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Posts posted by lethfisher

  1. I went in and checked it out today. The shop is very very nice, kinda boutiqy, if that's a word lol Tons of stuff in there and crazy deals on stuff to. Still to expensive for a students budget haha I live just down the street from this shop and will probably be frequenting it in the spring and summer months.


    The staff in there seemed pretty nice and friendly as well.

  2. I went and checked it out today at the impound lot. The whole underside of the steering column is ripped out and the passenger window was smashed out. My Oakleys were taken as well. The worst bit was that they took/threw out my registration and insurance cards, and they won't let you take anything from the car without the registration. Now I have to go to AMA and deal with more BS boo!

    I didn't take a look at the underside of the car because I have to go back tomorrow with my registration anyways.

    The club was sitting in the back seat...

  3. pick n pull would most likely have a window.

    is it a hatch back or sedan?

    maybe i can find you something.

    was there body damage? was the underbody all smashed up when they high centered it?


    It is a sedan model. I haven't looked at it because the police said they would tow it to the impound lot. So it is sitting there and waiting for the insurance dude to come and appraise it. I was thinking there might be some underbody damage but i guess it depends what they high centered it on.


    I have been looking at a bunch of used car sites, trader.ca, for some newer used Honda's if they want to write my car off and it looks like there is a pretty decent selection. I have always wanted one of those hatchback 2 door ones they use to make. They look fun to drive.

  4. I am waiting for the Insurance people to give me a quote on whether they want to write it off or fix it up. It is a 94' with 297,000km on so I think they are going to want to write it off :(


    I called the honda dealer for a quote, I know usually dealers are high, and they said $177 for labour and $405 for parts to fix the ignition system. Didn't ask about the rear window. I can duck tape and plastic it around lol. So if they want to write it off I could always take it to the honda guys to fix outside of insurance. We'll see though.

  5. The police called me and said that the passenger window is smashed out and the ignition is totally pooched. They said that it was taken and was driven down some alley where they managed to high center it on something.


    So now I have to call the insurance people and see if they feel like it is worth fixing. Also they said that my oakleys got taken from the glove box :( They were my nice polarized ones for fishing... boo

  6. I just moved to Calgary on the 1st of August and last night my car got stolen!!! :(

    It was in an above ground parking lot with a garage door on it and it got swiped last night!! So I called the police around 10:30 after I found it and made sure it hadn't been towed. I gave her my license number and she said it had been recovered already!! She said the ignition had been punched out and that is all I know right now. I am waiting on a call back to see if it is "driveable" I am guessing insurance covers any damage...


    It was a 94' Civic 4 Door. There were 5 storeys of parked cars and they had to choose mine :( The worst bit was that I have a club but just forgot to put it on that night. No other cars have clubs or anything that I have seen.


    Anyways I'll update the post as I hear more about it.

  7. I biffed it into the river right by the Hillcrest Bridge on the Crowsnest Pass. My nymph box fell out my vest and is floating away somewhere down the Crow. It was full of nymphs, the first row was all chronomids, the box is a beige colour with a snapping lid.


    If anyone sees it drop me a PM, Thanks,



  8. Hey Guys,


    I am moving to Calgary in August and will be living downtown pretty close to the Bow. Last time I went through there a couple weeks ago the water looked pretty high through town. Is there any good access points that are worth going to that are downtown? Am I better off just driving South to the 22X? I don't want any of your secret spots though!! :) I am looking on Google Maps at the "Prince's Island Park" Anyone gone there at all? I am pretty close to that area.


    Anyways, I am pretty excited about moving to Calgary as it is a pretty sweet City with lots of fishing around the area. If anyone is willing to take out a Bow Newbie then give me a shout! I am going back to school (U of C) in the fall so would like to do as much fishing as possible in August.


    One more thing, I have a TFO 5wt and use that on the Crow and it works fine but these pictures I am seeing of the Bow Trout look like they might just laugh at me and break my rod! Should I be thinking about using my 8wt setup more often?


    Thanks guys!!


  9. I hope that he plays like he played in Vancouver before the "incident". He was a pretty good player. He still is not to bad but definitely not what he was from 2001 to 2004. In 2002-03 season he had 97 points! That is one less than Jarome last season.


    Look at his stats last year in Anahiem, he had a 40 point season (14 goals 26 assists). He had more points than all but 5 of the Flames last season, including Lombardi(36), Aucoin(35), Conroy(34), and Nolan(32).


    I think he will be a good addition to the lineup :)

  10. I got some and I really like it. It floats really well and casts very nicely. I don't even notice the slight zipping noise it creates when hauling. I do like the noise though when you shoot a bunch of line on a cast and it makes a nice purring sound haha

    It is really good for roll casting and line pickups because it seems like it barely touching the water and comes off really easily.


    It casts a little bit different than the Cortland I had before but once i figured it out I can lay it out longer and straighter now.

    My only drawback is that when I am dry fly fishing and the fish swirls at the fly and I set the hook and miss, the fly comes zipping back at me because there is no water surface friction to keep the line in the water lol I think that has more to do with me yanking to hard though haha

  11. I use a vest but have been looking at switching that up this year. I was in Wholesale today looking at the Fishpond Waterdance and Dragonfly fanny packs. They have like a neck strap thing to hang over your neck, does anyone actually use those? Do they serve a meaningful purpose?

    Also they are also called Lumbar packs so I assume you wear them in the back. Is that right? Also for anyone that uses a fanny pack, do you carry a net with you at all? I am thinking that I would have to lose the net if I went with the fanny pack.



  12. Are furled leaders always made of some kind of silk or rope kinda stuff? Can you get mono furled leaders? What would be the difference between a Poly leader and a Furled leader?


    Thanks guys!

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