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Posts posted by lethfisher

  1. I just picked up the "SA 3M Anatomy of a trout stream". This DVD has a Phd in river enotmology walk you thru the river and he talks about water temp and where fish hold durring different water conditions, weather conditions and hatches. I haven't figured it out yet and probably need to watch the DVD another 20 times before being able to apply anything. Worth the 30 bones.




    I am in the process of watching that video as well and wow there is a lot of good info in there. I've only watched maybe 1/2 of it and theres lots to know. the best is he has this giant concrete fish that is painted bright orange that he sticks in the stream and then the camera will zoom in on it so you can see exactly where he is talking about for prime lies. pretty interesting..

  2. Telus cell signal is better.I don't no if they have more towers or what, but my phone works when my buddies Shaw cell doesn't work.


    I'll second that about the cell coverage. I was in BC stuck in traffic from an accident around revelstoke and my phone worked while nobody else with other providers worked.


  3. when i moved in to my apartment a year ago they had a deal that telus tv and internet was only going to cost 20 bucks a month then normal cost for phone. i thought hey thats a pretty sweet deal and got it. i am guessing this is the same deal you are seeing. i am a previous shaw customer as well.


    well the bottom line is that i am moving to a new place this week and am switching back to shaw lol the modem telus gave me cut out all the time as soon as you started downloading anything or even just watching a youtube video. this sucks because your TV is hooked up to your internet and as soon as the modem dies so does your TV. so the first while until telus brought a guy in to fix it, i either had to choose tv or internet which sucked. they came and gave me a new modem and it still happens occasionally but not nearly as often as before. have lived with it for a year and have got around it by downloading big files overnight when i am not watching TV. The tv quality is fine but the tv box they gave me freezes up on the menu occasionally (1-2 times a month) and have to reboot the whole unit which takes about 8 minutes. which sucks for me when it happens during greys anatomy and i am about to be murdered by my girlfriend for those 8 minutes lol we added on a bundle for $8 a month and get animal planet, discovery, national geo and 1 or 2 more which is pretty cool. No TSN or sportsnet though you have to get them in special packages!! which means no flames games during playoffs or lots of other hockey during regular season.


    another big thing for me was that you only get 1 TV box and have to rent another for like 5 bucks a month i think to have TV in any other room. it is not like shaw how you just plug the coax into the wall and tada! this isn't HDTV either just normal cable needs to go through that stupid box and i didn't want to pay for another one so i can't watch tv in the other room.


    it is nice for me because i am switching to shaw and getting the student bundle which is as cheap as telus but with shaw quality. i would call shaw and be like telus is offering this deal and i really don't want to go through them so can you guys match the price or something along those lines.


    hope that helps :)

  4. I was checkin out the speypages site and someone posted asking if a Helicopter Spey Cast was useful, needless to say I was intrigued and watched some youtube vids of Eoin Fairgrieve doing it. holy crap that guy can cast!! So i took out my Blueline 7112 switch today and was messin around with some casting practice. It is definitely fun messing around but you get a whole new appreciation of how good Fairgrieve is.


    after practicing for about an hour i went to a nice run and was skating a foam thingy kinda clubsandwich but not with a caddis emerger underneath. 3rd or 4th cast a nice brown smoked the setup. it was funny cause he came halfway out of the water as if trying to swamp the foam fly but then when he got in closer i could see he was hooked on the dropper emerger. he came off before i got him all the way in so i couldnt see if he foul hooked.


    here is the link to that video by the way. and the consensus on speypages that the cast was cool to look at but pretty much useless lol



  5. I have a 7wt switch rod and overlined with 8wt. works really good on the bow. fished the same stretch 2 days ago with my 5wt and i could hit seams waay further out efficiently with the 7wt. but in close i still like the 5wt. I think i actually have the same 5wt as you, TFO signature 8'6" 4 piece with the wooden reel seat, beauty rod!! if you want to try out the 7wt switch send me a PM.


  6. From the pointts website:


    2. There are only a few areas on a traffic ticket where a mistake will result in the case being dismissed or quashed and a misspelled name or wrong plate number are not any of them.


    Pay the fine and quit doing those turns! I have another intersection by my place and can recall at least a dozen times where I've had to nail the brakes to prevent myself from being sideswiped by someone doing an illegal u turn.


    yeah i figured i was going to have to pay anyways but i thought i would see if i could get out of it lol

    I made sure nobody was coming when i turned!!

  7. I am sure someone has run into this problem before and maybe can give me some advice.


    So i got a ticket today doing an illegal u-turn at some lights when I had an advance. I got pulled over and given a ticket for $115 :( Anyways the cop wrote my middle name as my last name so does this make the ticket void? I searched the net and there seems to be a lot of opinions about it but most people had said that if the drivers license number and plate number are written correctly then you are stuck. But on my ticket it doesn't say anywhere, or have space for, a drivers license number or plate number. I also know that my ticket is the carbon copy so maybe he wrote the info down on the cops version of the ticket...?


    Anyone had an experiences with tickets being written incorrectly or getting voided? Someone on here must be a cop lol

  8. I graduated from LCC 2 years ago with a diploma in Multimedia and it is a pretty good school. Small classes and pretty good profs in my area. There were tons of those criminal justice guys going there so it must be specialized in that field. Most of them were meatheads that would have ended up as rent-a-cops lol

    Hope it goes well for you!!

  9. I have the TFO Signature 5wt 8'6" model and it works not to bad for nymphing but a little extra for mending would be nice. I am looking at upgrading to a 9' 6wt Signature 4pc because I am really liking my 5wt so I figure i'll stick with the rod just bump it up a weight for nymphing and streamering.

    I also have an 11'2" rod and you can mend like crazy with that thing, definitely having extra length is worth it especially when you have a weird current in front of you that you have to work with

  10. I went out today and fiiiinally caught a trout and actually got it into my net!!! :) This was the 4th time out for me on the bow this year, I hooked a brown on a previous outing but he flopped off the hook. Got him on a SJW and he jumped around which was pretty sweet. Caught him on my 5wt and he put up a pretty good fight, I was pretty stoked after releasing him :) :)





  11. I had trouble with the sliding down but just moved it up higher onto the poly part of my leader where it is thicker, works great now. I always use the big yellow or white one so I can see them better...

    especially on those 100 foot casts lol yaaa right ;)


  12. I know that the weir is in the process of being changed but do you think it would be okay for fishing around there below the weir? The regs right now say the river is closed downtown where I live so the closest thing is below the weir area. My gf has the car during the day so I would need to take the C-train or bus. Closest C train would be the max bell center one or I bus goes to where Blackfoot / 17Ave crosses the river.

    Is there a fish ladder around that weir at all? Maybe the fishies would get stacked up below it... Anybody have any experience in that area?


    Thanks guys :)

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  13. I cast with it at Spey-o-rama today and agree with the stopping to low part. I couldn't really figure it out because I usually cast using a lot of top and bottom hand in the cast. One of the guys said it is meant for underhand style and you need to keep your leading arm tight to the body and do all the action with the lower hand and twisting of the body. After that it worked way better but I wasn't really a big fan because it is kinda restricting by only really working with the underhand style where as with a normal handle I can cast underhand or whatever the other style is called lol looked pretty neat though haha

  14. I probably should have went to the spey thing at the South Bow shop with Islandguy today to ask this question but I couldn't make it. I have read in a couple places on the forum including the event this weekend that you should bring your rod down and we'll "tune it up" or something along those lines. What does that exactly mean when you say tune up the rod?


    Also to Toolman is there going to be another sunday spey gathering soon or ever?


    Thanks guys :)

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