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Everything posted by Pipestoneflyguy

  1. I was in Calgary a couple weeks ago for a meeting at the PWGS building - I also wanted to visit the fishing shop across the road - wow 9:00am on a Tuesday morning - took me less than 5 minutes to find a spot within a block of both destinations and only a couple bucks at one of those automated meters - From my experiences in other cities including London, Ottawa and Toronto I gotta comment you folks don't know how good you have it - although when I mentioned the ease of parking at the fishing shop the fella mentioned the situation is the opposite in the winter when folks stop biking to work - none-the-less goodluck finding streetparking that easy in Banff or Canmore or any city in the east - then again maybe I just got lucky....
  2. I hear ya - the prob is she has an instinctive tendancy to travel ahead and these separations around canyons are usually where she loses me - happened on Friday, took her an hour to realize I had turned back and was headed back up river - other thiing is the breed hates water, she sees it as death in her mind - I had to carry her across the Bow twice on Friday which can be a little unnerving when the water gets up in the aft - that said she is still my fav partner - on the climbing side I have actually had her on the summit of hector in her younger days LOL
  3. Not sure you're aware but Kodak has terminated the kodachrome format and processing facility - will be gone soon, gonna be tough to get quality processing unless you do it yourself (big jumbo $$$$)
  4. Never used that model - but I do use a couple different canon bodies - next to highend canon lenses I find Sigma produces excellent quality photos for a middle of the road cost - of course I have an ebay russian 180 wide - it is cheap and distorted actually produces a better than accurate fish-eye effect so cost dosn't always dictate good photos - if you wanna go old school I have a 650 body that has barely ever been used, you can have it for a box of flies or whatever
  5. I've been using one for about a year without a problem..it uses UV light to alter the DNA of various nasty things making them incapable of reproducing My father in law manages one of the Calgary treatment plants (expert in water treatment) and when I showed it to him he had real doubts about its effectiveness - now that said, I have never gotten sick, even last week at the Blackstone we found a carcass in the water a few hundred meters from where we used water and still had no illness to show for it. from practical point of view the thing is awesome because I don't need to carry water at all, just a .5l bottle which takes 38 seconds to treat per bottle. I was wondering if others here use one, and if anyone has had a negative experience ?
  6. G'luck Rick Been thinking about doing the same for a while - I wear non bi-focals but getting a decent polarized still cost me $500 let us know how it goes...
  7. Beauty cutt My Elkhound always gets the same "come take a sniff privlidge" (without touching, of course) - sometimes I think she enjoys fishing more than me. She can hear the sound of a rod in my hiking tube from half a click away, I always feel bad leaving her home when I am headed to somewhere with canyons and I know she can't follow Dogs make the best partners with the exception of occaisionally lapping up a big drink out of the hole your working and putting the fish down LOL
  8. Typically I have found pike to be pretty lethargic and slow by this time of year and rarely I have had to do anything but reach down and release the fly with a pair of long-nose forceps - If a picture is neccasary then the advice obove is pretty obvious
  9. So while up in Nordegg last week, I figured , ahh what the hey, I'll buy Barry Mitchells Book (Fishing the FSR) Talk about feeling like the last guy on the planet to get "it" - leaves me wondering how many other members here quietly lived with the frustration of not wanting to ask for fear of being flamed for not being able to read a map LOL
  10. I love that " He lives his life vicariously through himself " line - Brilliant I'm headed up to one of the tribs of the Blackstone this friday - expectations are high, hoping to finally join 20/20
  11. Not recent, but stayed there for the last week of Sept last year fishing and scouting for hunting. Not much was left in the way of wood, we had to harvest it all from other sites and it was the stuff no one else wanted to split - it was all huge, unsplit and very wet. - we ended up leaving cause some "local" fellas showed up riding ATV's all night and firing shotguns all over the campground (we were alone till they showed up) A bud of mine mixes diesel with sawdust in a 5 gal plastic pail for fire starter - best thing I have ever used for starting fires with wet wood - if I go there this year I am bring a pail of that stuff for sure. I would bring wood after our experience. g'luck
  12. Damn I figured that was a 30 incher - guess I've been catching sculpins all these years LOL
  13. Hey Nav - thanks, I am am one of em - I basically learned from reading a few books and pretending to fly fish when I was actually trying not to embarrass myself while spying on other flyfishers who actually knew what they were doing LOL - A local did show me the ropes flytying, and for that I am forever gratefull - admittedly much of what I know ranging from casting techniques to proper landing and even my first spey clinic (thanks Greg) all were derived from this site (and FFA before that) Steve - I was gonna ask you the same thing ! My nefew spent his last day hiking to the summit of Mount Temple today - I wish I was half that motivated in life, his aptitude and attitude made it easy !
