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jjthom2 last won the day on March 25 2017

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  1. Not to derail this but what genetic lineage are the rainbows in the Siffleur?
  2. I’ve seen the (trout) fishing ebb and flow over the last 15 years. It’s a fishery that is at the mercy of the dam operators. The biomass in suckers alone is astonishing which would indicate there’s lots of room for species higher up the food chain but I think irregular flows and the lack new of woody debris habitat in the tailwater aren’t helping the browns. if you want to fish for walley/pike/Goldeye it’s as good as any river that far east (for now).
  3. Thanks! And thanks to anyone that voted.
  4. I’m lucky enough to have been picked as one of 6 finalists in the Flymen Fishing Company Destination Articulation Fly Tying Contest. You can win an Orvis Helios3 5wt just by voting: https://flymenfishingcompany.com/blogs/blog/destination-articulation-sweepstakes My entry is #5 (baby brown trout game changers). I’d appreciate your vote if you like what you see. Thanks in advance!
  5. Heard this on the Drake podcast and thought it was worth a share. It’s a bit long but definitely worth a listen.
  6. Luckily there are Hexes... https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=48284982F7515-EA39-4A98-7DE6B0D96030899A
  7. I'll look into it. Thanks.
  8. Picked up a One on clearance. I'll post the broken Z in the trading post if anyone want to take a crack at the fix.
  9. The two piece 5wt Z Axis was never in production so it's unlikely I'll find someone with the same rod.
  10. It's a 2pc broken half way up the tip section.
  11. Bought a used demo Z-axis on eBay a couple years back - broke the tip section last summer. Thought it was a shop demo but apparently it's a factory demo thus Sage will not repair it even for a fee. Any ideas on getting it fixed?
  12. Playing with some triple articulation...
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