compared to the other flies. All though that is rapidly changing. Also a heads up I noticed Wholesale sports in Calgary just off deerfoot and Glenmore was selling 12 flies for $8 if people were looking.

  6. Lots of good spots in around Calgary, you can go hit up the old man river too if you are in the Livingstone area. I cut 7 cutthroats out of there on the August long weekend.


    I also recommend the bow, head straight down Bow Bottom Trail into Fishcreek park, there is a boat launch there and you can head south down the river and lots of nice little pockets to fish there. One right after the bridge which usually yields a fish or two.


    A nice place to start that is close if you live in Cowtown.

  7. Dam man that is a great story. Sounds like a wicked fish, I am yet to experience a fish taking off and getting into the backing.


    Maybe a good thing as it sounds pretty tiring for the fish but I can only imagine how the old heart is pumping away when you see that last bit of fly line go.



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