  14. Well - I had my 18 year old nefew out in Lake Louise for the summer - In the spring he attended a couple of the casting clinics me and a friend put on for locals and as a result decided he would like to learn flyfishing (ding ding my happy bell started ringing) So this summer I watched him evolve from a master wind knotter to an outstanding angler. It was such a fullfilling experience to spend countless hours teaching him the lessons I have learned over the years here in the mountains. He leaves tomorrow so last week I decided his last test and great experience would be hitting some water neither of us has ever fished and lettting him take the lead - After seeing someone here (sorry can't remember who) had a nice pic of a beauty cuttie from the Blackstone River we decided this would be our final all day outing - we headed up to the river west of the FSR in a remote spot we figured had little pressure (kicked the snot out of my poor tacoma getting there...awesome) and went to work fishing - man, it was so awesome watching him squat, read the water and and demonstrate perfect technique - he missed a few in the first couple pools (but I gladly demonstrated how to close the deal for him ha ha) but by the third pool he landed a 18" cutt - OMG from here the fun began it was definately more work than the standards in the area like the rams etc but the extra hiking. scaling canyon walls with your rod in your mouth and climbing massive log jams just added to the adventure - we both hauled in many fish over 16" and he definately caught the biggest of the day, actually the biggest cuttie I have ever seen in person WOW - his pic was pretty poor as he was alone so its not worth posting, and to be honest he wasn't sure how to handle it so it never came all the way out of the river (I'm glad he took that route as opposed to trying to hold such a slab that big with one hand so kudos to Mike on his fish handling and not letting ego guide him) anyway we both landed an average of about 10 to 12 large cutties (and plenty smaller guys) in 10 hours of great fishing in a beautiful environment - the extra work just made each landing all that more worth while - even the nasty sun burns were worth while and getting home at midnight and hitting the hot tub with a few coolies made for the perfect day Anyway just wanted to share the experience as it was probably my most enjoyabe and fullfilling summer of angling to date. My nefew is now an excellent angler and is looking forward to the steelie run on the Grand River only an hour from his home - his pop (my brother in law) who had his first brookie on the fly at Emerald last night is going to get him his own outfit for xmas too. I just wanted to share the experience as I have no doubt this is going to be one of my best memories I'll have in life - Kids are not in the cards for Sandy and I so I am now struck with a huge sense of jelousy for those of you lucky enough to have kids and have this type of mentoring as part of your childs on-going relqationship and learning experience - I would highly reccomend mentoring as a great experience to anyone who has the opportunity and I suspect I will now be looking for a new "grasshoppper" for next summer too. PS the Blackstone - yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh didn't see another angler or sign of human life in over 5k of river - I think the trip past the David Thompson is an area I am spending much of my future outings exploring.
  15. Found 2 cutthroat beers on the Kicking Horse R yesterday - had a laugh as I mentioned this thread to my nefew - we tossed em into the drink for 15 minutes to cool em down - what a nice treat on a hot day.
  16. I was just in Racks unlimited to by a rack for my Tacoma - $700 and not in stock (apparently racks "limited" ha ha ha) - ended up fabing my own from the reciever and using foam blocks on the front I wouldn't go without - a little sand and the straps on my pontoon killed the paint job on the roof of my former dodges topper
  17. Lotsa dog toys below campgrounds - found what appeared to be a food cache (mostly cans) from back in the Jimmy Simpson days eroded out of a river bank on the Bow above Lake Louise (I think there was a post about this before, definately the coolest thing I have found). I also found 3 canoes usable and about 6 or 7 that were destroyed (so far) abandoned from folks with the foolish notion the could make it from Bow Lake to Lake Louise on the Bow. A friend found a wooden crate in a sand bank under a bridge in the Kicking Horse river in Yoho NP a few years back - excitedly ripped it open to find a skeleton - determined to likely be from the old internment camp up river.
  18. I live at the confluence of the Pipestone and Bow Rivers - If it wasn't for the condo screwing up the back cast I could hit the seam from my hot tub. The Pipe is my fav river and also the one water I never share beta on. I only fly fish and, well, I'm a guy.
  19. PM sent regarding great cutty Lake in Banff/LL area Keep in mind that many lake cutties begin rolling their flies before the take about this time of year, so if your not hooking up try a 2 second pause after the take, once you get the timing right you'll have a riot - I usually average between 30 and 40 fish per 4 hour session where I suggested. - these guys fight and jump but generally don't get bigger that 14" Rob
  20. Huh - intersting never really heard that before but I guess it doesn't surprise me - go figure
  21. Can't speak to Calgary but....locally I suggest.... Best riverside sub ever - Railway Deli in Canmore - soooooooooo good. Place is owned by former Post Hotel Chefs (5 star quality) Lake Louise - most over-priced / under-quality is mountain Restaurant (husky) - greasy nasty gut rot, visit LL bar and Grill - Best eats, low cost, Lake Louise Hostel - nicest (and only) patio, visit Historic Train Station Restaurant. - Biggest surprise, Post hotel for lunch, surprisingly affordable (15-20 for lunch) true 5 star domain- Best local haunt for reasonable dinner, the Outpost restaurant in basement of post. Honourable mention - Somewhat unhealthy and unrealistically large portions, legendary gut filling capacity road trip traditional heavy meal nosh - Frontier Restaurant on left as entering Revelstoke - no trucker leaves hungry, no angler leaves unsatisfied...Ooops I mean on the right as you enter Revy (on the hwy)
  22. No complaints with my various SA lines Absolutely love my Rio spey line
  23. I can't help wonder if 420FLYFISHER was extremely disappointed with the content of this thread LOL
  24. I did the same as Lornce but turned mine inside-out first - also I'm not worried about leaks above the waistline - used loon to repair
  25. PS - it costs something like $35 an hour to rent a canoe on either lake so if you want to swap a day with my clipper for a day in your neighbourhood or a float on the lower bow in pontoons PM me
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